Conversation started Jan 13, 2017 at 17:39.
Jan 13, 2017 17:39
does anyone know where I can get a quick refresher on the physical significance of various calculus operators?
i.e.: what does second/third derivative/integral "mean" when you take it of something
I'm doing some classical physics, which I haven't looked at in a while, and my calculus is bad.
I feel like engineers know this stuff, but I don't.
Multivariate operators, too? (gradient, Laplacian, divergence, curl, etc.)
Jan 13, 2017 17:41
yeah... what exactly does gradient mean physically?
The normal me would leave a snarky link to, but since I'm interested too, I digress
I know what it is mathematically... but I need quick interpretations of physical significance of formulae
In 1-D:
1st derivative is slope, rate of change; how fast a thing is
Second is how fast its fastness is
2nd derivative is curvature, rate of change of the rate: toward which direction is the rate changing
3rd derivative is "jerk", rate of change of curvature; it's the smoothness of the change
Think steering wheel and turning rate of a car
$\theta$ is the angle the car is pointing
$\phi$ is the angle of the steering wheel
which is proportional to $\mathrm d \theta \over \mathrm d t$
${\mathrm d ^2 \theta \over \mathrm d t^2} = {\mathrm d \phi \over\mathrm d t}$ is the acceleration of the direction the car is pointing -- how quickly the rate of turn is changing, and in which direction.
Jan 13, 2017 17:48
I understood the first part... that helps.
what is the gradient?
${\mathrm d ^3 \theta \over \mathrm d t^2} = {\mathrm d ^2 \phi \over\mathrm d t^2}$ is how quick the change is, of the acceleration of the direction the car is pointing -- if the jerk is large, it's like when you suddenly yank the steering wheel to one side.
The quick change from a steering wheel at rest to a moving steering wheel (large transient $\mathrm d^2 \phi \over \mathrm d t^2$) leads to people being slewed about in their seats.
The gradient points in the direction of fastest increase.
Testing ... $\nabla\Theta$
I don't think the math formulae are working properly for me
Do I have to turn something on?
yep. Follow @Mart's instructions here:
A: MathJax in chat (ChatJax offshoot)

Martin - マーチンBased on the same principle, this little bookmarklet loads cancel in addition to mhchem: javascript:(function(){if(window.MathJax===undefined){var%20script%20=%20document.createElement(%22script%22);script.type%20=%20%22text/javascript%22;script.src%20=%20%22

@hBy2Py Works for me
I mean after turning ChatJax on
The Laplacian, $\nabla\cdot\nabla\Theta \equiv\nabla^2\Theta$, is a measure of the local net curvature of a variable. At a local minimum $\nabla^2\Theta > 0$ strictly; at a local maximum $\nabla^2\Theta < 0$ strictly.
At other points, the value can be ~anything. One particular weird aspect is that $\nabla^2\Theta =0$ is possible even when a plot of the surface wouldn't look flat.
e.g., in two dimensions $\nabla^2\Theta = {\partial^2\Theta\over\partial x^2} + {\partial^2\Theta\over\partial y^2}$.
If ${\partial^2 \theta \over\partial x^2} = C$ and ${\partial^2 \theta \over\partial y^2} = -C$ at a certain point, then $\nabla^2\Theta = 0$ at that point, but the surface would look appreciably curved there.
Jan 13, 2017 18:01
oh ok I have to turn chatjax on
how do I do that
ok I'm gonna do it
one sec... my word just crashed after editing a big document. Fucking MicrobeSoft
The divergence, $\nabla \cdot \Theta$, is a measure of the "expandiness" or "contractiness" of a variable.
If the volume integral $\int{\int{\int{\nabla\cdot\Theta}}}$ over a region is greater than zero, then whatever $\Theta$ represents will have a tendency to "leak out" of that region.
Conversely, if the integral is less than zero, then there will be a "leaking in" tendency.
OK I want to read this
so... I copy the javascript into the URL of my bookmark and open it?
The curl, $\nabla\times\Theta$, gives a measure of the rotational character of the field. This is only defined in three dimensions, since the cross-product is only defined in three dimensions.
Yep, just create a new bookmark (I have mine in my bookmark bar) and copy the script text into the destination field.
what if I just paste it into the browser url bar?
Then when you click it, it should convert all existing and future MathJax.
Jan 13, 2017 18:06
the bookmark just opens about:blank when I click it
Which browser?
when I paste into URL bar I get a 404
"Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request."
no chrome? Let me try some other browserrs
No, it works fine in my Chrome
Maybe try reloading the chat page first?
Jan 13, 2017 18:08
The Hessian can be constructed from the outer product of $\nabla$ on $\Theta$, as $\nabla\nabla\Theta$. (Note this is not to my knowledge ever written as '$\nabla^2\Theta$'.)
In 2D, this gives a tensor (or matrix):
I'm definitely not doing this right. I need help with the mathjax before I can read your physics explanation
(sorry :/)
I had trouble with it at first, too.
I can't remember what I did that made it work.
my java script is disabled
I turned it off for some sort of secruity reason
one sec...
Ah, yes, that will be significant. ;-)
Jan 13, 2017 18:11
@hBy2Py $\nabla\nabla\Theta = \left[\left[ {\partial^2 \Theta\over\partial x^2}, {\partial^2 \Theta\over\partial x\partial y}\right],\left[ {\partial^2 \Theta\over\partial x\partial y}, {\partial^2 \Theta\over\partial y^2}\right]\right]$
nnope, still doesn't work
<helpless shrug>
No idea, without being there to fiddle. :-(
kk I'll get this fixed then brb
Anyways, the Hessian is a convenient collection of all the different possible second derivatives you can construct for a given variable.
@hBy2Py In this above example where $\nabla^2\Theta=0$:
1) The diagonal elements of the Hessian will be nonzero
2) The trace of the Hessian, however, will be zero, as $\mathrm{tr}\,\nabla\nabla\Theta \equiv \nabla^2\Theta$.
Jan 13, 2017 18:18
@gannex Drag the bookmark to the top of the tab
Funny we keep having this long trail of conversation every time.
3) In most cases, the off-diagonal elements of the Hessian will be nonzero.
I think we should write a better manual
Yep, it'd definitely be good to have.
Javascript bookmarklets are working. I made a hello world one. But the ones from the page you linked me don't work.
Ok, so those are all the major multivariate spatial derivatives I know of: gradient, Laplacian, divergence‌​, curl, and Hessian.
Jan 13, 2017 18:21
my biologist friend requested a manual like this, it would definitely be helpful.
And all of them can be evaluated at any single point in the domain of $\Theta$.
Conversation ended Jan 13, 2017 at 18:22.