Conversation started Apr 25, 2021 at 21:54.
Apr 25, 2021 21:54
@EddieKal Have you seen
this profile
Eddie Kal
Apr 25, 2021 22:05
@Tsundoku No, the first time I saw that. Seems political. Is that a problem?
Google tells me that Persian line says "Peace be upon you"
And the line about Israel?
Eddie Kal
I personally find that line problematic but I am not sure it constitutes cause for action
The Code of Conduct says, "We don’t tolerate any language likely to offend or alienate people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion — and those are just a few examples."
The line is an example of hatred, in my opinion.
Eddie Kal
@Tsundoku Well, months ago I did try to talk to you about the exact same thing, just for the record. But this is a conversation for another day.
@Tsundoku I agree with the point about hatred but it seems more against a specific nation rather than a people
The exact same thing?
Eddie Kal
Apr 25, 2021 22:08
@Tsundoku Never mind. Let's talk about that another day.
@EddieKal In the case of Israel, that distinction is rather subtle.
@EddieKal OK.
Eddie Kal
Yeah I agree. Israel is a somewhat unique case.
I feel like the CMs are the best judge of this
Well, I posted a question about it on SO Moderators.
Eddie Kal
If it were violent threats against Israel or Israelis I'd totally take immediate action
But "down with" is also said in protests
The account appears to exist just for the sake of that message; it has no other activity, not on any of the SE sites where that account exists,
Eddie Kal
Apr 25, 2021 22:15
Okay. Have you contacted the community team in the mod action panel?
Why contact a CM when a mod can edit out the offensive part?
Eddie Kal
Because I'd rather trust their judgment on this. I wouldn't be offended if I saw "Down with the USA!"
Conversation ended Apr 25, 2021 at 22:19.
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