Conversation started Oct 2, 2015 at 15:22.
Oct 2, 2015 15:22
Is everyone ready?
not sure about everyone, but the Cat is ready. :D
^ @Bon @Jan @Ortho
(/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻
Oct 2, 2015 15:24
An event is starting in 6 minutes... :P
Hullo @Art!
@bon I thought I saw that question before somewhere =O
Almost ready =D
@Jan :
Q: How quickly will steel lose structural strength from a heat flash?

sharpCodeI want to know if a sustained jet fuel burn around steel has the ability to make the steel structurally unsound. It seems like any applied heat that effects steel will be a kind of "heat flash": a sudden, and possibly quite short-lived, burst of heat. In this situation, we assume steel has a melt...

I've seen that
Oct 2, 2015 15:26
Then let's get starting.
@Wildcat How many retags are yours?
They have captcha there!
And a button
Yes, not if you log in with SE.
I'm a Human Being!
Oct 2, 2015 15:27
Oh hullo @Wytha!
But I'm not a human being! XD
@Wildcat No you're not. Liar.
Not liar.
(/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻ ALRIGHT!
Guys gimme your number.
Oct 2, 2015 15:27
Gimme 20 for starters.
(Tag was homework, right?)
@Jan Yes.
Next one, please.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, meow!
20 seems like a good number.
Guys you need to tell me how many retags you wanna do.
A: The Great Retagging Event - Episode 1: The one-taggers

inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.MTRE notes and tips Don't edit closed questions! (This is covered with my query, but just in case) The rationale, if you ask, is an SE slogan saying "$\color{red}{\mathcal{don't~polish~turds}}$". Enough said I guess. Don't edit questions that you voted to close/flagged for closure. For the same ...

Oct 2, 2015 15:30
Let's start with 20 for everyone.
And see how it goes.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M - i'll do 20 Homeworks
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M 20 for me plz
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, yes, sir! :D
Oct 2, 2015 15:32
@ToddMinehardt Your first question:
I can also do some retags, but I can't edit without supervision.
ok @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M - thanks
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M k
I've read through the tags though
Oct 2, 2015 15:33
@wythagoras Gimme all those edit reviews :D
Ok. Please also give me 20 questions then!
Uh loads of calculations to format :(
@wythagoras You need to start with organochem tag.
@bon That's why you only have 7 to retag for now.
@wythagoras The second cleanup tag is . Search for it.
The first 20 results are yours.
@wythagoras Your first question:
Q: Ortho-effect in substituted aromatic acids and bases

user4114 When comparing o,m,p-toluidine, basicities, ortho effect is stated as a reason why o-toluidine is weaker But, When comparing o,m,p-toluic ccid basicities, ortho effect is stated as a reason why o-toluic acid is stronger acid. Further, I was given the definition that ortho effect is an effect...

@wythagoras Your last question:
Q: Hydrocarbons with only 4 carbon atoms

riemanniumHow many different organic structures (from the pure theoretical viewpoint) can be drawed with only 4 (exact) carbon atoms and with/without hydrogen? Polycyclic compounds and bridged compounds are also allowed. Please, name them all as well! :) Remark: I have drawed the chemical graphs in a piec...

Cracks knuckles It's my turn.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M ┬──┬╯︵ /(.□. \)
You go first. I'll go after you
Oct 2, 2015 15:39
@orthocresol Oh sorry, I think I forgot you.
@orthocresol Your first question:
Q: Why are there different chemical structures for epinephrine (adrenaline)?

RyanThe Wikipedia structure is: Note the empty bond at far-right. "Journals on the Web" (w/e that is) has: CH3 added at far-right. And shows: There's an extra H going into the page! Is one of these incorrect, or are they all consistent but w/ some implied bonds or something? Ma...

@orthocresol Your last question:
Q: Why is glycine hydrochloride more acidic than chloroacetic acid?

JohnI cannot figure out why glycine hydrochloride is more acidic than chloroacetic acid. Could I have figured this out from a pKa table and maybe am just not seeing it? On the table I have in my book (Organic Chemistry, Seyhan Ege, 3rd ed) , neither acid nor its conjugate base are there. Thanks!

@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M - what's my second question? i'm lost on how to go from my first to the second etc.
@ToddMinehardt If you run the query, it's sorted by score.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M - did that, looks like @Wildcat grabbed the second one for me :)
Collect your edit reviews quickly guys
just making sure - ran the Homework query
Oct 2, 2015 15:42
Naughty cat!
@ToddMinehardt Well, the score 1 and two score zeros are yours.
got it @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, what's wrong? :O
Well that was a long edit for one questio
@bon (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
My first question:
Q: why does hydroquinone have non zero dipole moment?

girlzzzzzWhy does hydroquinone possess non zero dipole moment? The $\ce{OH}$ groups present at para positions on the benzene ring should cancel the effect of each other....if there is a plane change then exactly in which cases molecules do change planes?

