Conversation started Apr 1, 2017 at 3:26.
Apr 1, 2017 03:26
And: Well done, folks: we went from nearly 900 questions tagged down to 758 currently, in what looks like ~2.5 hours of work
That works out to about one question per minute, total pace... so, about three minutes per quest, per person actively editing questions
Was definitely helpful having ortho standing overwatch, looks like, hammering and such as needed
Apr 1, 2017 03:41
CLEANUP ACTION completed [reaction] co-tags with [heat]
ok, bedtime...
Apr 1, 2017 04:14
This past Sunday's data says there were actually 910 questions with applied, though that includes 21 questions tagged only with that were cleaned up beforehand.
Assuming the question set held roughly steady until tonight, that's 889 - 758 = 131 questions. With three people actively out editing questions, that's 3.44 minutes per question (or, 3:26 per question)
The pace was hindered by edit and review queue speed limits, but those will apply per-person and thus scale as the team size increases
@ortho, @penta what do you think of this new tag-changes-brainstorming GH project?
Is GH Projects a good place for this?
Would a Google Doc be better?
@hBy2Py Or, well, I guess that mainly was a challenge for @heather, being low-rep still on Chem.SE.
Conversation ended Apr 1, 2017 at 4:33.