Conversation started Apr 16, 2019 at 18:32.
Apr 16, 2019 18:32
Can't figure out how to get merged resource dictionaries to work.
they're picky
I have two XAML files which each declare...
<viewModel:StopwatchViewModel x:Key="viewModel" /> in their resources.
I am following instructions for the last part of the book to combine the analog and digital versions of a stopwatch together.
The visual works but since they each have their own static resource they aren't in sync.
:derp: The book calls that fact out that they have their own view model.
My attempt to combine them still is valid.
Reading the manual about Mergede Resource Dictionaries has me to understand that creating one requires a XAML file with ResourceDictionary as its root element.
WTF... I swear that Resource Dictionary (WPF) wasn't an option when I tried 5 mins ago....
            <all your other local resources />
                <ResourceDictionary Source="..\..\Views\Common.xaml" />
Maybe give me a few mins to derp through this and maybe figure it out.
:gasp: did the derp get lucky?
Conversation ended Apr 16, 2019 at 18:48.