Conversation started Jan 28, 2014 at 0:00.
Jan 28, 2014 00:00
Nein. Nur die Kelnerin usw ;)
oh und meine Vermeiterin.
Ich konzentriere mich im Momentan auf Deutsch- u. Spanischlernen.
Das ist besser als nichts :)
ja sicher
wie gesagt, ich spreche immer Deutsch mit Fremde
Ich möchte auch Niederländisch lernen.
Es sieht wie Deutsch aus.
Jan 28, 2014 00:04
Lern Schwedisch
weil Mädels
Lernst du auch Schwedisch?
Deutsch braucht für mich zu viel Zeit. Vielleicht nach B2 kann ich lerne eine neue Sprache.
aber ich mag die deutsche Mädels auch ;)
Ich kann nur Basicwörter wie zum Beispiel hallo, wie geht's usw.
ja Pimsleur ist gut genug für das, glaube ich
Du solltest eine deutsche Freundin haben. :)
Jan 28, 2014 00:08
gute Idee
Vor Jahren hatte ich eine Freundin in jedem Lande :)
Ich hatte eine Freundin in DeHaan u. sie hat mir Franz. beigebracht.
"voulez vous coucher avec moi" usw? :P
ich glaub ich kenne dieses Lied
Ich habe noch Schwierigkeiten, wegen der Grammatik Franz. zu lernen.
wo wohnst du jetzt?
In den USA.
Jan 28, 2014 00:20
Wo in den USA?
In dem goldenen Staate. Jetzt kannst du raten :)
ah cool. ich komme aus Vancouver
Ich hab Familie in Vancouver.
left coast is the best coast ;)
Warste schonmal hier?
Astrum, servus
Jan 28, 2014 00:27
In Cali? Ja, zwei oder dreimal
Wenn ich jung war
Ich verstehe.
@NevikRehnel Do you think encrypting an android phone really offers any protection against "Big Brother"? Apparently police here would need a warrant in order to search your phone (if it's unencrypted police can search warrant-free). I'm slightly paranoid about it all, really. You've probably already seen the article on…
Apparently whatssapp doesn't actually save anything on their servers, which is nice. Now I just need to encrypt all the data on my phone...
Jan 28, 2014 00:43
Jan 28, 2014 00:58
@clinch Moin
hah, eine Begrüßung vom Süden und eine andere vom Norden ^^
Jan 28, 2014 02:04
oh, noch jemand, der lustig ist und zum „heil“-Gruß fragt
„heil“ hat eh nichts mit den Nazi zu tun. Sowas wie „heil dir“ war üblich soweit ich weiß. Zur Zeit Hitlers und heutzutage aber nicht mehr...
Jan 28, 2014 02:16
und gelöscht
und jetzt ihn sperren? Bitte schön
5 hours later…
Jan 28, 2014 06:56
Are "R" rated questions allowed here @NevikRehnel ?
Jan 28, 2014 07:10
@Astrum Hallo
hey there @DerPolyglott33
Wie ist das Wetter bei dir?
pretty cold
Axo. Das selbe hier.
although today (Tuesday) should go above freezing
I'd really love to know the difference between "handlt von" and "über" used in the context "to be about"
where the hell are the German seers
Jan 28, 2014 07:18
wache auf!!!!!!
So, @DerPolyglott33 how do you learn vocab? I'm curious to see other peoples methods. Right now I'm using anki, along with writing the words down on a paper, which I look over throughout the day
It seems like a lot of people use the "learn as I go" method
by reading books and talking with german people.
writing stories
I usually do that to find words, but when it comes to remembering them, you don't actually write them down?
Jan 28, 2014 07:22
yes i do i write them down
so i wont forget
i study the word order too
yeah, sometimes I have an example under the word
and I always mark any particularly interesting uses for it
this is a good website perfect for advanced learners of german
"advanced"? I think this site is good for anybody learning, even a beginner
yeah, because the questions that are thrown here are very complicated
well, I don't use the site itself, I pretty much stick to the chat
Jan 28, 2014 07:26
and i like the way the natives explain things that's the kind of stuff you dont learn in school
teachers dont go in depth
they just let you form german sentences that's it
I've never taken a language class, I wouldn't know
all I know is that I have a friend that took German. I could out-speak him in literally 2 weeks, after he had been studying it for an entire semester
he's not a dumb guy, so that leads me to believe that the course must be really horrible
this was at a uni btw
from an actual German native teacher @.@
it took me 15 years to master german
doesnt bore me
dayum, how old are you? I thought you were young...
i started studying german when i was 19
lol, I'm 19, cool
Jan 28, 2014 07:30
started with modal verbs
double infinitives
subordinate clauses
do you know your modal verbs?
double infinitives... I should probably study those
what do you mean? I know verbs, yeah =D
anki tells me I have 229 verbs in my voab
müssen, dürfen..
