Conversation started May 17, 2014 at 18:16.
May 17, 2014 18:16
Here's a possibility for a new challenge, but it might break copyright laws:
Pokemon Battle KotH
Like Battle Factory
2 hours later…
May 17, 2014 20:23
@Quincunx that would be sick! But who wants to write the control program for that. ^^
I'd like to have some feedback for this challenge proposal:…. Basically, the idea was to create an extended version of…, but I definitely need help making the rules bullet-proof but still fun.
3 hours later…
May 17, 2014 23:28
@m.buettner The big worry I have for that challenge is that it might violate Pokemon's copyright.
May 17, 2014 23:50
@Quincunx hm possibly, I don't really know.
4 hours later…
May 18, 2014 03:35
@m.buettner Maybe a group project...
This might not be relevant (I think it is just about its website):
It looks like the pkmn battle factory would be illegal
But if we made a different kind battle factory that follows the same game structure, but uses different names and stuff, that would be okay.
It would be nice if I could get more knowledge on this from other users here.
6 hours later…
May 18, 2014 09:29
@Quincunx I really don't know what law exactly this falls under but I think parodies and homages are exempt from copyright regulations (afaik), so it might be possible to do it anyway.
6 hours later…
May 18, 2014 15:18
This is where we need the knowledge of someone more knowledgeable.
Conversation ended May 18, 2014 at 15:18.