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Oct 10, 2012 17:31
Q: "Or what's the best tool to do X". A: "C4"
Oct 10, 2012 16:45
@TheEvilGreebo I don't read question bodies, only titles.
Oct 10, 2012 16:08
@TheEvilGreebo Euclidean geometry only exists in concept. There is no such thing as a right angle or parallel line in any constructed object. Which is why the 45 degree stop on your mitre saw always results in a gap in your baseboard.
Oct 9, 2012 17:55
so then we'd have at least a unified North American inferior screw drive type
Oct 9, 2012 17:53
When Canadians are born, we're given a Robertson driver set along with our Tim Horton's gift card.
Oct 9, 2012 12:44
If you ask for something, and the guy you asked hands you the correct thing. You're close enough.
Oct 8, 2012 18:55
All questions shall henceforth begin with "Dear Mr. Stack Exchange,".
Oct 8, 2012 18:15
Maybe the content isn't comment worthy.
Oct 8, 2012 17:55
we can make it on topic - how many dental students does it take to install a light bulb?
Oct 8, 2012 15:51
@Aaron you're doing it the hard way...pretty sure the recomendation is to use a small explosive
Oct 4, 2012 19:56
Oct 4, 2012 19:42
Build a bridge.
Oct 4, 2012 19:32
@ChrisCudmore Hey, here's a crazy idea! That'd be a great QUESTION! ;)
Oct 4, 2012 19:26
Bikers, more than any one else, know that Friendship is Magic!
Oct 4, 2012 19:15
crap i was joking
Oct 4, 2012 19:05
since we invented color?
Oct 4, 2012 18:59
Welcome to Project Update Thursday
Oct 4, 2012 18:38
@MatthewPK I grew out of the "stick everything in my mouth" phase recently.
Oct 3, 2012 17:20
Yes, McDonalds is a form of child abuse. — DA01 Jan 6 at 22:14
Oct 3, 2012 15:45
@BMitch I have seen my mother vacuum a section of her lawn before
Oct 3, 2012 15:42
@waxeagle I think they're overrated, all the effort saved not dragging around the vacuum cleaner is replaced by dragging around a big hose.
Oct 3, 2012 15:14
@MatthewPK Does it have a 50Hz/60Hz setting?
Oct 2, 2012 17:30
@Tester101 he was kinda snippy in the comments too...that can be a factor
Oct 2, 2012 16:45
I dunno, @Tester101, that was the root of my friend's decision when he became bisexual, but it seems like he ends up in more situations where he's flaming these days.
Oct 2, 2012 16:42
@TheEvilGreebo Residential interior doors should swing both ways.
Oct 2, 2012 12:14
@TheEvilGreebo @Tester101 @BMitch Thanks guys! You are a huge help!
Oct 1, 2012 18:10
I did avoid giving the sarcastic answer that most people change their pipes in the spring and fall after checking their smoke detector batteries.
Sep 30, 2012 01:46
@BMitch wonder how OSHA would handle that one :)
Sep 30, 2012 00:27
Mystery solved; the question I linked above was lifehackered:
Sep 28, 2012 21:33
Or maybe we should just edit a dozen questions each until he gets bumped off the front page
Sep 28, 2012 12:27
Step 1: Reverse ground and hot. Step 2: Replace faceplate with metal version. Step 3: wait for children to learn their lesson. Step 4: Fix ground/hot.
Sep 27, 2012 21:21
Woo, Yearling badge for me
Sep 27, 2012 20:20
Lipstick on a pig
Sep 27, 2012 19:46
It's blister packed though, so you end up in an infinite recursion.
Sep 27, 2012 19:07
@gregmac because quality > quantity
Sep 27, 2012 18:36
@ChrisCudmore With this ring, I thee shock the hell out of.
Sep 27, 2012 17:56
What!? The mechanic said he needed a new muffler hanger.
Sep 27, 2012 17:42
@gregmac: the question on cutting the beer keg was clearly off topic (I was ready to close it without discussion) but the question of how best to cut through steel is on topic. Since the question could be reduced to something that's on topic and useful to others, I let it slide. That said, I really wish the OP didn't mention the keg since it distracts from the core question.
Sep 27, 2012 11:36
@Aaron Wasps are not an approved grounding method. 1) because they move around too much. and 2) because they get really pissed off when you try to connect wires to them.
Sep 26, 2012 20:24
@Aaron But if your gutter has any water in it, you'll be grounded and can work on that without any issues.
Sep 26, 2012 19:37
Blog reviewers, my MT-22 review blog post is ready for copyedit/review
Sep 26, 2012 18:57
It's Bug a Mod with stupid questions day!
Sep 26, 2012 18:49
@ChrisCudmore You know, some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Sep 26, 2012 18:42
@ChrisCudmore yes
Sep 26, 2012 18:19
guess i picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue
Sep 26, 2012 11:59
Sep 25, 2012 19:55
Tell that face you want to use drywall anchors for your banisters.
Sep 25, 2012 18:17
Sep 25, 2012 18:15
@TheEvilGreebo We're on a mission from God.
Sep 25, 2012 18:09
woah, deja vu. I think there's a glitch in the matrix
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