Conversation started Sep 21, 2021 at 5:22.
Sep 21, 2021 05:22
I requested this question for reopening but it wasn't… But I think it is a genuine demand. SO, can you please tell why it wasn't reopened so that i could make more nessesary edits.
Sep 21, 2021 05:41
Here is a link to the above question (rather than to a comment): If A is countable subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$ , then $\mathbb{R}^2 - A$ is pathwise connected.
1 hour later…
Sep 21, 2021 07:03
@XanderHenderson Completed reviews of suggested edits are visible in the timeline to everyone (even those who are not logged in). In the post on Meta SE announcing the revamped timeline, a (rejected) suggested edit is visible in the example image. I suppose moderators might also be able to see pending suggested edits, but you would know more about that anyway.
Sep 21, 2021 07:31
Any suggestions what to do with can we say the value of x is 0 in equation x/0 = 5?? Is it unclear (“I saw that 0/0 meant any real number”), a duplicate (e.g. of Division by 0), or off-topic because it appears to be about calculations in an electrical circuit with an “ideal resistor”?
1 hour later…
Sep 21, 2021 08:36
@MartinR Seems that this time no one yet mentioned the "extended real line". Hard to understand why so many people do not know/understand that and why division by $0$ makes no sense and that it is forbidden for good reasons.
The question is now closed (and posted on EE, if anybody is interested:
@No-One It's not reopened because it is a duplicate. To get it reopened, one way is to make clear that your question is different from the duplicate target. For example, if you want to understand how Brian's answer works, try to ask a question of the form "how do I paste two linear functions/straight lines?". As of now I am not voting to reopen. If I decide to write a detailed answer, I will post the answer in the target instead.
@ArcticChar I am not able to understand the answers given. And they are just hints not answers and in my question I have made it clear what problems I have in those hints and what I am able to understand. So, What's the harm in opening it. I think it is a legitimate question. I am not able to understand those hints and write a rigoriuous solution using those hints. So, What's wrong with asking it as a separate question?
answered although title and body are not consistent
D2- D12 here still need some delete votes. Please have a look if you haven't....
@No-One Because there is no point in reopening a duplicate question. If someone is willing to post a detailed answer, they should post it in the duplicate target. (or, as I said already, if you are interested in some particular part of the hint in the answer there, ask a specific question on that).
Or you can place a bounty in the old target, specifying that you ask for a detailed answer (try to make your request as precise as possible).
Sep 21, 2021 09:48
D2 (or one download)
Sep 21, 2021 10:37
@ArcticChar Ok I will put bounty on old answer
Conversation ended Sep 21, 2021 at 10:37.