Conversation started May 21, 2013 at 12:15.
May 21, 2013 12:15
to set the scene: Tis a sunny day in the forest, the paths are clear, there are no astrological events of any significance, and the denizens of the deep woods are sleeping... or dead.
The tree-cover overhead has dappled shadows and the wind causes a lovely shifting pattern of light over darkness.
Who is here?
(note, we have a fairly strict timeline of 40 odd minutes)
So, I'll just throw this out here and we'll see what comes of it!

Endal Pain grew up in a family of physicians. (that being the mainstay of most fairy-tale medieval settings etc) He grew up to the standard age, learning most of the craft from his parents before journeying to the big city to learn more and attain credibility. This led him along the various ranking systems of the healer caste and had made it up to the highest rank. Then one foggy christmas eve, a very very rich nobleperson came in with a horrific growth defect, almost a massive wart of sorts, This was "Cured" by giving the n
Trouble is keeping an eye on Sindaria from a nice sunny spot on a rock.
May 21, 2013 12:17
Ben, you playing?
I might, I'm not fleshed out yet.
ping me when you've got a fleshed out doc
Where is Sin?
walking on the path? doing something nearby?
Sin is walking the path, alert and slightly nervous for all the dancing shadows on the ground.
She is looking for shelter for the night
A good place to hide from the rain and any prying eyes
And this nervousness is... well... you are absolutely the first (or maybe the second, if you count cats)... a rough-shod walking stick clattering on the path.
It sounds as if someone is using it to feel their way, maybe a score of paces ahead, around a bend.
Sin chooses to leave the path and hide in the ferns.
May 21, 2013 12:19
Trouble jumps, nearly falls off the rock, and then falls off the rock anyway to make it look like he meant to do that.
Even if Sin has noticed the cat, she is largely unconcerned by it.
She's seen enough strays in her life on the streets
(oh hey @Cat!)
(hey @Sohum)
(Is there anything distinctive about Trouble, @BESW)
Trouble strolls casually up along the edge of the path toward the noise, not limping at all. No.
Wary and alert, she watches as an old man, with a beard that isn't so much gnarled as... nested in, a giant floppy straw hat, and a ratty robe comes along the corner, a shod walking stick clattering amongst the pebbles.
May 21, 2013 12:22
@Cat Trouble is a large, lean grey tomcat with a crooked tail and a recently acquired ragged ear.
OK, so nothing that suggests Trouble is anything other than a cat
Does his nested beard look like it contains anything yummy?
Sin chooses to remain quiet and let him pass, scanning him for anything that looks of value.
@BESW well there is cheese... probably...
yesterday's lunch, mostlike. Maybe a literal bird's nest
Sin is hungry....
But she'd be looking for a loaf of bread or something more obvious.
A satchel that looks like it could hold food.
May 21, 2013 12:24
Trouble rubs up against the man, trying to Flashily create an advantage like "I'm a Nice, Hungry Kitty."
@Cat He nods, and in a voice that is the very image of a voice creaky from disuse he looks at Sin. "'allo"
@BESW have it.
No roll? Sweet.
@Cat he indeed has a large bag, with lumps in.
@BESW The better to manipulate you with, my dear.
So he has detected me?
@Cat curiously enough, he has. Which is, itself, exceptionally strange.
May 21, 2013 12:25
Sin's stomach must have growled too loudly.
Sin stands, still among the ferns, and asks "How did you see me?"
@Cat "Eh? Wot?" He cups his empty hand to his ear, then fumbles about for an ear trumpet. It's quite artful.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Sin attempts to move silently farther towards a large,climbable tree on her right as she continues speaking.
@BESW Once the trumpet is firmly seated, he reaches down and pets the kitty.
May 21, 2013 12:27
Trouble glances at Sin and "mrows" in a rather deprecatory fashion.
@Cat He doesn't seem to be tracking you very well.
Sin still attempts to move silently.
"Do you live in these woods?"
@Cat you have no evidence that he knows where you are.
The kitty arches into the petting and purrs as loudly as he can.
"Aagh!" He jumps, his hand, ever so briefly, feels strong and tense, until he relaxes back and resumes petting.
May 21, 2013 12:28
(I guess I've given away my position again, lol)
@Cat "Aye? I do? I'ma hermit, I am! 'Enry's my name"
I'd like to try discovering one of his aspects, if that's reasonable for Trouble to do.
