Conversation started Dec 21, 2022 at 22:51.
Dec 21, 2022 22:51
Anyway, where were we? Is there anything else we have left to look at in the case?
I think you've pretty much scoured it at this point.
You've got the page, the photographs, the case report, and the suitcase.
So where to next?
We still need deep sea diving training
Where can we get stuff for diving?
Roll for Googling "diving stuff near me"
Dec 21, 2022 22:55
I think we were told we needed planar travel training or something of the sort
Adrian never allows Google to know his location
Fantasy DuckDuckGo? :p
Uh didn't they do something bad
Not fantasy duckduckgo but like...the real thing
They did?
I think they were selling user data or something
Well shit uh
Dec 21, 2022 22:58
fantasy Ecosia?
Sure let's go with that
In this setting Ecosia is run by dryads.
Do we know if we would have to deal with deep sea water pressure in the plane of water
Intelligence roll on that one.
"Ahh think Ahh'm done reading sheets of paper for the day" Hopford says looking plain tuckered out despite the excellent FBI Cocoa ™
Hi laurel can you roll Intelligence for me thx
"Excellent? Are you shu-I mean, I'm glad you liked it. Should we continue our preparations tommorow?"
Dec 21, 2022 23:02
(OOC Hopford is out of spell slots, IC he's still good for a few more hours at least)
15 + 4 = 19
"Nawhh hold on, Ahh'm just done with paper. Anything else though, happy to help"
@Laurel Judging from the notion that the Elemental Plane of Water is the source of all water that exists and that it's described in your arcane textbooks as an endless expanse of infinite abyss, it's probably pretty important to prepare for the possibility of deep sea water pressure and/or thalassophobic terror. And possibly the bends.
"Well, where should we put all this evidence? We need some place secure to put it."
"The elemental plane is like, all water. We need to figure out how we're going to deal with the intense pressure."
"Could we just keep the evidence with us for now? We can put some other helpful things in the briefcase."
Dec 21, 2022 23:09
"Hhmm surely, there's some spell for that very thang? The pressure I mean"
"Seems a little risky, do I look like someone who would carry a briefcase?" I take the case and let it hang by my side, it's like a match made in heaven
As you dangle the case by your side, it's funny but it feels like it weighs exactly the same as it did before you took the items out of it.
@Laurel "Ahh'd keep that horror of a page clean away from anything else. Ahhh don't trust it not to go reading other words, learnin' itself too much"
"...Wait a minute." I place the briefcase back on the table and examine it
It's a pretty average-looking briefcase. Nothing seems unusual about it.
Surprisingly light, though.
Dec 21, 2022 23:12
"Adrian, do you have anything we could put the page in? Like a magic binder? To bind the magic?"
"We would have to go to magic Staples."
(As an aside I wish I had Detect magic every other session and I wonder where I can get it)
"Hwell, you ain't wanting the paper to throw a fit over bein' contained either, y'all remember the book"
"I was worried about that. But I wonder if there is anything we can do now that we have this page?"
Hopford shrugs, "Ahh ain't got the answers ah'm afraid. Just thinking these here are good questions t' be askin'"
(may I request a GM nudge, so we don't get stuck?)
Dec 21, 2022 23:24
Insight check seems fitting :p
I have such a skill
Planar travel would probably be something you could ask around about further. Maybe there's a SECO agent or local magical contact who travels there a lot or is experienced enough with portal-hopping to actually take you there. Alternatively, whether or not there are any historical records of the eldritch books could be interesting to look into for clues. Or maybe there are more past SECO encounters with them that could be hidden somewhere in the cold zone records.
What are the cold zone records?
My vote would be for someone magic. So we can magic
A SECO phrase referring to old, old records that are kept in deep storage.
Like stuff from longer than 10-15 years ago.
Dec 21, 2022 23:28
Are we allowed to look at those?
You could conceivably find the right person to get you in there, if you have a good reason for it. It's sort of a "restricted section in Hogwarts" situation.
You do know a friendly neighborhood Archivist and a new field agent friend, too.
field agent?
