Conversation started Jun 18, 2014 at 21:01.
Jun 18, 2014 21:01
@TylerJamesYoung: Hi TJY. Sorry I didn't respond sooner - I was on the road.
@StoneyB No worries! I myself was doing laundry with a side order of locking myself out of my apartment.
@TylerJamesYoung So whazzup? I seem to be baffling all the really knowledgeable people on ELL these days!
@StoneyB Well, I was just thinking that prosaic and poetic seem to be similar, and oppose each other
It seemed like Zheng was thinking of “prosaic” as conferring a label of “this is prose” to something
I couldn't follow your point, because it seems like you are saying “poetic” can't be used the same way “prosaic” is
but I can say “this article is surprisingly poetic” just as I can say “their lyrics are fairly prosaic”
Jun 18, 2014 21:20
I'm saying just the opposite; that prosaic is so rarely used to mean "written in prose" (as opposed to "written in poetry") that use is a mistake; and I think your dictionary definition #1 is mistaken to give it as a primary meaning. ...
Oh! I agree
To say that someone's lyrics are "prosaic" doesn't mean that they are formally in prose or are prose-like; it means they are unremarkable, prosaic, ho-hum. That meaning certainly derives from the poetry/prose contrast, but it is no longer operative.
I see
I guess I don't really encounter the word that often
Hokey-dokey. ... Just to make sure, I GoogleBooked "prosaic works", 21st century; and although GB did report upward of 80 actual uses, all but about three were either in the 'humdrum' sense or occurred in critical works written by non-native speakers.
well I will definitely edit my post
my main intention was actually to move Zheng away from using “prosaic” that way
Jun 18, 2014 21:26
Well, it was already good enough to get my upvote!
yeah, but you're right that it could be clearer in that regard
OK - back to the salt mines!
it seemed with the way your comment was written you were taking issue with me saying “not poetic”
not definition #1
maybe we are saying the same thing
I should also return to work
I'll edit the post when I get a sec
thanks for chatting
I think we are saying the same thing. Ta!
Conversation ended Jun 18, 2014 at 21:29.