(I am a Witch's Cat)
@BESW sure, what would you like to do?
Bah, I'm still trying to figure out my approach scores...
@BESW meh. Make it up as you go along.
May 21, 2013 12:29
"Stitch, get away from him!", Sin calls.
So long as you don't contradict yourself in this session, we're golden.
I'd like to Sneakily Create Advantage (discover) to read his body language as he talks to Sin.
"My cat seems to have taken a liking to you."
May 21, 2013 12:30
@BESW roll it, He'll oppose with clever...
@Cat "This is your cat? Eh? Is a very 'adnsome Tom"
"In as much as any cat belongs to a girl"
May 21, 2013 12:31
I'll grant a minor concession that he realizes I'm smarter than the average cat, and take the tie as a win.
@BESW okay. You feel a remarkable ripple of magical energy around his hands ... and his staff.
"As usual, he's after his next meal, I suspect. You aren't carrying any food with you, are you?"
@Cat "My..." he falters... "my 'ands weren't what they used to be, Girl. As an old man, in an evil forest, may I... ask for your 'elp? I'm trying to gather some mushrooms for stoo"
Trouble takes his cue from Sin to stroll casually over and rub against her leg.
@BESW a slight spark leaps out as he toches her leg, Shocking!
May 21, 2013 12:33
Sin startles a bit from the shock.
"I've 'ad some fat pork stewing this last day now, likely ready to eat soonish..."
Trouble Sneakily uses the cover of the shock to Create Advantage (aspect): Familiar's Protection, on Sin.
For just a moment, his eyes lose their haze and, quite sharply, look at the started youth, trying to see how the shadows react.
"Mushrooms? I'm afraid I know nothing about them. I'm as likely to poison you as aid you, Henry," Sin says as sympathetically as she is able (she is not sympathetic)
May 21, 2013 12:35
@Cat "Oh no no, they're an art! Wit' my arthrits, I just can't pick them up no more. Maybe your hands can help my old mind?"
@BESW Eeeh, a bit liberal I'd say. There's no bargain yet, but the basis for one. But sure, familiar's protection it is.
"Can you describe the mushroom's you're looking for?"
@Cat "O'course I can! I found some nice patches too.... right this way... off the path..."
May 21, 2013 12:36
(I'm assuming I was sent by Morwen to lead Sin to Morwen's house... this is an inconvenience, but Morwen wouldn't take it as an excuse.)
Sin becomes suspicious. If he is blind, how does he know where the mushrooms are.
He goes on to describe the delicious cup of death mushroom and the differences between it and the hideously poisonous death's cup mushroom.
Sin does not follow him off the path.
@Cat He's not blind, per se, but he does act like he doesn't see particularly well.
But does listen to his description.
May 21, 2013 12:38
"As you wish, poor girl. you are indeed welcome in my cave... if you have need of a friend." He describes the rough location of his cave. "Just bring me some mushrooms and we shall have us a feast!"
Sin's stomach growls again.
Sin nods, wordlessly.
Trouble walks up to the indicated mushrooms and sticks his nose right up for a whiff.
He sets off down the path, stick clattering. Putting no pressure whatsoever on the extremely hungry youth.
@BESW they smell tasty, almost meaty.
Forcefully Create Advantage (discover aspect) on the mushrooms?
He hears word of this and gives the cure to the leprosy-like disease so the attendants are cured (a fairly simply cure, oddly enough, just 2 teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of salt) But his actions broke the oath of his order causing him to be outcast and stripped of his titles and his practice etc. And he has been given the reputation of an almost warlocky feel spinning disease from his fingers being pure evil etc, (which isn't true....yet.)
May 21, 2013 12:39
Hoping that being a Witch's Cat can let me check for magic.
I'm either in the forest to further my fight fire with fire aspect. (Some poisons countering other poisons and stuff like that) or to find the final ingredient to the acknowledged "Safe" cure to the wart-like disease which is found somewhere within the enchanted forest.
@BESW It's fine, they are a fairly common meat-mushroom in these parts. Dead animals fertilize it and make, with some careful preparation, a nice 'shroom
I'll pick one in my mouth and carry it back to Sin.
Sin has no knowledge of this, but watches to see if the cat eats it.
