Conversation started Jan 28, 2013 at 0:52.
Jan 28, 2013 00:52
Hey @Hennes @JourneymanGeek ever used FreeNAS or something similar?
no, not yet
Nope. Nor ZFS (though IIRC that is the default for FreeNAS installs)
sadly, my fileserver is my windows XP rig
I'm strongly considering a fileserver for my home.
I only worry because HDs are a bit expensive over here
ruda: first think what you want to use it for. Just as a NAS/FS?
Or also as server, totrents, firewall, etc etc
Jan 28, 2013 00:54
@ruda.almeida: yeah, prices are dropping but not back to pre-flood levels
@ruda.almeida: what sort of hardware do you have in mind?
@Journey Pre-flood levels?
HDD manufacturing is (was) mostly concentratated in a few places
@Hennes Well, actually I want to have one emulator station, on gaming station, one download server, one file server, one working station, one laptop PC and one serious gaming station. Oh, and a media center. And my 2 android phones and 1 android tablet.
But the file server is kinda urgent.
@Ariane: Hard drive prices bottomed out before there was a big flood in thailand, where a lot of HDD manufacturing was
Severe flooding occurred during the 2011 monsoon season in Thailand. Beginning at the end of July triggered by the landfall of Tropical Storm Nock-ten, flooding soon spread through the provinces of Northern, Northeastern and Central Thailand along the Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins. In October floodwaters reached the mouth of the Chao Phraya and inundated parts of the capital city of Bangkok. Flooding persisted in some areas until mid-January 2012, and resulted in a total of 815 deaths (with 3 missing) and 13.6 million people affected. Sixty-five of Thailand's 77 provinces were de...
Jan 28, 2013 00:56
@ruda.almeida: you could probably do most of that with three boxen ;p
my workstation and my gaming station are the same box.
@Journey Ooooh, thaaaat, I'd heard of it a little. And what are pre-flood levels?
@Ariane: let me give you an example
@JourneymanGeek I know, they don't have to be separate servers. I haven't yet decided much about the setup,
The price levels of harddrives before the flood
I could buy a 500 gb hard drive for 50 dollars at the cheapest
it went up to 150
now its at around 75
(yes, bigger drives are the sweetspot, but you get the idea ;p)
Jan 28, 2013 00:57
@Hennes thanks, but I had figured out the grammar. I was looking for something more concrete. :p
@ruda.almeida: I'd go for a medium-low end windows box running proper linux, then use that for routing, fileserver and download
Image circa Nov 2011
Oh, thanks.
maybe a core i5 right down to a pentium
Jan 28, 2013 01:00
@JourneymanGeek Why routing? Why not let a generic wifi router connected to the ISP be the network router? And from there distrubute the cabled and/or wifi internet connection?
@ruda.almeida: two reasons, fileserver will be running anyway, one less system
secondly you have the option of a dedicated wired link to the system
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, but I need the standalone router with multiple ethernet ports in order to connect the wired PCs -- much cheaper than a PC with multiple ethernet ports. If it's got a wifi antenna, that's better.
@ruda.almeida: lots of modern desktop boards have wifi built in
I don't understand what "a dedicated wired link to the system" means.
and you can just get a switch
let me break out ASCII flow ;p
Jan 28, 2013 01:05
@ruda You could take a look at the FX-8150 processor from AMD. It's evaluated to having one of the best price-to-quality rates.
@JourneymanGeek Well, a switch is about, let me see, $25 for a 4port switch, $55 for a dlink 802.11g + 4 ethernet ports
so $55 is much cheaper than a PC, and 4 pourts more
@Ariane: a pentium would do for this -> the two layouts
and they're cheap and have great power to performance ratios
@Ariane U$500 for a processor? That's R$ 1000, or almost half of my salary. That's what I paid for an entire 10 inch android tablet. FOR A SINGLE PROCESSOR? No thanks.
and the idea being that you have the fileserver on anyway
@ruda Nope, I think you're looking at the wrong one. Mine cost less than 200.
