@jokerdino Surely the only answer to that is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADun-dun-dun-dunDun-dun-dun-dunBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA On a related note, I wish there was a foghorn play every time I figured something out. Not sure the neighbours would like it but that's what they're there for.
@nitstorm welcome to the United States of Stackexchange - the left is movies, the right is gaming and up ahead we have the city-states of Ask Ubuntu, Server Fault, Super User and Stack Overflow. Enjoy your stay.
Argh. I've never understood why people like The Dark Night. It's about a week too long because it messes around with silly little side-stories that make absolutely no difference to the plot. There are good bits in it but my lord, so much unneccessary paddy-guff between them.
According to my IMDB rating history here are some of my favourites that haven't been mentioned already: Tucker and Dale vs Evil BASEketball The Escapist Spirited Away V for Vendetta