Conversation started May 25, 2016 at 12:30.
May 25, 2016 12:30
> Yeah but Jivan mukti is not completely Moksha, you still retain your individuality.
From Vivekachudamani:
> 431. The absence of the ideas of "I" and "mine" even in this existing body which follows as a shadow, is a characteristic of one liberated-in-life.
> 453. Prarabdha work is certainly very strong for the man of realisation, and is spent only by the actual experience of its fruit; while the actions previously accumulated and those yet to come are destroyed by the fire of perfect knowledge. But none of the three at all affects those who, realising their identity with Brahman, are always living absorbed in that idea. They are verily the transcendent Brahman.
> 454. For the sage who lives in his own Self as Brahman, the One without a second, devoid of identification with the limiting adjuncts, the question of the existence of Prarabdha work is meaningless, like the question of a man who has awakened from sleep having any connection with the objects seen in the dream-state.
> 461. The attributing of Prarabdha work to the body even is certainly an error. How can something that is superimposed (on another) have any existence, and how can that which is unreal have a birth ? And how can that which has not been born at all, die ? So how can Prarabdha work exist for something that is unreal ?
> 462-463. "If the effects of ignorance are destroyed with their root by knowledge, then how does the body live?" – it is to convince those fools who entertain a doubt like this, that the Shrutis, from a relative standpoint, hypothesise Prarabdha work, but not for proving the reality of the body etc., of the man of realisation.
May 25, 2016 12:47
@Pandya From Advaita perspective, our true nature is Nirguna, i.e, formless, nameless, attributeless. Forms and names can only exist in relative plane and not in absolute state. The moment you take form, you come down to relative plane.
@ChinmaySarupria Yah! actually Jivanmukti = Videhmukti for who knows it. The difference is only for who doesn't know
> 546. The sun which appears to be, but is not actually, swallowed by Rahu, is said to be swallowed, on account of delusion, by people, not knowing the real nature of the sun.
> 547. Similarly, ignorant people look upon the perfect knower of Brahman, who is wholly rid of bondages of the body etc., as possessed of the body, seeing but an appearance of it.
> 554. As an actor, when he puts on the dress of his role, or when he does not, is always a man, so the perfect knower of Brahman is always Brahman and nothing else.
> 558. For the giving up of the body is not Liberation, nor that of the staff and the water-bowl; but Liberation consists in the destruction of the heart’s knot which is Nescience.
@ChinmaySarupria ^^^
------------That's All---------------
Conversation ended May 25, 2016 at 12:56.