@TheEvilGreebo Euclidean geometry only exists in concept. There is no such thing as a right angle or parallel line in any constructed object. Which is why the 45 degree stop on your mitre saw always results in a gap in your baseboard.
I dunno, @Tester101, that was the root of my friend's decision when he became bisexual, but it seems like he ends up in more situations where he's flaming these days.
@gregmac: the question on cutting the beer keg was clearly off topic (I was ready to close it without discussion) but the question of how best to cut through steel is on topic. Since the question could be reduced to something that's on topic and useful to others, I let it slide. That said, I really wish the OP didn't mention the keg since it distracts from the core question.
@Aaron Wasps are not an approved grounding method. 1) because they move around too much. and 2) because they get really pissed off when you try to connect wires to them.