Conversation started Sep 16, 2012 at 12:17.
Sep 16, 2012 12:17
@JayeshBadwaik Hello, I try to understand how an EM wave behaves when it hits a physical object. I can find something like the reflection depends on the impedance of the materials and reflection is different with reactive (capacitive/inductive) material, something here. A question asks what happens to EM wave when it hits a cloud and I don't any source of information. Ideas?
can someone help me understand the greedy algorithm in childs terms
@hhh So, basically you must ask what happens to EM waves at the boundaries of surfaces.
Wait a minute, I will be back.
Probably I am reading the page 331 in Griffiths but it is different scope, it covers the Maxwell equations in boundaries and some differential-equation analysis.
@hhh That is exactly what the concept of reflection of EM waves is based on. If you can understand this, you would understand the further thing.
The boundary on which the wave is incident can be of basically two types "dielectric" and "conducting" duh . And then you must see what happens to the electric field and the magnetic field at the boundary. There is then a transmission co-efficient and a reflection co-efficient which add up to 1 duh again and then based on this information, you can calculate stuff about normal incidence and oblique incidence. And finally use this information to solve your problem about the clouds.
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Conversation ended Sep 16, 2012 at 12:26.