Conversation started Oct 8, 2016 at 17:58.
Oct 8, 2016 17:58
I have this thing called Konkur to deal with.
It exerts some pressure on me, but only because the material I study is easy, but the questions are so twisted that what I should really be studying is hardly more than gibberish.
Is its English test similar to IELTS and the like?
@Rubisco Ah, I see. I remember that kind of feeling.
@DamkerngT. Nope, they're not that smart. They mostly look like ELL's worst homework questions
The biggest pain in the A is biology.
Lots of things to memorize, perhaps?
One could only hope.
Let me demonstrate with an example.
> The DNA molecule is cut with special enzymes.
This is a sentence in our book. In a picture's caption.
Now, that's what we should be reading.
But instead, the teacher teaches us
@Rubisco How to make a dinosaur? :P
Oct 8, 2016 18:02
> Since this is what the book says, we deduce that DNA is a molecule. And they cut the DNA, not a gene. REMEMBER, this is VERY important: The enzymes that do that job are special. They're not non-special. And they're enzymes. They're proteins . . .
> Enzymes, the book says, are the most important proteins. That means they may contain nitrogen. They may contain oxygen too.
@Rubisco Oh, that sounds like writing essays is their thing. :-)
> DNA is a molecule, the book says. So it's not an atom! BE CAREFUL. DNA is not an atom.
> Since it's a molecule, it's made of atoms. If you were told that they're made of neutrons, protons, and other sub-atomic particles, they're wrong.
> DNA is cut! It's not coddled. It's only CUT. Note that it's cut.
> Since it's not not-cut, but cut, we have to deal with part of the DNA. If the test said we have to deal with the whole DNA, it's wrong!
. . . and on and on and on until I drop
Your class is strange. :D
Oct 8, 2016 18:07
TL;DR; the exams, and hence the teachers, have given up real science and nitpick about the sometimes idiotic, vague and not-perfect literature named DA BOOK
@DamkerngT. Now take into account that the whole country has to deal with bull crap like this
It's saddening.
I don't know why they can't just add some advanced material, and be done with it
Why should the material be easy, and the questions ridiculously hard?
I guess they're looking for detail-oriented people.
. . . to the degree that a doctorate in biology won't mean you can answer all of them.
Not necessarily bad, but I think we need all kinds of people.
@DamkerngT. The real problem is, they're not.
They don't know, or rather care, what they're doing.
I've seen how beautiful science can be.
As soon as I read an answer on Chem that wasn't restricted to high school ridicule.
Is Konkur at a pre-university level?
Oct 8, 2016 18:12
@DamkerngT. It's a university entrance exam that got way more prominent than it should
So basically, without Konkur, I have no future.
But no other way would work better. There's so much corruption going on
Sounds like "Entrance" in my days.
Without Konkur, good universities would only fill up with the richest pigs.
I mean how stressful it could be, not other issues.
Oct 8, 2016 18:13
And we'd go back to Medieval era.
@DamkerngT. Well, Fard knows what I'm talking about. Many squander their lives' best years taking Konkur again and again and again
@Rubisco Same thing applies here.
Let's just take over humanity and be done with it
We even have a word coined for the students who finally did it, but after their years: sil (from fossil)
@DamkerngT. Heh. This world is getting it wrong in so many ways.
@Rubisco I think education is actually on the verge of being toppled over, or some kind of disruptive event is about to happen.
Oct 8, 2016 18:18
And yet the complications oblige that the likes of us can do nothing about it.
But speak in a public chat
pats Rubisco...
Conversation ended Oct 8, 2016 at 18:18.