I'm not siure what doubles are, though
I've never seen them before
Jan 28, 2014 07:33
in that case you can survive in germany
@Astrum I am even younger!!!
aren't you just a spring chicken...
lol, chicken
Jan 28, 2014 07:34
by the way, today was the First day in this winter, where it really had ice on the pavements.
at least here in Echterdingen (that's where Stuttgart Airport is).
is such weather the norm?
would be terrible if it were..
we had a little snow before Christmas..
but then it was like spring until before one week..
@Vogel612 Servus
flowers blooming and other strange stuff
@DerPolyglott33 Ave, Dominus
@Astrum usually we get snow around new year. sometimes before christmas
@Vogel612 can I ask you a question?
Jan 28, 2014 07:36
why else would you be here ;)
what's the difference between vorkommen and einfallen? They both could mean "to occur, to happen to something/someone", if i understand correctly
oh, yeah
There are many verbs that mean to happpen
fixed it
Jan 28, 2014 07:38
verkommen --> depraved: (to) degenerate
Das ist ein neues Verb für mich
fast dict.leo searching ftw
passieren, geschehen, vorkommen...
so, anyway
Jan 28, 2014 07:39
einfallen doesn't mean to happen
Es fällt mir nicht ein
that's what I mean
can also mean (to) invade and (to) cave in
That'S the first expression i learned in german class
Jan 28, 2014 07:40
but doesn't that mean "to occur to me"?
Es fällt mir nicht ein ~~> I can't remember.
selbst unzufrieden mit der Übersetzung..
so that first entry is incorrect?
nono.. it is just meant only in the second given sense..
Es wäre mir nie eingefallen [...] --> it never occured to me [...]
Jan 28, 2014 07:42
so, using it as a past participle?
and Einfall = invasion?
aber auch synonym zu Idee
je nach Kontext
that's so strange, but ok
und beidesmal männlich T.T
der Einfall --> the invasion
der Einfall --> the idea
Hitler fiel nach Polen ein. --> Hitler invaded Poland
@Vogel612 Kann man so sagen : Toronto ist eine schöne Stadt. Ich werde im Mai dort hinziehen. ?
Hitler fiel ein, dass er noch [...] --> Hitler remembered he still had to [...]
@DerPoly wunderbar
Jan 28, 2014 07:45
@Astrum siehst du den grammatischen Unterschied?
re: encryption: iunno, im really unparanoid about that kind of stuff
re: R rated question: nope, not in here, SE should be kept PG13
re: wake up: im awake now
@NevikRehnel I see that
@Nevik morning
Jan 28, 2014 07:47
moin :P
this is late, but I bet I'm the youngest here
@NevikRehnel Moin
I find it contradictory that German are allegedly open about "R" things, yet this chat seems to want to be PG-13, but ooookkkkk
and why are you guys discussing hitler so early in the morning
@thekeyofgb probably
Jan 28, 2014 07:48
I just don't fit in with you classy people =(
@Astrum germans being open about it doesnt change the ToS of the site and network
@Nevik es ging mehr um das einfallen als um Hitler.. aber da der weiter vorne schon mal erwähnt wurde, kam der mir als Beispiel grade Recht..
you're welcome to join any irc network im on to talk about that
@Vogel612 :P
@NevikRehnel ha, I never read the ToS, that explains it
@Astrum we've mentioned the PG13 clause on many occasions
Jan 28, 2014 07:49
yeah, but you never said it was official
I thought it was some weird unwritten rule here
maybe @Takkat should make a PSA about that
Jan 28, 2014 07:50
public service announcement :P
that Hitler Monty Python sketch was hilarious
Bekanntgabe zum Wohl der Allgemeinheit
naja naja..
@Vogel612 Kann man 'einfallen' mit 'überfallen' wechseln?
im sinne von einmarschieren schon
Jan 28, 2014 07:51
all the Stackexchange network is PG-13 - we should have seen this on registering.
@DerPolyglott33 hat aber leicht andere Konnotationen
Deutschland überfiel im Jahr(e) 1939 Polen.
@Takkat do you know how long ago that was :P
@Takkat I seriously don't think I'm the only one that doesn't read the ToS
Jan 28, 2014 07:52
@NevikRehnel if feels like forever
@DerPolyglott33 Deutschland überfiel Polen, aber die deutsche Armee fiel in Polen ein.
The age limit on registering is 13
@Takkat is that even legal in Germany?? shouldn't it be 14 for germans??
@NevikRehnel Ich verstehe.
@DerPolyglott33 note how one has two entities of the same size scale, while the latter has a much smaller entity invading an area
Jan 28, 2014 07:53
Auch jüngere Kinder dürfen auf ins Internet.
Aber gewisse Seiten werden evtl. gesperrt.
(message deleted)
Wir möchten nicht, dass SE zu diesen Seiten gehört.
@NevikRehnel Ich sehe den Unterschied :)
Allerdings gibt es Unterschiede, was man in DE oder der USA als ungeeignet für Minderjährige empfindet. Wir müssen uns an die Regeln für die USA halten.
