Conversation started Oct 24, 2017 at 11:35.
Oct 24, 2017 11:35
@quid I agree that it perhaps my sound "not overly ambitious". OTOH if we compare it with this site, we have many discussions about tags on meta and most of them are ignored by the users and no conclusion is ever reached.
So it seems that the way they do it MO (or the way Asaf and Andres deal with set-theoretical tags here) - I mean that there is not much discussion and tag-related stuff is decided by a few persons - at least yields somewhat consistent results.
But the sites are clearly not comparable - considering the size and diversity of topics - so it is probably natural that managing tags is much more difficult on this site.
5 hours later…
Oct 24, 2017 16:30
@MartinSleziak what is decided or done on MO? I did not pay much attention lately.
@MartinSleziak i donot know why there is downvotes to my todays question, i feel bad about this since comments are a bit hard, i gave the question s the book wrote, i suspect the same user downmarked both my questions. and if one downvote is there then as time evolve there will be a tail of downvotes
i mentioned my try
I know that you are active.
GH does some retagging in number theroy.
I am a bit confused.
whenever i encounter such situation i simply think of deleting my question
Who is GH? Are we talking retagging on MO or math.SE?
Oh, probably GH from MO.
Oct 24, 2017 16:34
Sorry yes. They went a long time by GH only.
@quid That my be just my impression, but AFAICT decisions about synonyms, removal of tags, etc. are mostly done on MO by mods without much discussion if any. Here is one relatively recent example.
This is in contrast to this site, where synonyms, removal of not very good tags and similar topics are usually discussed on meta first. (And quite often the discussion my reach no consensus or take a very long time - which might increase the problem that prompted the discussion.)
This is what I meant in my when I wrote "the way they do it on MO". (I suppose this is what you reacted to.)
François sometimes tries to maintain the tag system that's true.
One of my last activities on MO, that went unfinished due to my departure was this
Q: What "lattices" do we need?

user9072The tag lattices is a problem since a long time. Over the years there were varied discussions about this, but no clear resolution emerged, though some things were done to better the situation. This is an attempt at a fresh start of the discussion to find a long-term solution. The current situa...

Oct 24, 2017 16:50
Yes, I am aware of that thread. It seems that currently the questions are tagged (lattices) for lattices as in geometry of numbers, and (lattice-theory) for order-theoretical lattices.
Exactly the way you describe in your post.
For newly tagged ones yes.
I'd assume that it would roughly correspond to and maybe also on Math.
I do not think that MO users are unaware of problem with those tags. They are mentioned in Emil JeÅ™ábek's answer in Help improve tagging! (And this thread get bumped quite often, so it's seen repeatedly.)
Officially the tag is deprecated though.
@MartinSleziak yes, but no one does anything about it. Which is worse.
By officially you mean, for example, this sentence added by a moderator: "This tag is ambiguous, so we recommend against its use."
If you look at old questions usage is also pretty mixed.
Oct 24, 2017 16:57
@quid It depends on the point of view. I often ask myself this question: What would be more useful? If I participate more in meta discussions and janitorial activities, or if I ignore the administrative stuff and concentrate on asking and answering.
By more useful I mean here both - me being useful for other users and the site as a whole, and also the site being a useful resource for me.
Participation on meta tend to be rather time consuming. (And, unfortunately, also rather addictive.) If I manage to do that, I'd like to change my behavior a bit so that my participation is more about main and content creation and less about meta, administration, janitorial stuff.
Since I'd like to do this, I can hardly blame people who only participate in asking/answering and not in meta/tagging/administrative stuff.
To me, this seems somewhat similar to regular bricks-and-stones universities. Some people tend to concentrate more on teaching/research, but some of them do administrative stuff. (And somebody has to do that, too.)
The analogy is rather apt.
I think that if either of us has a chance to change something about tagging, we have much bigger chance on Math than on MO. (But within limits I plan to participate also on MO as editor/retagger.)
Anyway, for some reasons (first dentist appointment, then teaching, and after that some administrative stuff) I have not eaten yet today. So I'll probably leave.
See you later!
Oct 24, 2017 17:14
Enjoy your meal! I guess I'll try to continue a bit on writing up a paper.
30 hours later…
Oct 25, 2017 23:21
@MartinSleziak yes, sure. I think I somewhat misunderstood you at the start.
As you may have noticed I created the "third partitions" tag and did a few retags.
In the process I had a funny experience (especially in view of a quote you quote about me). I was not really sure what the etiquette was on the number of retags here. So I searched on meta to find that I had answered once such a question! I guess I am getting old...
