Conversation started Mar 7, 2013 at 1:43.
Mar 7, 2013 01:43
@Nasser but I almost never see you vote to close :)
@rm-rf I never voted to close, and I do not like to down vote either unless the question was really really bad, and we are getting more of these here lately. On the bright side, I guess this mean Mathematica is getting popular. I always said to myself, M will only become popular once I start seeing the same type of quick-drive-through questions asked here as on the Matlab newsgroup :)
@Nasser Then don't suggest this:
> I suggest such question be closed, until the person provide a simple, self contained working example.
This is an attitude I see very often... people always want someone else to do the "dirty work".
"Ugh, we get sucky questions. They should be closed!", "Why aren't they being closed", etc., but never vote to close themselves despite having way more than 3k. If you want them closed then vote to close!
@rm-rf Those are plain cowards. I suggest killing them until someone comes and close the aforementioned questions
I get flags from some 10k users saying "This is a bad question". No downvotes, no close votes, no edits to improve, nothing. Ok, so what? What do you want me to do? Implicit in that flag, is a request for closure + deletion... but why not actually do that?
@rm-rf Lately I'm running for my "thousand delete votes" gold badge
Mar 7, 2013 01:54
If you want things closed, bad questions removed, then you can start by helping close them. Be more involved if you "want things done" a certain way
There are some that don't care to vote to close and don't care if questions are closed/not closed and don't bother to complain either. They just want to answer questions, learn new things and quietly have a good time regardless of what goes on behind the scenes. With them, I have absolutely no problem.
Sorry for the rant @Nasser, but this is quite an annoying behaviour I've noticed among several users and your comment was a good opportunity to pile it on :)
Conversation ended Mar 7, 2013 at 1:55.