Jan 28, 2014 07:56
Wie gesagt, ich mag die Art u. Weise, wie die Fragen hier beantwortet sind. :)
Oooooh I wish I were a pirate on the oooocean
yarrr matey
I'd be such a cool pirate
and so much rum
I think the pirate life-style is pretty BA, tbh
Jan 28, 2014 07:58
@Vogel612 Ist das Verb "Einfallen" das selbe wie "s. erinnern" oder?
einfallen is like occur to
hey guys, did you read the conversation???
it appears he strolled in late
take a seat, chap
we had that already. it can mean invade and remember...
but also cave in
all depending on context ;)
Jan 28, 2014 08:00
@Vogel612 Kann sie wechselzeitig verwendet werden?
@DerPolyglott33 einfallen ist transitiv ("mir fällt etwas ein"), sich erinnern ist reflexiv ("ich erinnere mich"); wenn erinnern transitiv steht ("er erinnerte mich daran"), heißt es to remind someone
stoßen is like... a moar violent form of stochern, right?
wenn die bedeutung die richtige ist ;)
stoßen --> push
@NevikRehnel Axo.
stochern ~~> stab
Jan 28, 2014 08:01
@Vogel612 a weird version of repeatedly stabbing, you mean
@Nevik darum tilde
Ich stoße mich gegen den Tisch
keine gute idee..
das tut doch weh!
Der eine stößt den Speer zum Mann
Der andere zum Fische dann = doesn't that mean "to stab"?
Jan 28, 2014 08:02
@Astrum we don't use spears in germany...
but if you stab with spears, then it also means stab...
I'm confused...
I don't know the correct english verb..
yeah, you stab with a spear
that's a stab
that's a google link that no one likes :P
Jan 28, 2014 08:05
@Astrum lovely "spear"
@Vogel612 auf deutsch übrigens ein Hieb
yeah, I actually typed in "spear stab" too
mit Speeren und Schwertern hiebt führt man üblicherweise Hiebe aus
the verb is hauen, past tense hieb
aaaaaaah PARENTHESE! おねがいだから
Jan 28, 2014 08:09
astrum, how do you post pictures here?
m.E. mit Speeren auch Stöße
@DerPolyglott33 just paste the url
with nothing else on the line
the silence is deafening
your questions have just overwhelmed us
we are sitting in awe
Jan 28, 2014 08:18
@NevikRehnel Wie sagt man ' he does judo' ? Er macht Judo?
hmm umgangssprachlich auf jeden Fall
i cant think of anything more formal right now
Wie wär's mit Hochdeutsch how about in standard german?
Ok :)
er betreibt Judo (eugh)
Nicht treiben??
it's funny how it's more natural for me to talk english on the internet
when i dont pay attention, i slip back into english
cf. my answer above
Jan 28, 2014 08:24
yes yes, let the English consume you
Ich warte auf Vogel :)
@Astrum that image seems to fit you so well, haha
sometimes I can be rather sinister, so yeah
but I only pirate on the internet
so I'm clear
arrrrrright, matey
Jan 28, 2014 08:27
Morgen werde ich endlich für ein Reisepass beantragen - surely it's not "for a passport"?
"einen Reisepass beantragen"
normal accusative object
@DerPoly y u w8 4 me??
d4t l33t
u wot mate?
@Vogel612 Wieso betreiben nicht treiben? :)
Jan 28, 2014 08:29
1337 p10x.
treiben should work too, but for me it sounds a little odd. Sport treiben, aber eine Sportart betreiben
@Vogel612 Danke! Du hast mir das Leben gerettet.
<--- imagines @DerPolyglott33 being held captive by a weird villain who requires him to answer language questions in order to survive
how do you ask someone how they're doing, with concern?
@NevikRehnel hihi
Jan 28, 2014 08:37
@Astrum what kind of concern
health, well being
like "how are you holding up" "you're ok? "
"Geht es dir gut?" with appropriate concern in your voice
that sounds.... weird to me
it just means "are you all right?"
even if the person is visibly not good? like, is somebody is in the hospital, and you know they're not "alright", but you want to know how bad they're doing, you can ask "how are you holding up"
Jan 28, 2014 08:40
Geht es dir besser?
@Astrum there's about a hundred ways to ask it. it depends on what exactly you want to express, on the situation, on how well you know the other person etc
that sucks, no simple answer. What a surprise
"Wie geht es dir?", "Geht es dir besser?" are the most general ones
just like in english, dozens of variants though
I think Steven Hawkings is off his rocker
that guy is getting loony
somebody needs to bring him in before he does something stupid
he's probably right about the black hole stuff though
i dont put it beyond him
anyway, i gotta get going
uni -.-
Jan 28, 2014 08:43
alright, see ya later @NevikRehnel
see yall later
don't choke on your own vomit
it'd be a shame to lose you
from the disgust of uni... is what I meant
anyway, im out :P
Jan 28, 2014 08:44
bye bye
Jan 28, 2014 09:04
what's a good way to say "to affect"? As in "the unrest could affect our plans" @Vogel612
affect im generellen ist beeinflussen
und (negatively) affect ist beeinträchtigen
that's a rather large difference
@Astrum die Bedeutung ist auch ziemlich anders ;)
Conversation ended Jan 28, 2014 at 9:05.