Conversation started Jun 9, 2016 at 13:42.
Jun 9, 2016 13:42
I've had a hard time finding a readable resource.
I finally got somewhere reading a combination of three books:
Dover books are quite cheap.
Harris & Bertolucci's Symmetry and Spectroscopy
And the classic Wilson, Decius & Cross: Molecular Vibrations
I would start with Harris & Bertolucci
and follow with Wilson
And yes, Dover books are awesome.
Harris & Bertolucci laid out the symmetry operations and point groups in a way that I finally got my mind around.
Wilson, Decius & Cross's description got me to the point of (mostly) being able to remember what operations belong in what point groups
And Bishop is a really nitty-gritty exposition of the group theory math and manipulations .
Conversation ended Jun 9, 2016 at 13:48.