Discussion on question by nopromotion: How to get employees to trust you? I lost out on a promotion because I am "not trusted by those who report" to me?

Discussion on question by nopromotion

Imported from a comment discussion on https://workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/160037/how-to-get-employees-to-trust-you-i-lost-out-on-a-promotion-because-i-am-not-t
1693d ago – Frank

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Jul 6, 2020 11:40
@Kilisi Fair. What irritates me still is that OP was explicitely told why they did not get the promotion by the commitee and responded with more of the behavior which was criticized.
Jul 6, 2020 11:40
The promotion committee gave feedback in all caps? Yeah this is definitely trolling.
Jul 6, 2020 11:40
I am almost leaning towards suspecting a troll. The statement, "why do employees need to trust me? They just need to obey." in combination with trying to intimidate subordinates ( "gave my team a stern talking to" ) speaks of such poor qualification for any kind of management position, that I have trouble believing this is an earnest question. But I suppose an entirely unqualified person handling subordinates is not the craziest thing to happen in a workplace environment. Bottom line, the promotion was rightfully denied and given the reaction OP is unfit for this role.
Jul 6, 2020 11:40
@nopromotion - So your reaction to hearing your team doesn’t trust you and actually fears you is to have a stern discussion with them? This is called intimidation and is a great way to be fired.
Jul 6, 2020 11:40
It really sounds like you're unfit for your current position. I'm glad the company talked to your colleagues and denied the promotion, it really was the sensible thing to do for them.
Jul 6, 2020 11:40
@scaaahu "needs not only an answer, but also a lesson" can be true even if the question doesn't belong here. Probably 90%+ of the questions I think should be closed on this site are "valuable workplace questions", but just aren't a good fit for the site. Most of those have an underlying on-topic question, but unfortunately when there's 9 answers and one with a score of 27 it's way too late to make such a significant edit (and also no-one else seems to care about the long-term value of questions). It shouldn't be closers vs answerers, but closers + editors + answerers (= great questions).
Jul 6, 2020 11:40
I don't think this question is being asked in good faith. This sounds like an employee making fun of their boss for this behavior by pretending to be them.
Jul 6, 2020 11:40
This sounds fake.