Conversation started Jul 6, 2020 at 7:42.
Jul 6, 2020 07:42
Q: Online study groups for individual mathematical texts

John JiangThis has been one of my earlier academic dreams. I have pitched the idea to Prof Ravi Vakil, among others. Recently, because of participation in the mathematical competition hosted by Alibaba, I have decided to revive my decade-old enthusiasm. The basic idea is as follows. Many mathematical texts...

Somewhat related post on Mathematics: How to organize math study groups online for long-distance collaboration? As a side note, I'll mention that there were several attempts to use Stack Exchange chatroom as a way to organize a few users of Math.SE together to created a study group or a reading group. (In one case I remember, reddit was also used for communication - in addition to chat.) — Martin Sleziak 19 mins ago
And maybe you remember that there is a failed proposal for a Stack Exchange site which is not exactly what you want, but at least related. It was discussed on MathOverflow Meta: area 51 proposal - Math review. And here is one more discussion on meta: Wouldn't it be nice to have subforums on MathOverflow dedicated to learning certain books/papers/etc.?. In any case, the conclusion from those meta discussion seems to be that Stack Exchange is probably not the right place for such project. — Martin Sleziak 11 mins ago
These are great references that I wasn't able to locate myself. I may explore Reddit more next. — John Jiang 1 min ago
@JohnJiang I did not want to mention the specific reading groups (study groups) which were run here in Stack Exchange chat in the comments - some of them failed rather quickly, the users might prefer not to be shown as an examples.
Let me mention a few at least here in chat.
This room was probably the most successful project in this direction:

 Differential Topology & Differential

A chat room for all things Differential Topology and Different...
As you can see it was changed to a general purpose room later, but if you check the beginning of the transcript, it started as a study group:
There were also other attempts
There was Set Theory Study Group - where I was one of the participants. But we abandoned it without any real progress. (There were only two of us.)
This is the only one listed here:
A: List of chatrooms

Martin SleziakReading groups and study groups Let us collect here rooms which are intended to assist a group of users studying specific text or specific topic. Set Theory Study Group - the intention is first to go through necessary preliminaries and then to study Kunen's Set Theory (the newer edition).

The other ones that I was able to find were: DG Reading Group and Functional Analysis Study Group
Maybe there were some other which I wasn't able to locate now or which I missed.
You can find some other rooms which have study, reading orgroup in the title.
Some of them were intended as study groups. Many of them were rather shortlived.
I do not know to which extent looking at these past groups might be interesting to you - but you might at least see what worked and what did not work in them.
@JohnJiang I hope you receive some kind of notification about this - I have sent you chat invitation into this room, so I guess it should reach you eventually.
As I see that you're already looking into the differential topology room I've mentioned above, it seems quite likely that you've seen at least some of the stuff I've written here. :-)
Or maybe I have invited you into a wrong room....?
For some reason, I am no longer offered the option to invite you into this room.
I used the MO chatroom once and quickly lost focus; people in math/physics do not have similar level of urgency as software engineers:D Something like Slack would be much more useful. Unfortunately they mostly cater towards engineers. — John Jiang 12 mins ago
I wanted to invite you in a chatroom to continue the discussion there (and avoid having too many comments digressing from the original topic). I might have invited you to a wrong room by mistake, I wanted to get your attention to what I wrote here: Let me know when you see this comment, so that I can delete it. — Martin Sleziak 23 secs ago
Re: Slack would be more useful. I am not claiming that SE chatrooms are a great option. I just wanted to mention some past study groups that I was aware of.
And chatrooms have the advantage ithat they might be good for people who are already part of the SE community and they are often using chat anyway.
Just joined. We can both delete if you want — John Jiang 1 min ago
Hm, I still don't see you here. In fact, your chat profile says that you're no longer present in any room:
I'll wait a bit and then delete my comment.
Mainly the fact that your comment says "just joined" makes me suspicious that there is some misunderstanding.
When looking at your profile, I see that you have tried to create a room for a study group yourself:
in differential Galois theory, Dec 26 '16 at 3:19, by John Jiang
I am looking for people who are interested in co-reading the book Topological Galois theory by Askold Khovanskii.
Conversation ended Jul 6, 2020 at 8:08.