Coronavirus Chat Zone

RPG.SE's offtopic room for COVID-19 related discussion. May be frank/stark; see also for just the joyful notes.
1271d ago – linksassin

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Jun 24, 2021 11:57
The purpose of this room was to create a space for RPG.SE users to talk about their fears and problems we were experiencing during the start of the pandemic. This is not a place to spread misinformation or discuss conspiracy theories.
Mar 16, 2020 14:34

 Pandemic Positivity

A cozy-things-only support group for distant socializing. Be e...
Jun 24, 2021 11:58
If you'd like to do that, please do it elsewhere.
Jun 24, 2021 11:58
This is also not up for discussion or debate.
Mar 24, 2020 16:26
There are going to be a lot of pregnant women and divorces after this lockdown
Mar 18, 2020 13:02
Since Mr. Trump keeps getting mentioned, a friendly reminder that this room is primarily for RPG.SE folks to have a place to discuss the coronavirus pandemic. Discussion concerning the US policies concerning the coronavirus is okay as long as it stays nice to everyone involved, but unrelated discussion, praise or critique of Donald Trump's or anyone else's personality or policies should go elsewhere. Thanks
Mar 13, 2020 14:09
Aug 3, 2020 01:51
@KorvinStarmast It isn't an unreasonable expectation to keep sensitive topics out of the main chat room, we want to be welcoming to everyone there. Viewing comments being moved as a personal attack isn't really necessary.
Jun 9, 2021 12:16
user image
Jun 9, 2021 12:15
user image
Mar 17, 2020 16:27
@AbhasKumarSinha As @nitsua60 said, this is great and you're certainly doing better than the likes of Spain but again, that doesn't mean that using sampling stats is a good idea - if you're still trying to contain the thing (which is great and can work really well), you need to know literally every single person who has it so you can isolate them, not proportions of the population, which is what the stats give. It's doing a better job than Europe or the US, that's pretty clear
Mar 13, 2020 23:36
> Cocktail of the day: The Quarantini - it's just a regular martini but you drink it alone in your house.
Mar 13, 2020 13:26
please put on your 😷 when you enter ;)
Mar 30, 2021 15:51
claims of a correlation between thombosis and the astrazeneca vaccine are bollocks
Jan 6, 2021 14:22
@MartinSleziak The 'news' reports are really all complete garbage on this. The WP page not up to date. There are a few trials out there showing: "100% of the 28 studies to date report positive effects. Early treatment is more successful, with an estimated reduction of 87% in the effect measured using a random effects meta-analysis, RR 0.13 " In all fairness: that's also a pressure group as well, pushing their pet, as all others, incl of ocurse the vaccinators.
Aug 3, 2020 01:18
As they say - there are two factors with dealing with the spread of COVID:
1. How dense the population is
2. How dense the population is
Apr 18, 2020 22:19
@nitsua60 "we" aren't preventing that many. Herd immunity has not yet happened. To put this in a Darwinian frame of reference, we are being culled.
Mar 24, 2020 15:26
@AbhasKumarSinha You can start learning an instrument (or get better at one if you already know one)
Mar 15, 2020 20:18
> Canlis is one of Seattle’s highest-end restaurants, with a piano player who entertains customers at the bar and a four-course tasting menu that runs $135 a person. But when the outbreak began to spread in Seattle, business started to dry up. Mr. Canlis, one of the owners, realized that his business was “one headline away” from putting 100-plus employees out of a job.

