Conversation started Nov 12, 2017 at 19:42.
Nov 12, 2017 19:42
This site is chartered as a Q&A site for interpersonal communications skills
It is, most emphatically, NOT a site chartered to discuss any of the following:
- Human sexuality
- Relationships
- Neurolinguistic programming
- How to win friends and influence people
- Politics
- General discussion
But right now, things are getting seriously dodgy because folks keep trying to turn it into one or more of those.
This has gotta stop.
For anyone reading this: either you're in agreement with that and want to help, or you should quit the site.
It's that simple. Do not continue to be a member of this site unless you're dedicated to building a Q&A site on interpersonal communications.
If you want a discussion forum, quit.
If you want vulnerable people to troll, quit.
If you want a place to discuss politics, quit.
If you want a Q&A site on interpersonal communication and a discussion forum when it suits your fancy, quit.
This is not, and will never be, a site for any of those things.
If you do want a site for Q&A on interpersonal communications, then you must be willing to help build it.
That means:
- Editing questions to ensure they are within that scope
- Answering questions that fall within that scope such that the asker and future readers have the tools needed to solve their current and future communications problems
- Editing answers that stray from that goal
- Leaving comments that prompt the askers to clarify their questions and answerers to focus their answers
- Flagging and/or deleting questions or answers that cannot be salvaged by editing.
- Discussing problems that you cannot solve on your own with other members of the site so as to arrive at a solution that can be collaboratively implemented.
It does NOT mean:
- expecting to always be right
- asserting that you are always right
- refusing to accept that the rules apply to you as they do to everyone else
- refusing to accept the outcome of a discussion when it would prevent you from doing or saying whatever you might want to do or say in a given moment
- throwing out unsubstantiated accusations or otherwise tying up the time of other members of the site that could better be used doing one of the things listed above.
Again, if anyone reading this cannot accept that... Quit.
This is not going to be everyone's favorite site on the Internet. In the best possible scenario, it may become a useful Q&A site on the topic of interpersonal communication.
There are a host of ways it could fail to even be that.
And the most plausible way, one we've seen repeatedly on sites for similar topics, is that a whole bunch of you decide you'd rather talk about something else and then just do it.
It's hard enough for the folks who want to stay focused to deal with the difficult subject matter, the endless stream of overt trolls, and the pain of forcing an inherently fluid topic into the rigid structure of a Q&A engine built for programming questions...
...Please, please, please don't make it harder by intentionally sidetracking from that goal.
(none of this is up for discussion; I'm going back to cleaning my garage now, and I don't want to see any more bickering on the matter when I return.)
Conversation ended Nov 12, 2017 at 19:55.