My last question:
BTW guys watch out for bad titles. CC @Bon @Wild @Todd @Jan @Wytha @Ortho
Oct 2, 2015 15:49
What should I tag questions which are purely 'How do I do this calculation'? and don't come under any existing tag. E.g
I want to create a density tag for that really
@bon maybe for some?
@bon Bad title, watch out.
@bon, don't care too much.
@Bon creating tags without a meta post is messy.
This is just another hw question nobody needs except OP.
Oct 2, 2015 15:52
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Exactly
Guys if you remember to discuss some meta, or want to know how to tag a specific question, use chat.
Can anyone suggest where can I learn how to predict the products of reactions?
Here in our school once some teachers came for a demo coaching class and tey said it takes about 5 to 6 days to learn it
@Kartik I close that question as 'too broad'. :P Seriously, that's the very reason for why people learn reaction-mechanism.
@bon, there is also
but it haz no wiki!
@Wildcat The purpose of this event is to clean up junk-ish tags like those.
If we ever need them later, we'll make them again.
Oct 2, 2015 15:55
i created a physical-properties tag for the density thing @Wildcat
@Wildcat I just noticed that it is new. I vote for deletion because it comes under
@Wildcat I actually created that one but iddn't create a wiki yet.
Okay, I'll re-edit and delete in that case xD
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, there are few qs which will fall into this!
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Earlier I also thought its too broad but the teachers from Bansal classes say that they can teach it in 5 to 6 days. Now that is very specific
@Jan, no wait.
Oct 2, 2015 15:56
Is really only for acid base reactions?
Or can it also include other questions about bases and acids?
@Kartik Come after five or six days and we'll throw you reactions where those rules they teach you don't apply.
@Jan Is it about elemental analysis or non?
Also are we ignoring questions with score less than 0
Oct 2, 2015 15:57
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M we had rejected their demo due to their high cost. :(
@bon No.
If it's good enough to stay, it should be edited.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M I know the rules dont apply everywhere but at least I will know the basics
@Wildcat No.
Oct 2, 2015 15:58
something like numerical calculation?
then i have no idea what your tag means
@ToddMinehardt Stoichiometry.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M - k
to be honest most hw questions can be deleted altogether
they're mostly useless for site
@ToddMinehardt And prolly concentration.
Oct 2, 2015 15:59
99% of them are about arithmetic essentially
@Wildcat That's a different discussion, but a good way to attract contributors in answering thought-out homework.
@Wildcat Then we should make a big post and close some new ones as a duplicate of it.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M - k
Useful tags for calculation questions: . Add any more you think of
@Kartik Most people don't take a course on "predicting the products of a reaction". People learn what different reactions there are and then from there they develop an intuition about how a reaction that they have not seen before may proceed. If you want to know what those different reactions are, there's honestly way too many for us to be able to tell you just like this. People spend years learning these stuff.
Some of the heavily downvoted questions are serious junk
Oct 2, 2015 16:02
@bon Flag for deletion if they don't have a good answer.
@orthocresol ok, thanks for the reply
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, now I know what you did wrong in you query!
Guys BTW, there are many taxonomist and copy editor and strunk and white badges coming outta this. :)
@Wildcat ?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, you shouldn't order by score since it's CHANGING!
@Wildcat It would change even if I don't do that.
Oct 2, 2015 16:03
While retaging few of us up/downvote the Qs.
So, you have the different list
> Important tip: Please open the links to the questions you want to edit in a new tab. If you open the link in the same tab and use the 'back' button, your results wouldn't be the same as the list and finding which questions you should've edited becomes hard.
each time you run the query
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, won't work.
@Wildcat It works for me.
It would change because as you edit it, they wouldn't fall into the category of "unclosed questions with only one broad tag".
@orthocresol Bingo!
Oct 2, 2015 16:05
But not for us. Me and @Todd run the query at different times.
Just run it once.
And we have intersected list of questions to retag.
No, that's wrong.
The links you open in new tab will be in a different color anyway.
@Wildcat Why?
We should order by creation date.
You know what to edit, doesn't matter if the list isn't up-to-date.
@Wildcat They again would disappear.
Oct 2, 2015 16:06
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, your list is outdated.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M New tag plz
@Wildcat So? As long as your questions are there to edit.
Everyone's list become outdated once someone up/down vote
@bon Organic-chemistry, start from
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, but where do I get questions? From MY list, not from YOURS.
Oct 2, 2015 16:06
Q: Can an organic compound have an ionic bond?

user37421Is there any organic compound that has another type of bonds than the covalent bonds?

