Conversation started Jul 28, 2012 at 16:00.
Jul 28, 2012 16:00
Start #3 Linguistics Meeting. Please, let's keep the noise and jokes to a minimum. You are free to post and talk.
@OtavioMacedo @Cerberus There?
Topics for today are:
Challenge Weeks
Linguistic resources (e.g. the Linguistic Terminology FAQ question)
But I'd like to start with Promotion
I just got this nice form...
Please read it and then tell me, what would you share?
We could share this one, for example:
Q: How do linguists place the vowels of a language precisely on the vowel trapezoid?

TimwiSince vowels in human speech are a continuous spectrum rather than a discrete set, many descriptions of languages I’ve seen — not only on Wikipedia — place the vowels of a language as dots in a two-dimensional grid. For example, here is the one for modern Hebrew: The positions of these dots se...

We need something that could be interesting even for non-linguists or those that are not really into this kind of stuff. Something appealing.
@Cerberus and @OtavioMacedo please respond :)
Hmm what?
I was just making some noise and some jokes.
Oh ok :P
Have you checked the form? That could help us increase our visits.
Ah, interesting.
We could use that.
Jul 28, 2012 16:09
What question would you share?
Eh no idea, you?
The one above could be interesting for "outsiders"
It is an interesting question.
You have 3 brains, Cerberus, think of something for us!
Well it was interesting to me. And I'm an outsider.
Jul 28, 2012 16:10
It is slightly technical, though.
But you're a language enthusiast, and a translator.
Still, I have zero knowledge of the tools and methods described in the accepted answer.
@RegDwightАΑA Reg, hello! What would you share?
In our site, feel free to go browsing, as for how long as you want
I have no answer to that right now as this is like my fifth visit to the site.
Like I said, you don't need to answer now... Take whatever long you want. :D
We don't have to share it now, I'm talking to you too @Cerberus
But of course a noob like me would probably start by browsing the most popular questions.
Jul 28, 2012 16:14
I'm thinking too! (And hello)
@tdhsmith Thanks! Hello. :)
I just wanted to poke you about this, no hurry (well, don't take months! lol)
Id est I would only be instrumental in making the rich richer, ignorant of all the gems hidden in the rough.
@RegDwightАΑA I don't understand that...
@Alenanno Hi!
Jul 28, 2012 16:16
@OtavioMacedo Hello!
@Alenanno I mean that by browsing the most upvoted questions I'd only find candidates that everyone is aware of anyway.
@RegDwightАΑA What about something niche?
Eh I haven't browsed greatest hits in quite some time. I'm sure there's plenty unfamiliar there.
The thing about niches is that they are niches. And I only just found the main gate.
Jul 28, 2012 16:18
@RegDwightАΑA Welcome to the site, by the way!
Or this one:
Q: Articles before the name of a person

PhiraIn the following question on the French stackexchange site: “La” or “le” before a person's name? the asker refers to the phenomenon that in some rural/dialect settings the first name of a person is preceded by the definite article. The same construction is always used in Austria in spoken Germ...

I thought it happened in Italian (Tuscany) only.
@Alenanno Good idea!
I'll think of something
But I've been sharing on FB over the last few months anyway
@OtavioMacedo Thanks... :D
Ok, let's move on...
@OtavioMacedo and everyone else, about the Challenge Weeks: they work elsewhere... We're kind of the only ones that are failing at it... Is it just a matter of low visits?
@Alenanno that's an interesting one, actually. It happens all throughout Germany, even in the North where a grammar teacher would probably kill you on the spot.
@RegDwightАΑA Ahah! Well, in casual speech it's tolerated, right?
@Alenanno We're just small, specialised.
@RegDwightАΑA Yes, it is one of the weird features of German we learn in school.
Jul 28, 2012 16:23
@Cerberus What about "Topic of the week"?
"Hallo, ist die Inga da?"
But with no prizes, who's going to do something about it?
@Alenanno What is that?
@Cerberus Let me look for an example.
Q: Topic of the Week

TylerShadsThis is a quick way to expand the scope of the site and generate new questions and answers. How it works: - One topic will be designated each week starting Friday 0:00 (EST) and ending Thursday 23:59 (EST). The current topic will be listed below. How to enter - In order to participate, simply...