@BESW Mmmmmm.. baaaacon. baaaaaaacon. Oh this is soooo tasty.
May 21, 2013 12:41
"Well, aren't you a clever one..."
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Are you trying to compel me to eat it?
@BESW Only if you wish. It is tasty.
Are you tempting me with a Fate point?
Sin looks over her shoulder again.
She's only heard of witch's cats in fairytales.
May 21, 2013 12:42
Trouble takes a bit out of the mushroom while Sin is looking at him, just to prove that it's safe to eat. That's the only reason.
She's never known an actual witch in the city.
(just "healers")
Sin watches the cat eat, and decides to gather some of these mushrooms to eat an hour from now (well, more like a half hour, since she is so hungry)
(assuming the cat's not dead)
@BESW And it's made out of... baacon. Maybe a boar died under that mushroom or something.
But baaaacccon.
"So, what are we going to do now?"
A half our later, the mushroom is almost completely gone (there are some stinky bits that the cat doesn't eat), and a sense of great satiation emanates from the well-fed tom.
"I don't suppose you have a nice little cave you curl up in somewhere?"
May 21, 2013 12:44
Here, have a fatepoint, @BESW
@BrianBallsun-Stanton My "Curious as a..." aspect says I lead her to the "hermit's" cave instead of Morwen's hut.
Sin finds a tree to climb up and hide in while she eats her "meal"
@BESW and another point that is :)
She tries only a bit of one first, to see if it burns.
@Cat It's made out of what, to a human, could only be uncooked bacon.
May 21, 2013 12:46
(but it tastes like bACON!!!)
Trouble mrows insistently at Sin.
Wait, no, this one is more jucy... Maybe it's beef?
Oh, sigh....
Sin's never had good beef
He leaps forward in the direction the beggar went, and then turns to look at her expectantly.
It probably tastes as good as some of the street rat she's had.
May 21, 2013 12:46
@Cat and you don't have to share.... and there may be... stooo...
Trouble returns to her treebranch and nudges her, hard.
Sin gathers some more mushrooms after leaving the tree.
Sin has found food. She isn't trusting of strangers.
Maybe she looks to see if she can spot the hermit's cabin from the treetop?
@Cat I'll offer you a fatepoint if you find yourself at the hermet's cave.
Well, when you put it that way.
(Serious, @Cat, this isn't D&D. Throw caution to the wind in favor of what's interesting.)
May 21, 2013 12:48
The prospect of a store of food protected by a weak hermit is appealing.
Sin scouts out the area the cave is in first before approaching.
Trouble is overjoyed to be able to satisfy his curiosity about the wizard's plots without letting his assigned charge out of his sight.
Looking for escape routes, signs of other life, etc.
He bounces into the cave while Sin is scouting.
The cave is... up the side of a rocky... outcrop. No obvious way to ascend. Next to it is a very small waterfall where the water seems to fly down the side of the cliff.
@BESW The hermit looks up " 'ullo"
(well, I have 3 aspects, a stunt, and my refresh, what power level are we 3 at? not that they are all that hot, else, ready to jump in whenever.)
May 21, 2013 12:50
@BenHardy Probably ont worth it, just about to wrap up.
Trouble checks the floor for food.
"Did you bring a friend?"
(Sometimes people drop food! It's crazy, but he won't argue with it.)
@Cat there are likely some fish in the stream that flows around the meadow under the rocky outcrop
@BESW there are a few dropped heels of bread on the floor, yes. They're rather stale.
May 21, 2013 12:51
"Well, just great!" Sin says out loud, frustrated with the situation.
@Cat no signs of life, no signs of how the hell the 'ermit was able to get up to the cave.
Trouble eyeballs the "hermit" while stuffing his mouth with bread. Where's his staff?
@BESW Next to his chair, both behind a large table. His small cot is beind them both.
She decides to call out. "Henry?"
May 21, 2013 12:52
"I've brought your mushrooms"
Trouble Sneakily "wanders" over to the chair and creates advantage (aspect): There's a Cat on Your Staff.
@BESW this we're going to roll for :)
May 21, 2013 12:53
8 :)
6... using my free invoke on I'm a Nice, Hungry Kitty and spending a Fate point on Witch's Cat.
@Cat "Oh, goodie." He claps, and a ladder... flickers into existance from the shadows on the cliff face.
for 10.