@wythagoras I encourage you to add more than one tag where relevant :D
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, and our list can be different if someone vote in between we run query.
@Wild just don't edit questions with one or zero vote, since they're @Todd's.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, where do I get the list then? :O
@Wildcat Run the query once, and open all the links to questions in new tab.
Oct 2, 2015 16:08
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, done with that part already.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Bad question. Could be a lot better. Would vote for unclear.
@Wildcat Then you should be fine.
And one of questions is already retaged by @Todd. :D
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Where am I going down to?
sorry @Wildcat :)
Oct 2, 2015 16:09
Q: Why are acetals stable to bases and nucleophiles?

DissenterCould it be electronics? Lone pairs on the two oxygens create an unfavorable environment for approaching nucleophiles and bases. Could it also be sterics?

If you find a question that has already been retagged, just move on
@Wildcat Then come and help with organochem.
@Todd, no, no, no! I like when someone is doing my job for me. :D
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, heh, but I have no list. :D
See now!
@Wildcat :)
@Wildcat Run the query for organochem tag.
Oct 2, 2015 16:10
I'll run query NOW. The list will be likely different from yours.
No problems with that.
@Wildcat Did you run it?
not yet :D
Oct 2, 2015 16:11
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, :D
OK, I have a list!
@wythagoras reaction-mechanism maybe, organic chem, acid-base.
@Wildcat Start from
Q: Does hyperconjugation and induction always have the same effect?

DissenterMy professor does not believe in the hyperconjugative effect. Instead, we only consider inductive effects. So do both effects have the same general effect? I know for methyl groups both have the same effect; both hyperconjugation and induction can be invoked to explain the electron donating ten...

End in
Q: Cyclopentadiene / etc. hydrophobicity after nitrogen atom substitution at a double bond?

user5420If I take a compound like cyclopentadiene (C5H6) and I substitute a nitrogen for a carbon at one of the C = C bonds (making a C = N bond), how does this typically change the hydrophobicity of the compound? The trouble is that I'm not really a chemist. My thought here is that nitrogen is more el...

@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, got it!
@Wildcat Because everyone runs the query only once, you won't have any problems. I know what I'm doing. :) (Mainly because I did something similar in ELL.SE)
Oct 2, 2015 16:14
@bon, just close it.
Jan What would you suggest here?
@Wild I already VTC'd
@bon, that's enough. :D
Jan And this one, too (similar problem)
what does conformational analysis come under?
it's not exactly stereochemistry
Oct 2, 2015 16:16
@Jan, close as off-topic. :D
Someone just created @Jan
or is it
@Jan Analytic chemistry is your best bet. :/
Oct 2, 2015 16:16
@bon thanks!
@bon You nailed it
hyperconjugation, mesomeric effects
oh, boy
Right, I'm off to organic chemistry, too, then?
Damn, O-chem!
@Jan Are you?
Oct 2, 2015 16:20
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Yes! Give me ten! (Because it's rather late in)
@Jan Start in
Q: Nucleophiles and Electrophiles

DissenterIs ammonia a nucleophile and hydrogen the electrophile in the B/L acid-base reaction of acietic acid with ammonia? I say that ammonia is the nucleophile because I drew a curved arrow from the lone pair on the ammonia to the ionizable hydrogen on acetic acid, and I drew a curved arrow from the b...

End in
Q: Orbital Electronegativity Considerations in Resonance Structures

DissenterAfter consulting three organic chemistry texts (Wade, Klein, and Brown), only one actually clearly delineates a few guidelines for picking the most significant resonance structure. The others mention the same factors (maybe less one or two). So in sum, the important factors to consider are: 1) A...

Please, consider voting to close this q
Q: Where can we buy chlorinated paraffin for lab application?

saldenisovAny idea where to buy chlorinated paraffin for lab application? We need very viscous analog of $\ce{CHCl_3}$. Should we think about synthesizing it? I found a lot of places where I could buy 5 tons:) But we need only few liters for the rest of our life.

I don't even want to think about tags for it. :D
@Wildcat VTC, it'll come up in the queue.
true story, bro!
I have four left
Q: Ortho-effect in substituted aromatic acids and bases

user4114 When comparing o,m,p-toluidine, basicities, ortho effect is stated as a reason why o-toluidine is weaker But, When comparing o,m,p-toluic ccid basicities, ortho effect is stated as a reason why o-toluic acid is stronger acid. Further, I was given the definition that ortho effect is an effect...

Q: How does one tell if a specific molecule is acidic or basic?

UofTStudentSay for example, the KOH molecule. I know it's a base from literature, but how would one go about determining if a molecule is acidic or basic simply based on the structure of the molecule? How about amphoteric? Also, I understand that there are two complementary systems - Lewis and Bronsted-Low...