Also, a flumph.
Anyone else agree to see the field agent?
Merriment appeared to be fairly high-ranking from what you could discern.
Dec 21, 2022 23:32
Hopford nods
Yeah, but he just left and seemed like he had somewhere to be
So let's focus on getting the training and maybe finding someone who will be able to take us to water world when we're ready, does that sound good?
Do we know where we would go to get help with this?
If you were interested in purely just "learning to scuba dive/cave dive" training minus the magic component, you could inquire on the Upside - although this isn't exactly an ocean-bordering part of the continent so you might be training on a local beach or at a lake. If you're more interesting in magical water-navigation training that would be something you'd have to put feelers out for, that's a very specific area. Like finding a local water sorceror or a merperson or something.
You could potentially roll to see if you remember past SECO-related encounters with people who have connections to water.
Dec 21, 2022 23:39
roll what
Whatever makes sense, Intelligence maybe.
15 + 4 = 19
I recall at one point, I think after we spoke to the Archivist, that we knew of some SECO thing that could train us in preparation for planar travel, I believe we also asked Merriment about it but he gave us the briefcase instead
@Laurel The Palo Fresco aquarium jumps into your mind all of a sudden. You can't remember exactly what the case was there, but you remember being with Adrian and there was a scuba diver and something about an awakened sea turtle and the whole thing ended up being a minor B-plot incident. Could potentially be a place to check out for finding magical water-related knowledge, maybe?
Suddenly I break the silence with "Ooooo Adrian, can we go to the aquarium? You know the one. Wait, I don't care if you say no. Let's go."
Dec 21, 2022 23:45
"Uh, what for?"
"Y'all have an aquarium in town?" And Hopford sounds impressed
You also recall visiting the local zoo once because the stingrays in the stingray tank ended up, uh, not being stingrays. It was ugly.
Cloakers, man.
"I just have a feeling it will be helpful. I'm not trying to manipulate you into seeing the turtles with me... not this time."
Hopford is low-key excited to go to his first aquarium
the DM is totally not biasedly suggesting going to see cute fishies
Dec 21, 2022 23:48
We go? Time skip to then?
aquarium travel montage
I reluctantly agree to the aquarium travel montage
Somehow we end up at the turtles and my eyes are glued to them
> "There is no way I'm doing that." *cut to them doing that*
Dec 21, 2022 23:52
By the time the aquarium travel montage takes you there, it's getting to be evening - leaving the SECO building and catching a ride all the way down there through very dense city traffic takes most of the day. The place isn't very busy so you get to all the best fishies very quickly.
There are delightful sea horsies, tropical fishfrens in a variety of colors, starfish, and all manner of small sea critters. It's very relaxing.
The sea turtles are floating around amicably and drift by Seline like ship buoys.
I look for my guy
Hopford has gone full tourist
Your guy is there and he is perfect.
I reluctantly start doing what we came here to do. I peel my eyes away from the turtles, and start looking for anything magic
Some sightseeing and one life sized sea turtle plushie for Seline later, I say
"So....why are we here?"
Dec 21, 2022 23:55
@Laurel Roll Perception. It's a bit quiet so it's not too hard to do a circuit around checking out the place.
Adrian and Hopford, you notice that as Seline moves around the fish subtly follow her and drift slightly in her direction.
I look on with interest, watching to see what happens next
@Laurel You do a slow loop around the tank area and case the joint. Nothing obviously magical jumps out to you - no magic-looking fish or weird-looking creatures, no unusual signs or things that look like they don't belong. There are a few employees hanging around looking pretty bored.
"We should do another loop around"
Dec 21, 2022 23:57
The nearest employee is doing a poor job hiding the fact that she's vaping on the job.
I think back about all the government funded The Real Cost commercials fondly, but remain silent
It's a breath of stress air!
Can someone else do perception?
Some of the nearby African cichlid fish in an adjacent tank start drifting towards Seline slightly behind the glass.