@Alenanno More than just tolerated. In the dialect that I speak it's almost mandatory. I will always introduce myself as "Ich bin der Reg". Dropping the article is kind of unnatural.
Jul 28, 2012 16:25
As I said in our last meeting, I think Challenge Weeks are very important.
But only if we have budget
I think Hochdeutsch actually cheats by preferring a different construction altogether. Mein Name ist Reg.
@OtavioMacedo Don't we have a budget of reputation? Everyone loves internet points. :P
@OtavioMacedo On the Movies SE topic it says:
> This is all well and good, but what do I get from this? - Honestly, at the moment, nothing.
Anyway, I wasn't going to derail this conversation. Carry on.
@RegDwightАΑA No worries!
Jul 28, 2012 16:26
@RegDwightАΑA UR Funny.
They have 4000 visits/day lol
I guess we need to fix something else first.
I think we will always stay small.
@Cerberus That's kind of sad. I hope you're wrong, sorry. :P
Not many people are interested in linguistics.
Not many people know about the site too...
Jul 28, 2012 16:29
I personally don't see it as a problem.
Well it's a problem if we are to meet SE standards of a valuable site
and hence stay online
@tdhsmith You mean, it's not a problem?
Except if Robert should decide to shut us down. But somehow I don't think he will. For what does it cost to keep us in the air? Very, very little, and we function well.
@Cerberus Well, it does cost.
That's why they shut them down. Because it costs. :P
@Alenanno I suppose so. They sort of mean the same thing I think?
Jul 28, 2012 16:31
I think we cost maybe € 1/month.
A tiny bit of hard-drive space, a bit of bandwidth.
@Cerberus I don't know the details, but even so... Why should they pay that for us and not for others? I'm not saying I'm happy to see this site being closed, but I don't blame them for not keeping it online if it costs.
And their staff needs to look at our site once in a while to make sure there are no problems. That's all.
@Cerberus Well regardless of the real costs, we aren't the ones making the decision, so we have to attempt to satisfy their expectations.
@tdhsmith All we need at the moment is 15 questions a day and 1500 visits. "That's all". The rest, we're on board.
We could make a coordinated "comment bombing" on some linguistics blog.
Jul 28, 2012 16:33
@Alenanno They do pay this for others. And they have no reason to cut off something that costs them next to nothing but would cause many angry users if shut down.
@tdhsmith I don't feel we "have" to do anything, but, sure, we can try to draw more people to the site if we can.
@OtavioMacedo Eheh :P
All the commenters would point to Ling.SE as our "website"
@OtavioMacedo Do people check the websites of other commenters that often?
I guess on systems where it's visible with your comment maybe
Jul 28, 2012 16:35
This brings me to our next topic... The Linguistics Terminology
Q: FAQ: Linguistic Terminology

AlenannoI have problems understanding some answers/questions because the terminology being used is too technical. Where can I find out what is the meaning of a particular term? Return to FAQ index

Read this too
A: Adding to the FAQ: linguistic terminology

AlenannoThe resource has been created, see the Meta question FAQ: Linguistic Terminology. I'm tagging this status-completed. If we make it ourselves (with the help of everybody), then I propose we use this scheme. The question will be linked to our Community FAQ and will be "usable" by the users to ...