Q: Diels Alder with Anthracene and Maleic anhydride

lamininI'm wondering why maleic anhydride interacts with the middle cycle of anthracene. My thought concering product based stability: I would have expected that a Diels Alder to the outer ring would be better giving more resonance stabilization because I expected a naphtalene part to be lower in en...

Q: difference in the functioning of Alkaline and Acidified KMnO4

ApurvWhat is the difference in the functioning of alkaline and acidified $\ce{KMnO4}$ as a reagent in organic chemistry? For e.g., in the oxidation of a primary alcohol to carboxylic acid, we use acidified $\ce{KMnO4}$ and not alkaline $\ce{KMnO4}$. Why? Thanks.

Three of them are about acid and bases, but the tag info of says that it is only for acid-base reactions.
Oct 2, 2015 16:31
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M can you give me/us a status update of what's left?
@ToddMinehardt A lot is left in the organochem tag.
ok i'll do some
@ToddMinehardt Start from
Q: Hofmann Elimination with a Cyclic Amine

UofTStudentWhat is the final product of this reaction? Here's what I have: Does this look correct? I'm concerned because I'm used to seeing the nitrogen removed from the product (in the cases of primary amines).

Do as many as you wish. :)
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M -ok
What is tag for carboxylic acids? Do we have one?
is as close as I can find
Oct 2, 2015 16:37
@Wildcat There is unresolved debate about this…
@Wildcat Martin argued that carboxylic acids are carbonyl compounds.…
Personally I feel that they should have their own tag but leave it for now until it gets sorted out on meta
We can deal with it at a future TRE
Oct 2, 2015 16:41
@Todd is a bit broad isn't it? There might be scope for to be created as there are a decent number of questions about it
@bon - by all means i agree with you, i was in a bit of a rush - can you delete it or shall i? and same for the density tag?
done with silly o-chem questions :D
@Wildcat i couldn't agree more, theorists rule :D
(•_•)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
Oct 2, 2015 16:43
@Todd Created and removed
@bon thanks a bunch!
15 mins to the end of TRE.
And then it will be stats time!
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, when will be party time?! :D
Retag quickly ;)
Did someone already take care of the four I posted?
I don't know what to do with them
Oct 2, 2015 16:45
@Wildcat Isn't this party time already?
@wythagoras IMO tagging acid-base is fine.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M no food, no drinks... no, that is not a party! :|
Sends food and drinks to @Wild kitty via fax
Are we finished? It's past the 90 minute mark O:-)
Oh, Germans...
Oct 2, 2015 16:49
@Jan It isn't.
Goddamnit xD
11 minutes left
Okay, gimme the next 10
Oh yeah, disregard me, I can't do maths ^^'
Oct 2, 2015 16:50
@Jan can't do math? Fine! Give all the remaning to @Jan! @Jan won't notice!
Remember that I can open fridge doors, @wild kitty ;p
I think we should write a bot which scans a question word-by-word, tries to find a tag with the same name and if succeed add the tag. Should better stop after addin 3-4 tags.
Beware, it might add the first four silly tags and we'll have to do manual retagging all the way. D=
@Jan oh, yes. Then, please, stop working and rest! You are indispensable!
I'm not getting ten new questions anyway, am I @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M?
Oct 2, 2015 16:54
@Jan, I bet such bot will do better than we in the long run. XD
@Jan Do you still want them?
Yeah xD
Wanna get stuffz dunn.
ok, i hit my legal limit on suggested edit approvals and i think i hit about 20 orgo
Oct 2, 2015 16:55
@ToddMinehardt I review-capped earlier. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M - nice :)
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M (I actually didn't find that on the list xD)
Haha forget about it, we continue this one more minute and ron will kill us all.
Oh no D=
Time to run!
Oct 2, 2015 16:59
Just finished my batch in time for the end :D
i want stats first, @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M - run later!
I didn't get enough reviews doing this. Next Friday, I'm just going to hog the review queues window D=
@Jan Dammit you stole my thought
For those not in the know, here's the reference:
Q: Editing gone wild

ronIt seems that editing posts has recently gone out of control. There is certainly a need for editing and it has always been occurring. In the past it seems like one person at a time was responsible for making 10-15 edits everyday. Now, there are several people doing this throughout the day. Af...

@jan there are still a few waiting for review
Oct 2, 2015 17:01
@Jan I did this: Edit once, then click review.
I reviewed them all xD
And I just hit 20 \o/
I earned Proofreader! :)
\o/ @Wildcat
Well, that's the good thing about TRE - so many digital badges.
And the good feeling that you're helping the site's quality
TRE (1) is now over.
It's not the end of episode 1 though.
Oct 2, 2015 17:03
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M, and the bad feeling of the current site's quality. XD
Conversation ended Oct 2, 2015 at 17:03.