@NevikRehnel Do you think encrypting an android phone really offers any protection against "Big Brother"? Apparently police here would need a warrant in order to search your phone (if it's unencrypted police can search warrant-free). I'm slightly paranoid about it all, really. You've probably already seen the article on reddit:theverge.com/2014/1/27/5350714/…
Apparently whatssapp doesn't actually save anything on their servers, which is nice. Now I just need to encrypt all the data on my phone...
So, @DerPolyglott33 how do you learn vocab? I'm curious to see other peoples methods. Right now I'm using anki, along with writing the words down on a paper, which I look over throughout the day
@Astrum re: encryption: iunno, im really unparanoid about that kind of stuff re: R rated question: nope, not in here, SE should be kept PG13 re: wake up: im awake now
Allerdings gibt es Unterschiede, was man in DE oder der USA als ungeeignet für Minderjährige empfindet. Wir müssen uns an die Regeln für die USA halten.
@DerPolyglott33 einfallen ist transitiv ("mir fällt etwas ein"), sich erinnern ist reflexiv ("ich erinnere mich"); wenn erinnern transitiv steht ("er erinnerte mich daran"), heißt es to remind someone
even if the person is visibly not good? like, is somebody is in the hospital, and you know they're not "alright", but you want to know how bad they're doing, you can ask "how are you holding up"
@Astrum there's about a hundred ways to ask it. it depends on what exactly you want to express, on the situation, on how well you know the other person etc