Conversation started Feb 10, 2016 at 9:11.
Feb 10, 2016 09:11
we really need to tackle that off-topic closing stuff (homework and related)
Feb 10, 2016 09:45
@Martin-マーチン What stuff?
@WYSIWYG Ours? I feel proud of myself.
well you know... the policy and the trivial questions
we don't really have a handle on that
Uh, did we use to have a handle on anything?
we don't really have a handle on anything
I'd like to contribute..
@Martin-マーチン Well then
Feb 10, 2016 09:47
How can I help..I finally have some time off from school..and I can do THINGS!!
@getafix To unhandling?
then ... well ಠ_ಠ
either way..
handling, unhandling
anythings fine
capping, bottling i can do that too
So @Mart the problem is writing the damn post.
I'm all ears and ideas but I can't just get them written.
well... is that the problem?
i feel like we don't yet have consensus
Feb 10, 2016 09:49
One problem is that we don't even know what regular site mod-helpers think.
I'm sure @Mith would like to close the universe as a duplicate.
Q: What *is* a 'homework question'?

IͶΔThis is going to be a bit of a long post, please bear with me. (And no TL;DR's ಠ_ಠ) A decaffeinating story Once upon a meta post, a legend from the realm of Manly soil rose and said: Let's decide on a homework policy. His voice echoed, and other heroes followed. But there were problems$\,\ldots...

Good afternoon, Muhammad!
@CopperKettle Afternoon!
@Martin-マーチン Kinda stuck . . . I have no idea what I should do next.
i have not had the time to go through everything and make up my mind
i just know that our current policy specifies kind of every question and none at the same time
also i don't want a policy just for homework questions
For one thing, I actually wanted to get off the site a little bit and do more studying.
Feb 10, 2016 09:52
i want one that covers stuff that can be easily found in an encyclopaedia
@Martin-マーチン I think the biggest part that needs to be addressed is that people are closing basic stuff as homework.
Address that in your meta post.
@IͶΔ well, do that, by all means, real life first
@Martin-マーチン Bingo
@Martin-マーチン Wait.
I just suddenly felt like writing a meta post.
well that takes so much time to think about
answer mine first!
Answer your what?
Feb 10, 2016 10:00
my meta post
I am pretty sure I've been guilty of asking "homework" question in the past..but, I guess/hope I learned. And now that I see how they go against what this site is/apsires to be..I can see why they can be annoying. I'd like to put a few thoughts down on the meta too..I've never participated in a meta discussion, so exciting!!
@IͶΔ yes yes..
@getafix They don't.
@Martin-マーチン What meta post?
@Mart wrote a meta post.
@getafix Homework questions aren't bad by-design.
Feb 10, 2016 10:09
homework questions that comply with the policy are great...
Well, imagine that there's an infamous town where you get robbed a lot.
unfortunately there are more that don't comply
I get what you mean..
Does it mean all of the people in the town are robbers?
and they are hard to clean up
Feb 10, 2016 10:10
More about the mood the question..
So it does get a bad name, but there are very good homework questions.
Like just because it was a HW assigment, doesn't mean it is automatically garbage..
But then clearly "How to do some random stoichiometric calculation" is BAD
My homework question is the best one ever.
A: Prevent pointless questions

IͶΔYou can't prevent people from asking questions 1. That goes against the philosophy of this site. Here's what the system does: Guidance. It shows you a thousand links that can help you: A how to ask page. And a bunch of sidebars with even more links about potentially similar questions: Here...

Feb 10, 2016 10:13
But then a lot of people who visit this site don't really know how to ask a good hw question..
that's okay, we don't expect that
A resource which perhaps lists a couple of what is generally considered to be a good hw question..and why they are good would be handy
it's the people who argue with us that ruin it for everyone
so if you see a bad hw can link them up to that...
and be like this is what a good hw question look like..this guy did this, this and this..maybe you can edit your question and do the same
the current hw policy has a list with good and bad questions
it really is the people, that just say: "but that is no homework"
because that are the people who don't bother to read the link that they are given in the first place
Feb 10, 2016 10:17
Oh i see.
Jul 29 '15 at 18:17, by inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
You guys make alot of typo in your spelling too and yet you keep telling me to edit my question. Lol im not familiar with this site and this was my very first question. I just asked my friend whats a good website to get help on homework. Yes This is a homework question. And this question is off of a context of a book and thats how the question looks exactly. — Adriana Wajoswki 3 hours ago
umm okay..haha. I can see your problem
I feel bad for you guys haha
@IͶΔ jep exactly something like this
And in addition I'd like to throw the name under the bus. If anyone comes up with a better, more general title, please don't hold back. I am a little bit tired of this: "But this is not homework." "It may not be homework for you, but on this page it is still considered to be homework. Please read the article from the link." "Y U no halp????" etc. pp. — Martin - マーチン ♦ Nov 20 '15 at 3:17
@getafix that's not necessary... it just sometimes gets tiring dealing with it
and it's also about the problem that it's not really that good explained in the first place
Feb 10, 2016 10:20
But then beside closings their questions, i don't really have any ideas on what you can do with such if someone is adamant on being a fool..then..can't really don anything about it..
if i read the homework policy, i probably still would not really know what to do
I'd like to rack my brains with you guys..i really love this site, don't pop in as often..but still.
Well like i stated, the name of the policy is the first problem
What about "the 'exercise' policy"?
and if we clearly state what kind of questions will be closed, then anyone who argues can be sent to that link over, and over again
and i don't have to feel bad
Feb 10, 2016 10:24
okay, yeah.."homework" quite broadly, if not perfectly covers the questions types you want to select against. A better title would, however, be a good idea..
The "No. No. No. No. NO!" policy.
How about just having a general "Questions" policy..something which dictates these kind of questions are good and we'd love to have them..and like you just said..these ones are a big fat NO
broad and less prone to misinterpretation unlike homework imho
@getafix And would that be a 200-page manual?
@getafix welcome to the jungle of misinterpretation and the meta...
when you start talking meta about meta.
@Martin-マーチン I will need to misinterpret that.
Feb 10, 2016 10:32
I propose that we rename The Periodic Table to
:O @Mart just called misinterpretation a jungle! Flags as offensive
you have a problem with jungles?
Jungles are jungly.
@Martin-マーチン Here's an annoying GIF:
Feb 10, 2016 10:40
I like it
okidoki... ima prolly be afk till monday ... mayhaps a little peek on fridays
have fun. be nice.
Don't I ignore the last recommendation, @IͶΔ.
@Mart is now an apparition.
Feb 10, 2016 10:58
haha lol
Conversation ended Feb 10, 2016 at 10:58.