I shake myself out of my daze and try to look for whatever Seline seems to be after
9+9 = 18 if I'm supposed to do perception
I will perceive the fish
Dec 22, 2022 00:01
Hopford follows suit and starts staring at fish
@Hikari You notice the fish movements, and also notice something else peculiar about these particular fish - they seem to move just a little... off? You can't put your finger on it but they almost seem a little too aware. Fish aren't really known for having high IQs so the fact that they're deliberately seeming to notice your presence and react to you is weird.
Not necessarily hostile, just odd.
My turtle plush watches the fish
(Me, my secret agent partner, and her 500 dollar 4 foot tall turtle plush)
The fish in the tank in front of the turtle plush stare back, gulping and doing the :o fish face.
Dec 22, 2022 00:05
(You, your secret agent partner, and your other secret agent partner who's not a turtle plush.)
I wave to the fish
One of the fish drifts vaguely in the direction of your hand, then drifts back down.
(Is this the same day that we saw the Archivist? Or did we have a long rest between then and now()
(If you want to have gone aquarium-ing a day after finding the briefcase we can say you long rested)
Dec 22, 2022 00:12
(I like LRing because it means I get my cool stuff back)
One of the visitors you saw by the entrance, an older grey-haired fellow with a flat cap, wanders to a fish tank close by and starts peering closely at the fish. He taps a finger on the tank and a fish darts away.
I study him to see if he looks helpful
Roll Investigation
(So do we have a LR?)
(Yes, assuming you’re fine with a day’s passage)
Dec 22, 2022 00:14
(That's fine)
4+7 = 11
(can Hopford help?)
He looks like a fairly old chap, human. He isn’t appearing to visibly react to the weird behavior of the fish.
Is the glass too thick for much sound to come through?
Dec 22, 2022 00:17
9+7 =16 for the reroll
@Hikari It's pretty thick aquarium-grade glass, so probably all sound is very muffled.
But there are still signs saying "PLEASE DO NOT TAP GLASS."
So I assume if I used speak with animals I wouldn't be able to hear the fish saying anything through the glass?
@Laurel You note that the man's hat is a size too big for his head, but otherwise he seems normal. His clothes are nice and look freshly ironed.
@Hikari It's a toss-up, fish speech is mostly bubbles. You could definitely try :p
I will use magic to visually interpret bubble-speech
I cast speak with animals
As the magic allows you to understand Bubblespeak, you suddenly hear the African cichlids in front of Seline chittering quietly in high-pitched voices: "She is bright? She so bright! Very bright! Must follow! Pretty!"
Dec 22, 2022 00:21
What did I expect.. I think to myself
The bigger fish swimming around in front of the old man, meanwhile, are chattering quietly: "Spooky. Not like. Go away. Go go."
Some of them are hiding in the seaweed in the tank.
I look at other exhibits to see if other fish are saying the same sort of thing about other patrons
It's harder to hear from further away, but distant Bubblespeak is saying things like "Food? Yum? You bring food?" and a deeper bubbling that might be from the turtles: "Duuuuudddeeeee."
I nod with respect towards the turtles saying Duuuuudddeeeeee and look back to the old man
"Beautiful fish, aren't they?" he says, without looking up from the tank.
Dec 22, 2022 00:26
I look between him, the tank, and the others.
I lean over to Seline and Hopford and whisper that the fish are afraid of this man
"If only life could always be as simple as following a current," he says, moving over to look at some tetra fish. "Imagine how peaceful their lives must be."
What are the tetra fish bubbling?
@Sciborg (Hopford prepared Detect Magic that morning btw)
The tetra are quiet; they are floating around in apparent nervousness.
Can Hopford be ritually ritualing detect magic without being too obvious?
Dec 22, 2022 00:30
(Hey, I have a thing I have to get to, you can go on without me if you wish! But thank you for the game!)
It's hard to conceal because it's verbal and somatic, so you'd be making lots of gestures and muttering. You could definitely try but it'd be a high Stealth roll.
Hopford would rather not then...
Conversation ended Dec 22, 2022 at 0:31.