Conversation started Dec 17, 2017 at 16:09.
Dec 17, 2017 16:09
@mercio: LeakyNun is right that my post does not address his version, so I'll present a short proof of the general undecidability theorem now.
We say that P is a behavioural property iff ( for every programs x,y that have the same output behaviour (same output or both do not halt) we have P(x) ⇔ P(y) ).
For example, halting on empty input is a behavioural property.
Take any behavioural property P such that there are programs t,f satisfying P(t) and ¬P(f). Then the undecidability theorem states that there is no program that can decide P.
The proof is quite easy actually. Given any program D that decides P, we can construct the program S = ( x ↦ D( y ↦ x(x)(y) ) ? f : t ).
Where the ( q ? u : v ) is standard C/Java meaning ( if q then u otherwise v ).
@mercio @LeakyNun: Do you get what I have defined S to be?
S takes input x, runs D on the program ( y ↦ x(x)(y) ) which is symbolically constructed, and then returns either f or t based on D's answer.
@user21820 Hi
I'm proving the general undecidability theorem for program behaviour.
Now consider S(S). It halts because D always halts, and hence must output either t or f. You can easily see that both cases lead to contradiction.
Is it something I should be able to follow?
If you know programming, you definitely can understand it.
That's all there is to it. Any questions?
ok let me back up and read off the top
Dec 17, 2017 16:24
@user21820 <− Starts here.
@user21820 but y ↦ x(x)(y) takes input
@LeakyNun All programs take input. This undecidability theorem applies to any behavioural property that may depend on what the program does on various inputs.
37 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
@user21820 I have a program H that takes a program and returns whether it halts on an empty input.
my program is only sound for empty input
otherwise it is noise
14 mins ago, by user21820
For example, halting on empty input is a behavioural property.
but your program y ↦ x(x)(y) takes input
so my program isn't sound for it
Dec 17, 2017 16:26
Your program takes a program x and decides whether x(0) halts or not.
No you're not getting it.
I know I'm not
that's why I asked you
Given your program, we have a decider for ( programs that halt on zero/empty input ).
Which is impossible as the theorem shows.
If you are saying that your program does not always give a yes/no answer then you cannot say "whether" in your definition.
I don't get what y ↦ x(x)(y) means
I mean, I know what it means of course
Dec 17, 2017 16:29
( y ↦ x(x)(y) ) is a program that takes input y and runs x on x and then the result on y. Such a program can be constructed programmatically from the code of x.
will pop back in later, ping me whenever you're free @user21820
@LastIronStar I will be going off soon for quite a long while.
you want it to take input even though there won't be any
I see
Dec 17, 2017 16:30
@user21820 Weekend Trip?
@user21820 Then tell me something to read!
No no just like hours.
@LeakyNun Yes the key is just to construct a behavioural property (of programs with input) that can be solved by your decider.
So this undecidability theorem easily proves the unsolvability of the halting problem.
And many many others.
It can be phrased informally as:
> Every non-trivial behavioural property of programs cannot be decided by a program.
def does_halt(s):
	return len(s)>99

def S(x):
	return not does_halt("%s(%s)(input())"%(x,x))

print(S("""def S(x):
	return not does_halt("%s(%s)(input())"%(x,x))"""))
I know there are some problems, just trying to loosely code it
@LeakyNun Why so complicated? Just use Javascript:
@user21820 ...
you win
Dec 17, 2017 16:38
function S(x) { return ( D( function(y) { return x(x)(y); } ) ? f : t ); }
This S may crash on run-time, but it serves its purpose.
you should have function S(x) { return ( ! D( function(y) { return x(x)(y); } ) ); } instead :P
Okay got it?
Cannot work.
S needs to return a program.
It's to diagonalize using the programs t,f.
oh, so a program is a function now?
wait, t and f are programs?
29 mins ago, by user21820
Take any behavioural property P such that there are programs t,f satisfying P(t) and ¬P(f). Then the undecidability theorem states that there is no program that can decide P.
or better, S = x => D(y => x(x)(y)) ? f : t
I do come from PPCG :P
Conversation ended Dec 17, 2017 at 16:43.