Conversation started Jun 19, 2014 at 16:38.
Jun 19, 2014 16:38
Im stressing the hell out,
@Arsalan Instead of stressing, take a deep breath
@CanadianLuke Cannot,
Do you guys have experiance with wordpress?
I was devloping a site in wordpress all is going and i decied to do a reinstall now, i cant seem to slove this error "Download failed.: Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable." i ve checked owner of the dir and the chmod is correct but still it giving me that error.
Who is the owner?
a localuser,
What local user?
Jun 19, 2014 16:41
i ve got multiple sites on this machine and they all configured this way, they are all working
Oh, a multi-site server
What user are you using to FTP within Wordpress?
but this one isn't, it was working perfectly in the morning
Does that user have write access? Or is it in the group to have write access?
Same user, got a vsftpd running
And you can create a file, edit it, then delete it?
Jun 19, 2014 16:42
using filezilla i can,
but wordpress won't.
This syntax highlighting is seriously wtf
Well, so is the code, but still :P
so i just changed to apache user and its working, so why isn't working with a local user?
Is the sticky bit set? (I'm assuming this is on Linux)
Yeah Im running Centos
can i do chown site2:apache htdocs?
apache being the group?
Where is each site hosted? Do they have their own directory with your htdocs folder?
Jun 19, 2014 16:48
Its a Dedicated Server,
I made a new user for each site.
within each user /home/site1/htdocs, /home/site2/htdocs, etc
OK, and only site2 would use files in the htdocs folder, and below? No other site needs access to it?
The site is working perfectly when i apache owns the htdocs.
OK, just for testing, try chown -R :apache htdocs/*. The -R does recursive. Let's not change the user yet
yep, no error install plugin,
so yeah its working with the apache group
So it's likely that the sticky bit isn't enabled. Do you know what that is, or would you like a quick explanation?
Jun 19, 2014 16:56
quick explanintion please
sorry ive gotten a job a web devloper and been learning linux since i was like 16 and im 21 so ive missed some bits.
That's how you learn, messing up
The sticky bit is an extra permission (with chmod) that makes it so the owner and group stays the same on the folder, and everything below it. Useful with shared folders with multiple users accessing it
thanks a lot.
You can set it by using a 2 in front of the usual 3-digit octal code (i.e. chmod -R 2770 /path/to/folder lets the owner and group access and do anythign with the files, inside the folder, and newly created files as well)
No problem! Good luck
Conversation ended Jun 19, 2014 at 17:01.