4 hours later…
Oct 26, 2017 03:46
@quid Yes, I have even posted this to the tagging chat room:
I am not sure whether somebody visits the room at all, but if it starts being used again, that seems like a reasonable place for tag-related topics.
So the plan is now that is for Partition (number theory); other meanings of the word partition have separated tags, right?
in Tagging, 8 hours ago, by Martin Sleziak
There is still above 1k posts tagged , so a let work to do. Should perhaps information about other tags be added to the tag-excerpt and the tag-wiki?
Since we talked about people participating retagging on MO, there certainly are some users who add top-level tags to questions, see this query.
If it is for some reason useful, here is similar query restricted to edits by single user.
When I try the word deprecated, the most recent edits it returns are mostly by me.
Of course, not everybody who does this explicitly mentions it in the edit summary.
For example, I remember that François G. Dorais recently retagged a bunch of posts tagged (geometry).
in MO editors' lounge, Aug 23 at 16:00, by François G. Dorais
The 30+ questions in the search below can probably be fixed my removing and adding :‌​bability
in MO editors' lounge, Aug 28 at 1:41, by Martin Sleziak
is now down to 450, mostly thanks to François G. Dorais' recent edits.
15 hours later…
Oct 26, 2017 18:58
For instructions how to render MathJax(TeX) in chat see this post on meta or go directly to robjohn's website.
In fact, if you plug $x=-2$ into the denominator of your last expression in the first formula, you get $\sqrt{\tfrac6{x^2}+\tfrac1x}-\tfrac2x=1+1=2$. So this would lead to limit equal to zero. The correct version would be, in my opinion, $-\sqrt{\tfrac6{x^2}+\tfrac1x}-\tfrac2x$ in the denominator. Notice that this leads to the indeterminate form $\tfrac00$, as expected. (We are using that $\sqrt{x^2}=|x|=-x$ for $x<0$. Since we are interested in the values close to $-2$, it suffices to work with negative $x$.) — Martin Sleziak May 23 '16 at 13:33
@Martin Sleziak, I didn't understand, why is there a negative sign there? — Mr Reality 1 hour ago
@MrReality You have $|x|=\sqrt{x^2}$. So for $x<0$ this gives you $x=-|x|=-\sqrt{x^2}$. This is explained in the comment above. — Martin Sleziak 1 hour ago
@Martin Sleziak Yes, I saw the earlier comment. I understand the reason for a minus sign in the examole you gave now but in your answer the term inside the square root is not $x^2$ here, it is $\sqrt{\tfrac6{x^2}+\tfrac1x}$. So why is a minus sign there? — Mr Reality 51 mins ago
@MrReality Maybe this is what you're after: $\frac{\sqrt{6+x}}{x}= \frac{\sqrt{6+x}}{-\sqrt{x^2}}= -\frac{\sqrt{6+x}}{\sqrt{x^2}}= -\sqrt{\frac{6+x}{x^2}}$. In any case, we're leaving too many irrelevant comments here and additionally each of the adds ping to the answerer. So perhaps it would be better to continue in chat if further comments are needed. — Martin Sleziak 18 secs ago
18 hours later…
Oct 27, 2017 13:15
@Martin Sleziak, thanks that explained it! — Mr Reality 1 min ago
12 hours later…
Oct 28, 2017 01:23
@MartinSleziak Myshkin seems quite active, which I did not know, as mostly it happened after I left I think (and I was not all that active somewhat before either)
I should also have mentioned Stefan Kohl, which I actually did know. The editing activity of YCor is also quite extensive.
Maybe it's better than I worried! :-)
4 hours later…
Oct 28, 2017 05:33
There are certainly some names there which I did not notice before.
As I said, the query might be a bit misleading, since some people can do the same thing but do not write this explicitly in the edit summary. Such edits do not appear there.
3 hours later…
Oct 28, 2017 08:08
Of course, it is also possible to look at most active editors in the past week, month, quarter, year or all time. But this does not differentiate between retags and other type of edits.
It seems that it should be possible to find number of edits where tags were edited using SEDE:
in In praise of Math.SE site and its users, Nov 15 '15 at 7:15, by Arthur Fischer
I kind of get annoyed when I see users editing only one part of a question, leaving other problems stand. So I was curious to find out who our top "editing completists" are: those who have edited each of the title, tags, and body of a question. The top 5, according to a possibly terrible SEDE query, are:
Conversation ended Oct 28, 2017 at 8:10.