I've recently found askubuntu.com/q/798071 at hot network questions and @terdon 's excellent answer. [I have been finding since a long such questions on AU] I think that our community (unix.se) is missing such questions from Ubuntu Users because of AU welcomes such questions. But I think AU help-center should encourage such questions to be posted at U&L (strictly speaking such questions are not Ubuntu specific!!).
So, What can we do to encourage people to use and contribute to U&L for such questions?
@terdon you're now moderating both communities, so you can understand better what I want to say
@terdon Should I discuss this matter on Meta of U&L or AU?
@terdon I mean there are many questions that AU get but that are not Ubuntu Specific and our community deserve such questions. You can check questions that are tagged command-line and scripts on AU
The reason why AU get those is because Ubuntu Users use AU and may be unaware of U & L!
check my some old questions. You'll find most of them more suitable on U & L but I posted on AU because (I was Ubuntu user and) I was not active on U & L that time.
I don't agree that they're more suitable for one or the other @Pandya. AU and UL have overlapping scopes. There are things that are on topic on AU and not on U&L and vice versa, but these questions are equally on topic on both sites.