Conversation started Sep 3, 2015 at 0:37.
Sep 3, 2015 00:37
Man... After reading this all... The story of CR really is an underdog story. I love it. In that theme, I'll have to return and tell a story about a lonely reviewer and his favorite tag.
Lol. No, this one has a relatively healthy community now.
the story of the tag?
Which is really just the story of CR in miniature.
lol, indeed!
Sep 3, 2015 00:41
Truly, it is.
see, now I'm intrigued
Once upon a time, there was a Mug who abused wrote lots of VBA.
nah, abused is correct :)
I should say so.
But there wasn't really anyone around to review his work. Oh, sure, he got reviews, but often, he resorted to doing it himself.
There were lots of selfies those days.
Sep 3, 2015 00:44
Hey, is this Mother Goose Daddy Duck telling a story?
grabs popcorn
He basically was the community here.
Then, one fateful day, a lonely programmer wandered into town, looking for assistance.
Q: My code is too long. How do I trim it down when code posted here is expected to function?

RubberDuckThe code I would like to have reviewed, found here, is more than 30,000 characters long. I don't feel like that in and of itself makes it off topic, but removing code from it so that it can be posted here WILL make it off topic, because it will no longer function. I've read How long is long code...

Yes. My first question here was a VBA class too long to actually post.
I'm both proud and ashamed of that fact.
Anyway, I got more and better feedback than I ever got from my colleagues at work. I was hooked.
Mug invited me to the 2nd Monitor where I met the already thriving community.
But the tag was dead quiet other than the two of us, reviewing each other's attempts to write something not awful in a "dying" language.
And Rubberduck was born.
Not quite yet.
And this is only partly the story of Rubberduck.
But Rubberduck comes into the story, doesn't it?
Sep 3, 2015 00:50
First, we more or less moved all of our VBA chatter into another room.
@Hosch250 eventually
Lol. Of course it does @Hosch250.
The chat room was first. This was the first real "splinter" of the 2nd Monitor IIRC.
the first focus (as far as I'm concerned), was to get the tag to 100 on-topic questions, to get into the "big league" of "real tags"... and earn a tag badge or two along the way
Hmm. There's quite a lot of dialogue in this story.
You've no idea...
Sep 3, 2015 00:53
in The 2nd Monitor, 4 mins ago, by Zak
for anyone who's interested, @RubberDuck is telling a story in
We started that chatroom over a year ago. It's only been frozen once.
VBA's been frozen? I don't even recall...
Yeah. @rolfl had to unfreeze it for us.
oh wow
Sep 3, 2015 00:54
in VBA Rubberducking, Oct 9 '14 at 16:41, by Stack Exchange
rolfl has unfrozen this room.
We were chattering about how to unit test VBA, but it was early on.
that's... a rather long freeze...
October is when Rubberduck was born in earnest.
But that's not what I want to talk about...
We added the tag feeds to the room and started inviting the SO regulars over.
and @vba4all showed up
Yeah. I got to meet the guy who taught me OOP.
Turns out, famous people are just regular folks kids.
So, this chatroom brought over a number of users from SO that had never participated here before.
Sep 3, 2015 00:59
in VBA Rubberducking, Oct 13 '14 at 23:52, by RubberDuck
I'm going to rename this room "Abusing VBA like a red headed step child"
Long story short, the tag went from having one dedicated reviewer, to two, to a community, all revolving around a chatroom.
Like I said, it's the story of CR in miniature.
I've seen @FreeMan once or twice in The 2nd Monitor, but almost every day for the longest while in the VBA room
I've been absent since I started my new job.
I suppose that's part of this story too though.
I suppose I come in eventually.
CR spawned an open source project that is responsible (at least in part) for me getting that new job.
Yes. You've been fantastic @Hosch250. How did you make your way into our chatroom anyway?
Sep 3, 2015 01:02
First, I found the 2nd Monitor.
Passes the talking stick
I learned about the chat system while I was active at PPCG.
I was on their meta, and the chat rooms come up on the side, you know.
Then, I went to WPF on SO, and when I became active on CR, I came to the chatroom pretty quickly.
So, you guys were talking about RD, and I was busy on my app, but I visited and bug tested a couple things for you guys.
Then, I gave out on my app. I needed something more challenging, so I started working on RD.
And boy, was that a good decision.
Lol. Yeah. Challenging is right.
Passes talking stick back
So, wait. You got involved because we were chattering in the wrong room? Lol. That's awesome.
Sep 3, 2015 01:06
I've not been so active since 1.4 was released and I did all the unit tests.
@RubberDuck I was just look at some transcripts. turns out [badge:vba] and CR's graduation are connected:
in The 2nd Monitor, Sep 29 '14 at 19:25, by RubberDuck
Hey @Mat'sMug, a badge and graduation announcement on the same day, coincidence, I think not.
I did a framework with unit tests for regex testing, but I've really not been active since @Mat'sMug took over cleaning up the context menus.
I went to work on VSDiagnostics then.
So, anyway. There's not much to tell about the VBA tag. Lots of great CRitters have passed through. Ptwales, BlackHawk, vba4all, freeman, enderland...
And now I'm not working on anything except college (and I'm not doing that at the moment either).
And now @Zak. =;)-
Sep 3, 2015 01:08
@Zak o/
Oh! Right! VSDiagnostics. There's another "community" project.
I know how I got involved :)
in The 2nd Monitor, Aug 21 at 9:31, by Zak
Hi. I have no idea where I am or how I got here :) can anybody help?
@Zak lol
/i don't remember how I got to Cr in the first place
I had no idea there even was chat functionality on SE
Sep 3, 2015 01:11
probably clicked a hot network question in the sidebar on SO
@RubberDuck the only one that matters
but I was hooked almost immediately
@Zak I know the feeling :)
I joined CR when I was learning about multithreading in college.
(Or rather, I became active then.)
So, now that the community is here, we need to keep it healthy
Sep 3, 2015 01:14
It's only been a fortnight but I already feel like a part of this community, I feel proud of it, I feel protective. And I've learnt far more here in 2 weeks than a whole year of google and textbooks and abusing VBA :)
@Zak I know the feeling.
@RubberDuck Does that mean we all need to go kill a zombie?
@Hosch250 there are no zombies in
Conversation ended Sep 3, 2015 at 1:15.