Conversation started Jul 10, 2015 at 14:03.
Jul 10, 2015 14:03
... What. The. FUCK.
Like, literally what the fuck.
TIL that /r/DragonsFuckingCars is a thing.
You know it's serious when @Yuuki has stopped self cen-- WAIT WHAT THE FUCK
I read that as 'is closing' and was like FUCCCCK ARCHIVE IT.
Oh, we already got all the public comments of reddit, phew
TIL that The Bridge talks about NSFW stuff during standard US work hours.
Jul 10, 2015 14:04
All 1.3Tb of json
I probably shouldn't open this link at wor--- WHAT THE FUCK
@djsmiley2k Dear god
Is someone just starring the word "fuck"
Is that what we're doing
15 messages moved from The Bridge
Sorry sorry sorry
lol wrong room?
18 messages moved from Android Enthusiasts
Conversation ended Jul 10, 2015 at 14:07.