Discussion on question by aLeek Productions: How to appropriately quit a "bad" unpaid internship?

Discussion on question by aLeek Produ

Imported from a comment discussion on https://workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/150058/how-to-appropriately-quit-a-bad-unpaid-internship
1891d ago – Graham

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Dec 20, 2019 14:15
I'd speak with them honestly, there is no need for bold actions such as removing some stupid html templates. Be classy, finish the current assignment or part of it, Then tell the manager that, while you find his company interesting (great word), you have found an internship where you can learn a lot and will get money from that. Then offer to stay (if you want) for a comparable amount of money, or wish them a merry christmas, happy new year, successes in life, and your sincere will to help them in the future if they need to fix their website [and don't find anyone that does it for free]