What is your opinion about the last question I linked above?
What do you want to know? You marked it "status: completed"?
As said before, I'm fine with any of those options.
I assumed this "I was thinking... If we could slowly build our own resources, don't you think they would function as "keywords" that people will use to come here when they search on google?"
@Cerberus That means I opened the other topic and I said yes. But it's not like I'm the Emperor and that is a one-time solution.
Though I'd personally just Google or Wiki whichever term I wanted to look up.
Jul 28, 2012 16:39
@Cerberus Exactly.
But if googling
you end up visiting our site and not another one?
That is what I wanted to say in that answer.
So what is your position, or what do you propose?
I will say, I haven't been to a single linguistics glossary site that didn't look like it came from 1998
And modern style carries credibility, and we have modern style
What do you mean by that?
@tdhsmith They look old? I agree.
@Alenanno Yes
Jul 28, 2012 16:40
Oh, style.
Is that really an issue?
Well, anyway, I applaud any list or glossary you propose to create.
More I'm saying it would open the door for us because people factor web design into decisions more than they realize
I am not saying we need to write any word now. I'm saying we can start now and slowly build it up together and it might bring additional visits. Anything can help right now and this thing would hugely help us.
Also frames are obnoxious
Ok, let's think about this...
Let me add another topic.
What about this?
Q: Do we want a Linguistics Blog?

AlenannoI was thinking, in order to improve our community commitment and involvement, we could set up our own blog. SE sites do not have a blog by default but we can request one. I ask you to read this blog entry, which is related to this topic. Keeping in mind that we should post there at least once a...

If you feel up to it, why not?
But even on English.SE there weren't enough people willing or able to come up with regular blog posts.
But, if it isn't a problem if posts only appear irregularly, why not start a blog?
Jul 28, 2012 16:50
@Cerberus The blog is not going to be necessarily being handled by one person.
Even 5 people can do it, or 10, 20... They just need to take turns.
Of course.
Having blog content might be more refreshing
A lot of linguistics blogs are known for addressing really everyday things with a language focus
And that's not something as well represented in our question base
I've edited the question, so see the edit and answer.
Like Language Log and Hat?
@Cerberus Yes. Although I don't know that I could coordinate parts of proper nouns like that, personally. ;)
Jul 28, 2012 16:53
Our time is almost up, anything to add?
Oh that was short. :(
@tdhsmith Look at it as a figure of speech and with kindness.
Poor Smith.
@tdhsmith Don't worry, I'll set another one for next time! :)
I don't think our moderator will forbid similar conversations outside the designated time frame.
Of course not!
I'm not here to forbid... Well, unless you behave outside of the standard netiquette. :P
Jul 28, 2012 16:56
@Cerberus I look upon all language use with kindness!
And yes
Actually I do have one thing but it doesn't need to be within the predetermined confines of our discussion
I did get some interesting feedback about the site in my Facebook campaign.
Hopefully the speaker doesn't mind me reproducing here:
"I keep hoping to see really technical questions there, but it mostly seems to be stuff that could be answered by reading a textbook or taking an intro class. Either that or highly specific typological questions, where the answers are never very explanatory nor particularly interesting. The questions mostly seem to be coming from language enthusiasts or similar amateurs. [...]
I keep waiting for questions like “What arguments exist for right-to-left argument evaluation in formal semantics?”, or “Which theories of morphology can handle long distance dependencies?”, or “Where did the idea of an evaluation metric go in formal syntax?” but people keep asking so many questions like these instead: [...]
“Can children learn up to 4 different languages?”, “Are there any “simple” languages?”, “Can I learn a new language just by listening or watching videos?”. It’s good for public outreach, but it just isn’t useful for me as an actual linguist."
Invite that person to post!
Well I did, and this was the response!
I think he has an account
Oh ok
Alenanno has removed an event from this room's schedule.
Alenanno has added an event to this room's schedule.
but anyway it's a critique I understand, but I don't know how we could manage to have even more specialized answers going out in a reasonable timeframe.
People are already "nervous" to respond to things outside of their little bubble
Jul 28, 2012 17:02
Oh by the way
End #3 Linguistics Meeting.
Conversation ended Jul 28, 2012 at 17:02.