Conversation started Nov 5, 2014 at 13:37.
Nov 5, 2014 13:37
If I do a massive "Find/replace" on "As Integer" and replace it with "As Long" - does this have any potential to cause problems?
Ughh...... Not sure I would replace all.
I know I couldn't, because I've written too damn much meta code....
Do you make any API calls?
oh shit
Glad I asked first. bwahaha
Yeah. I would make sure to test changes to the Win API. They might need integers still.
Let me know though... I should probably update my SO answer if so.
Nov 5, 2014 14:05
I was thinking about this though, if VBA automatically converts behind the scenes Integer to Long - does it do this on declaration? or instantiate?
It's all about how it gets stored @enderland. It happens very close to the metal.
A: Integer Vs Long Confusion

RubberDuckAn integer declared as an Integer is still type checked as an Integer. The msdn documentation is referencing how the variable is stored internally. On a 32 bit system, an Integer will be stored in 32 bytes, while on a 16 bit system, it would have been stored in 16. Hence the maximum size. There...

Hmmm. So if an API call expects a 16bit integer, how does that actually work I wonder
Nov 5, 2014 14:35
@RubberDuck oh funny, I just realized that question was from yesterday
I'm pretty sure it's not even talking about in memory
I think it's just referring to the fact that registers are 32 bits
I use CopyMem for a bunch of things and I've never run into a case where I needed to treat an Integer as 4 bytes
Nov 5, 2014 14:50
Is there a way to check how much memory space it actually takes up @Blackhawk?
A: Integer Vs Long Confusion

enderlandI don't believe that documentation. Consider the following simple example: Sub checkIntegerVsLong() 'Check the total memory allocation for an array Dim bits As Integer 'or long? :) Dim arrInteger() As Integer ReDim arrInteger(1 To 5) arrInteger(1) = 12 arrInteger(2) = 45...

yes :P
I literally just posted an answer doing so
I would be very curious what that returns on different versions of Office
Well, you can check the Lenb()
Or you could create a Type
Public Type Test
a As Integer
b As Integer
End Type
and just check the VarPtr()s
c As Integer
@Blackhawk won't that check the string length? not the variable length?
Create some local variables in a function and use the VarPtr to read the memory "around" an integer to see if the other integers are right up next to it
Len = String length
LenB = byte length
you can use LenB on any variable type
including Types
Like this?
Private Sub test()
    Dim i As Integer: i = 10
    Dim l As Long: l = 10

    Debug.Print "i : " & LenB(i)
    Debug.Print "l : " & LenB(l)

End Sub
Nov 5, 2014 15:01
Should work
> i : 2
l : 4
2 bytes is 16 bits...
So VBA still stores Integers as 16-bits (unlike modern sane languages :P)
My guess is that the article is referring to how, to get a 16-bit value into a 32-bit register, some masking has to be performed
Except they actually use the word "Type"
or some such
which is hugely misleading if that's the case
@RubberDuck hehe I just added something similar into my answer there
Pretty sure Integers are not auto converted..
Nov 5, 2014 15:04
Public Type Testing
a As Integer
b As Integer
End Type

Public Sub Test()
Dim atest As Testing
Debug.Print VarPtr(atest.b) - VarPtr(atest.a)
End Sub
displays 2
Where's Spolsky when you need him.....
@Blackhawk do you mind if I include this in my answer there?
@enderland Go for it!
Public Sub Test()
    Dim a As Integer
    Dim b As Integer
    Debug.Print VarPtr(b) - VarPtr(a)
End Sub
Here's a fun one
turns out, function local variables are stored in reverse order
(pushed onto the stack in reverse order?)
@Blackhawk Interesting nugget. =)
thanks @Blackhawk, all the examples are in the answer i have there
@Blackhawk how do you figure?
> Sub testIndividualValues()

Dim j As Long
Dim i As Integer

Debug.Print VarPtr(i)
Debug.Print VarPtr(j)

End Sub
> 3731246
that prints consecutive memory addresses:
Nov 5, 2014 15:13
Yes, it does, because you're printing them in reverse order
If VBA stored them in the same order as you declared them, j would have a smaller address than i
Oh wait... the stack grows downward
wait, I just realized I declared them backwards
enderland fails
It looks like: 1. The stack grows downward (successive things pushed on the stack get smaller memory addresses) 2. VBA pushes local variables onto the stack in the order you declare them 3. Therefore, the first local variable has the largest address and the last the smallest
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "Kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByVal Destination As Long, ByVal Source As Long, ByVal Length As Integer)

Public Sub Test()
    Dim a As Integer
    Dim b As Integer
    Dim c As Integer

    a = 1
    b = 2
    c = 3

    Dim arr(0 To 5) As Byte

    CopyMemory VarPtr(arr(0)), VarPtr(b) - 2, 6&
End Sub
There's the last one I can think of
loading b and the 2 bytes before and after it shows that the three Integers are right next to each other, two bytes each
(inspecting arr in the watch window)
Conversation ended Nov 5, 2014 at 15:19.