@HenningMakholm Well, if it is a synonym for elementary NT, then it cannot cover questions from logic or set theory, no? In particular, questions pertaining to the definition of natural numbers?
"Questions on congruences, linear diophantine equations, greatest common divisor, divisibility, etc." -- At least the tag wiki summary doesn't cover this definition of natural numbers part...
@HenningMakholm Oh, I thought Algol (but not sure), but didn't know about mathematical physics used it. Thanks.
No, but I'd say that the definition is even more elementary than those things.
@Srivatsan It's not that I have actually seen any pre-Algol math/physics text use it. But I have seen physics texts that follow a long expression with " =: M" and thereby give a name to it.
iirc, one of my Intro to Modern Number Theory pdfs says that there is "formal number theory" (which relates NT, and diophantine equs in particular, to computation and logic). That might be relevant but I haven't been following the discussion there.