"Come on up."
@BESW ok
Sin is astonished and suddenly VERY interested in this man.
He is obviously both magical, and somehow in control of shadows.
(but also suspicious, as he is a wizard/sorceror)
May 21, 2013 12:55
(Trouble, BTW, notices that just after he claps, he rests his hand on his staff for a moment)
He's gonna have to Overcome my aspect to get that staff.
"I'd feel safer if you came down. I'm scared of heights." (she lies)
@BESW oh, not to move it, he just rests his hand on it.
Okay, I'll let him do that... for now....
@Cat hrmmm.... roll, please.
May 21, 2013 12:55
And this is what, clever?
I guess so.
For a total of?
May 21, 2013 12:56
.... eh, I'll buy it.
'enry stands up with a great creaking of joints
[Trouble Cleverly creates advantage (aspect, self): Got My Eye On Him, as soon as it's his turn.]
We're... not actually in combat, mate :)
He'll try to shoo the cat off his staff, and fails.
"I... er... 'elp?"
"I think your cat has got my stick! And 'e ain't lettin' go!"
"Stitch! STITCH!"
"I'm afraid he's fond of what he likes"
"If you leave him alone, he'll lose interest."
May 21, 2013 12:58
@Cat "I can't walk too good without my staff"
"I'm afraid I can't from down here."
He glances over to his cookpot, and seemingly grows alarmed. "My stoo! It's about to boil over!"
Trouble needs to make a roll to fall for that. Food is serious business.
Sin's stomach growls again.
She approaches the ladder to examine it.
May 21, 2013 12:59
@BESW oh, it does seem to be bubbling quite merrily.
Trouble is torn!
@Cat seems to be a solid wooden ladder, the kind you'd expect to find anchored to any random cliff-face
"I'm coming up"
[what would I roll to bat the staff out of the cave?]
Sin doesn't quite trust the ladder.
May 21, 2013 13:00
@Cat "Watch your step, it can get kinda slippery" ... he says, though the ladder, to Sin's sure trained feet is better than stairs.
She sees if there are any rough parts she could climb rockclimbing style instead.
@BESW It would be very difficult to do, but overcome.
@Cat plenty. It is a generous cliff face
She tries to climb the rockface instead of the ladder.
do I need to roll?
@Cat you ascend with only some slight trouble (damned moss!)
but get to the top without even breaking a sweat.
The smell of the stoo is overpowering.
May 21, 2013 13:02
(It's maybe three paces tall? Nothing to worry about)
"that stoo smells awfully good"
Trouble is having a fit, hissing at the hermit, mrowing at Sin, drooling at the stew, and curled around the staff.
@Cat "Be welcome to some, if you can stomach playing some cribbage with me! and get your durned cat under control"
"Stitch does his own thing, I'm afraid. He's not quite tame." Sin is discomforted by the behavior of the cat, trusting animals more than people.
May 21, 2013 13:03
The stoo does smell tasty
[I would like to make a roll when she tries to pick me up: get her to touch the staff, and use my magical affinity to let her feel the magic I feel on it.]
She scans the area quickly to see if there is something to explain the cat's hissy fit
And the hermit motions to a pile of 3 rather chipped wooden bowls.
"Spoon some for me, too? I'd serve but..." He points to the Tom
Trouble focuses all his attention on Sin, mrowing distressfully.
Let me just move Stitch first.
(she says)
"Shoo, shoo, Stitch"
She doesn't want to get scratched up by the angry Tom.
So she doesn't quite have the guts to touch him yet.
May 21, 2013 13:06
Trouble is reduced to plaintive whines as she approaches.
@Cat The hermit's stomach gurgles, quite loudly.
"urp. 'scuse me."
Getting an idea, she goes to the stew to grab a bowl of stew to lure the cat.
"This will just take a second"
(she is cautious as she does so)
"Oh, sure, sure, feed the cat first..."
She doesn't approach the old man.
Trouble considers why in the world Morwen wants this idiot.
May 21, 2013 13:06
Does Sin recognize the staff from her previous encounter with Zem?
(if this is Zem?)
@Cat mmm, roll, please :)
is that clever?
May 21, 2013 13:08
careful, I think.
Yeah, probably.
Ah, fair enough.
you're not thinking fast so much as double-cehcking details.
