Conversation started Jul 14, 2016 at 5:08.
Jul 14, 2016 05:08
I've recently found at hot network questions and @terdon 's excellent answer. [I have been finding since a long such questions on AU] I think that our community ( is missing such questions from Ubuntu Users because of AU welcomes such questions. But I think AU help-center should encourage such questions to be posted at U&L (strictly speaking such questions are not Ubuntu specific!!).
So, What can we do to encourage people to use and contribute to U&L for such questions?
@terdon you're now moderating both communities, so you can understand better what I want to say
@terdon Should I discuss this matter on Meta of U&L or AU?
2 hours later…
Jul 14, 2016 07:07
@Pandya we get lots of questions like that
3 hours later…
Jul 14, 2016 09:59
Yeah, @Pandya, I don't really see what you're asking. We get many, many such questions have a look at the tag.
3 hours later…
Jul 14, 2016 12:43
@terdon I know that we get many such questions. But many questions that U & L deserve but AU get.
...(Not all but ) Many are of (from AU popular tags) , , etc.
Jul 14, 2016 13:01
@Pandya I don't understand what you're suggesting.
@terdon I mean there are many questions that AU get but that are not Ubuntu Specific and our community deserve such questions. You can check questions that are tagged and on AU
@Pandya All of those are on topic on AU.
Just like all of are on topic here.
There are also loads of text manipulation questions on Super User, Stack Overflow, maybe even Ask Different.
I want to say that many of that questions are more suitable on U & L than AU :p
Why do we "deserve" them more?
@terdon Because it is worthy for U & L and more suitable on U & L
Jul 14, 2016 13:18
The reason why AU get those is because Ubuntu Users use AU and may be unaware of U & L!
check my some old questions. You'll find most of them more suitable on U & L but I posted on AU because (I was Ubuntu user and) I was not active on U & L that time.
@terdon ^^
I don't agree that they're more suitable for one or the other @Pandya. AU and UL have overlapping scopes. There are things that are on topic on AU and not on U&L and vice versa, but these questions are equally on topic on both sites.
It is up to the OP to choose where to post them.
I just discussed it because I realized that our community is missing traffic of such questions.
We still get many more such questions than AU
And we can't do anything about it. Consider that Stack Overflow has 70383 bash questions.
Users should be encouraged to post shell scripting on U & L (from on-topic you'll find shell scripting nicely mentioned)
I think we should post something like "When to use U & L instead of AU"
Conversation ended Jul 14, 2016 at 13:34.