Conversation started Aug 4, 2015 at 4:13.
Aug 4, 2015 04:13
> Previous studies have found that function word use reflects personality and a variety of social and psychological processes. As noted earlier, function word use has also been associated with cognitive thinking styles and psychological states.
> CDI = 30 + article + preposition - personal pronoun - impersonal pronoun – auxiliary verb – conjunction – adverb – negation.
Judging from the favored style the paper seems to point out, I think most sentences in an education essay written by a promising student would be proposition-like.
Instead of writing, "We think that this method is good," a promising student may write, assertively, "The AAA-BBB CCC-DDD XXX method mentioned in the previous studies yields a better result."
Conversation ended Aug 4, 2015 at 5:45.
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