I'm fine with that
May 21, 2013 13:08
No, there's no "Wizzards staff of evil awesome!" about it.
It's a sensible walking staff, capped at one end so as to not splinter.
But it's still maaaaagical to me, right?
@BESW oh gods yes.
But this is a wizard's staff, considering what he just did.
@Cat maybe, but maybe he's not a wizard. There are an awful lot of shadows in the cave from the flickering fire...
@Cat There are many other kinds of caster... magician, witch, warlock, fire witch, whatever you are...
May 21, 2013 13:09
Oh, ok.
Trouble is impatient, and would like to Forcefully bring matters to a head.
@BESW how would you like to do that?
Is Trouble interested in the bowl of stew?
Or does he ignore it?
I'm not sure what kind of roll this is, but Trouble wants to leap at Sin as she puts the soup down, so that the staff falls into her while he's in her arms, and then give her a good dose of "being able to feel that magic" while they're all touching.
@BESW that means getting 'enry to let go of it.
But sure, we'll try one stupidly difficult roll for that.
May 21, 2013 13:11
Fate Point to re-roll, because I'm a Witch's Cat.
Oh, and 'enry is going to compel Curious as a... to make you really interested in the stoo and the girl.
And going to compel hungry kitty.
May 21, 2013 13:13
Compel, or invoke?
So these compel give him FP if he accepts?
@BESW compel is penalize, yes?
Compel is "constrict action in a complicating way."
There's no penalties in FATE.
If you want to do that, you'll have to instead have 'Enry roll and give him bonuses.
May 21, 2013 13:14
right, then he'll invoke both on his side of things, to cleverly arrange matters otherwise :)
I got a three.
I got... more :)
Free invoke on Familiar's Protection because that's what I'm trying to do, protect her, for 5, free invoke on There's a Cat On Your Staff for 7
What did you get?
6+2 invoke, +2 invoke.
May 21, 2013 13:16
Two FP, one on "nice" kitty and one on Don't Tell a Cat What to Do!
(a bit iffy, but not worth stopping the game for.)
The cat... does something complicated around the base of the staff and leaps for the young girl.
Neatly breaking it free of 'enry's hands,
As it lands, a disturbed bowl hits it, and sends it rolling across the floor, where it brushes Sin's foot.
There's a rather dark "spark!" as it touches.
What does Sin feel this time?
Aside from a shock?
@Cat you tell me. It's not bad, per se. Be novel :)
So I'm supposed to be feeling the "magic" in the staff?
Yes, please!
May 21, 2013 13:19
Ooo... (and, OOC, is this Zem's staff?)
@Cat oh, and I'm going to compel plaything of shadows, just for fun.
(I was going to invoke a shadowy aspect anyway)
@Cat (If it is, he's done a very good job of hiding/misdirecting it. I'm going to leave the 'ermit's identiy vague for this scene. This is someone playing the long game)
OK, here goes.
As the spark hits Sin, she gets a strong surge of energy that feels very disturbing because of it's familiarity - it is the same sensation she gets when she is sucked into shadows beyond her control, fused with a sensation of ill will, as if she is suddenly being watched by the eyes of her attackers from all this time ago.
"FSSSSST!" Trouble furballs on Sin's shoulder, spraying spittle at the "hermit."
May 21, 2013 13:22
I'll accept your compel.
She can disappear/etc at your discretion.
Compels restrict action, but don't define it.
@Cat She disappears... only to reappear in the same cave.
In the same spot?
(exact same)
Sure, why not?
...does Trouble fall to the ground, or go with her?
May 21, 2013 13:23
@BESW go with, it's very disconcerting.
"'Wot's that? You're one of us?"
(So that's why Morwen wants this idiot. Typical.)
Sin's heart races as she reappears.
She hates having her secret discovered.
The word raises Sin's hackles.
@Cat The man... taps the tabletop, and the shadows flicker out of proprtion to the tap.
Then he smiles.
And scene.
Sin is horrified and mesmerized
It would figure that this is the guy she is looking for.
@Cat Or arranged to be such, yes.
May 21, 2013 13:25
Thanks Brian!! :)
In a meta-narrative sense, this is likely to be a mentor to turn on you.
But with someone as skittish as Sin, I play the looong game.
Good plan.
Conversation ended May 21, 2013 at 13:25.