So over a three-hour meeting in an apartment overlooking the city, the managers worked out a new plan. This week, the restaurant will start selling bagel sandwiches in the morning, running a drive-through serving burgers and
Sep 1, 2021 01:14
6 messages moved from TRPG General Chat
Jun 24, 2021 14:24
Ok, let me try to cover a few points. Firstly, moderators have access to all gallery rooms, just as a function of site mechanics.
Jun 24, 2021 13:48
Please do not abuse your mod powers to give yourself access.
Jun 24, 2021 13:47
No, the real purpose of this room, according
to your actions visible for all of us to see, was to create an echo chamber. It does not look like you are self-aware about your own behavior. After providing **false data** and presenting it as true in your message here:, you have been repeatedly asked to provide source or remove it, according to your own policy, as misinformation. Look, I know these numbers are completely bogus and you are not going to provide any sources, because no source claims those numbers. It is obviously
Jun 24, 2021 02:16
@NautArch I am extremely interesting in seeing any source for these numbers. Risk-benefit assessment is incredibly complicated subject in the context of vaccination and your message seems to have single-handedly resolved the whole issue surrounding vaccination for this particular virus. Where do these percentages come from? According to your claimed policy of "removing misinformation", these numbers should be either backed up by reliable sources (for which you have been ...
Jun 24, 2021 00:44
@lila Just because you are a doctor, it doesn't mean you are knowledgeable about a specific area of medicine. THis is a cardiologist, not someone who is an expert in infectious disease. Yes, they're a medical professional, but they don't have the specialty expertise that is truly important here. It is those doctors we should be looking at for information, not just 'any doctor.'
Jun 23, 2021 22:05
Dr. Peter A. McCullough talks about his concerns about government's rush to administer "vaccines" to the entire population (link to video material):…
Jun 22, 2021 01:17
Honestly... if you were interested in deleting misinformation, you'd nuke that snopes link
May 15, 2021 15:27
[Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists —
Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour express regret about ‘unethical’ methods](
May 8, 2021 13:33
And since the COVID-19 vaccine is being given preferentially to very ill or very old people, you'd have to expect quite a few to die soon afterwards by sheer bad luck even if the vaccine had nothing to do with it. What a pity they don't seem to have kept notes of how many deaths there were of a sort that would meet the "has to be reported" standard for any other vaccine, that would settle the matter.
Apr 30, 2021 12:57
"Guam exceeds 62,500 adult full vaccination goal ahead of time" article in Guam Post. Guam surpassed Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero's goal of fully vaccinating at least 50% or 62,500 of the adult population on Wednesday, three days ahead of the May 1 deadline.
Apr 19, 2021 21:46
A rational response to a virus is not just shooting up anything in everyone.
Apr 19, 2021 21:45
> […] the risk of dying after vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine would be higher than the risk of dying from the disease, particularly for younger people,[…]
Apr 19, 2021 21:43
In short: demands for any 'herd immunity' for this remporarry at best protection through current vaccines to mean to include younf people, pregnat women, children are horrendously primitive calls from believers without any real base to argue for.
Apr 19, 2021 21:42
We know the risk from Corona for very young people is miniscule. If they get it!
Apr 19, 2021 21:42
We know the risk from the jabs for very young people is quite high for a iatrogneic action, *and they are all suposed to get jabbed.
Apr 19, 2021 21:42
The Norwegian Health authorities have already correctly concluded: the risk for the young from the vaccine is already bigger than from any illness.
Apr 19, 2021 21:41
The real risks from Coronavirus is age-stratified. Strongly so.
Apr 19, 2021 21:41
That skews the cost/benefit calcualtion. A lot.
Apr 19, 2021 21:41
All current vaccines have very high side effects ratios. Compared to other vaccinbes. And compared to the illness. WHere we need to differentiate between virus-contact, and getting ill.
Apr 19, 2021 21:41
But Corona has only a large impact in old, obese, male, multimorbid and so on demographics.
Apr 19, 2021 21:41
So, additionally, Corona is better studied than the vaccines.
Apr 19, 2021 21:40
That is abysmally bad?
Apr 19, 2021 21:40
Corona Cov2 is a very common virus, but Covid19 a rare disease leading seldom to death.
Apr 19, 2021 21:40
The prevalence is overall low and the mortality in the usual ILI/flu ballpark. That's bad enough already, but nowhere nearly as bad as the panic producers and fear pornographers make it out to be (and we probably all thought/expected 13 months ago)
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