Conversation started Apr 17, 2017 at 17:06.
Apr 17, 2017 17:06
@DavidPostill Do you mind if I make (y)our recent PMs public? And, if you do, is it a legal issue if a do so with just mine?
@Nick ^^ actually kinda makes sense-ish now
But still not really :P
@bertieb again, compare, not a merge but fuck, that's trippy :D
It is a compare, insofar as I could
I'll see if the imagemagick's compare works any better now
It was silently erroring before, presumably as difference was too large (across RMSE, AE, etc)
Hmm, could align them better in gimp and then compare
heads down the rabbit hole
Q: can I see the time of a certain chat post or is there just the time shown at posts here and there?
I see "posted NNm ago" in their drop-down menus but is there the absolute time somewhere?
@GeroldBroser Are you referring to the mod message? It's up to you. They are intended to be private but we can't stop you making them public.
Apr 17, 2017 17:19
@DavidPostill yes I am. Do I have to conform to "_user contributions licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required_"?
a) when doing so on an SE page (not sure, since the rightholder is probably the same: Stack Exchange)
b) when doing so on an SE-external place (most probably yes, due to the license)
@GeroldBroser Hmm. I don't know. Let me run it past the other mods. Where are you thinking of posting it and why?
Conversation ended Apr 17, 2017 at 17:23.