Conversation started Sep 19, 2012 at 0:28.
Sep 19, 2012 00:28
@goldPseudo are you sunni?
I am Muslim.
Also... what is a association bonus?
new users get +100 rep if they're already have high rep on an account registered to another SE site.
it's supposed to offset the most basic limitations on a new account, since it's presumed you already know enough to comment and vote appropriately etc.
without unbalancing the whole rep system.
ok....back to my question....are you sunni or shia?
I am Muslim. why is that not good enough for you?
Sep 19, 2012 00:40
no but its the wrong answer....i asked sunni or shia....but you are saying "muslim"
ok another one
what is more halal or wine?
ok...whisky or wine (i know about non alcoholic beer)
whisky is halal?
it's more halal than wine.
Sep 19, 2012 00:43
halal is means "permitted"
u know that right?
i am aware of that, yes.
so whisky is more permitted than wine?
that's what i said, isn't it? you're going in circles here.
the question you should be asking is "Why do you consider whisky more halal than wine?"
No...i should be praying
praying for all the "leaders" that make halal haraam and haraam halal
i'll just go back to what i was doing then.
assalaamu 'alaykum.
Sep 19, 2012 00:47
walekum salaam wa rehmatullah
Conversation ended Sep 19, 2012 at 0:47.