Jan 28, 2013 01:08
might as well make use of it
@Ariane: indian money ;p
hm, maybe not
@JourneymanGeek Brazilian. There are import costs, shipping costs, taxes costs, taxes over taxes, etc etc etc.
what's a R$? I've seen Rs, and the new wierd ₹
my bad
also exchange rates
Here's an article (in portuguse) from 2009 saying how is cheaper to buy a plane ticket Brazil/US, buy the special edition of Rock Band, buy the ticket back, than buying it on the stores.
@ruda you did say U$500 right? As in 500 US $ ? Nope, wrong one. The one I'm talking about is less than 200 US $.
@ruda That's in Canadian dollars, and the values of Canadian and US dollars are really close.
/me spent about 500 sgd on his core i7 and motherboard >_>
Jan 28, 2013 01:12
@JourneymanGeek WOW.
@JourneymanGeek Uhm, what's a SGD?
(though, my case was expensive)
singapore dollar
/me just googled "brl 500 sgd" ;-)
@ruda.almeida: mobo/processor combos are cheap here ;p
@Journeyman Sounds like a fair price. o:
Jan 28, 2013 01:13
though its silightly annoying. had my eyes on a little via board, then realised it was probably cheaper for me to get an AMD or intel system
A friend of mine says there's a cheap itx or mini-itx or soldered mobo-processor, or atom processor... well, some sort of combo, it's cheap. And, for just a download and file server, might suffice. I hope.
@ruda.almeida: mini itx tends to be cheap. I haven't really seen too many soldered mobo/processor combos that were worth it
About what I paid for my motherboard and processor, and I think yours are of superior quality.
AMD hudsons are worth looking for
@Ariane: total cost of my system is about 1.5K I think ;p
@JourneymanGeek Ouch. Mine is just a bit over 1000.
Jan 28, 2013 01:15
@JourneymanGeek If I recall correctly, this soldered combo is from Asus, so probably not that bad quality, and it's just for fileserver and download.
counting in the part I got for free.
And I do believe I got pretty good parts for it. So. Yeah. Golden PC. XD
@Ariane: 2 hard drives, gforce 660, 16gb of ram
My work station and gaming station, on the other hand... The kind of setup I want... My pocket weeps blood when I think of the specs. And optimally I wanted 2 different machines.
I want to add a big storage drive
Jan 28, 2013 01:16
@JourneymanGeek o: I have a small SSD, 1 TB HDD, 750 W top quality PSU, 16 GB RAM... Yeah, yours is more expensive but not sure where.
@ruda.almeida: XD. I 'make' 300 bucks a month
@Ariane: conversion rates ;p
and I probably slightly overestimated the cost.
620W PSU, got a seasonic m12II
hmm, case maybe?
Well, I say "I have", but it's more like "I will have once I receive the PSU that I need to put the parts in because I neglected to calculate that my old PSU wouldn't be enough"é
I suspect my PSU has a fair amount of headroom
My case is pretty cheap.
I have a cosair 600T
Jan 28, 2013 01:18
Oh I know
@JourneymanGeek I've been employed for just 4 months and already bought a 10" tablet and I'm really divided into paying for a webdev course or buying cool and expensive hardware
I got a good deal on my parts.
@ruda.almeida: spent about a year saving
There was uhm. Boxing week sale. I think I saved maybe 200 $ total.
@Ariane: I've been working on cheap cases for ages
Its nice to work on something the size of a third world village ;p
Jan 28, 2013 01:20
@Journey I dislike large stuff. My best friend had advised me to buy a more expensive Cooler Master HUGE case, but 1. it was ugly and 2. it was huge
So I got this.
/me does have a spare perx case.
@Ariane: I open up my system a LOT
I think I can spend a year saving for the non-urgent stuff, but the filewerver is kinda urgent. I got just a half-filled 200GB HDD on my laptop (my only current working PC), a filled 160GB external HDD, 3 filled 8GB flash drives, a few external HDDs that I don't even remember whats on them, and lots of recorded DVDs.
Jan 28, 2013 01:21
Lots and lots and lots and I lose 2 hours whenever I have to find anything on them.
@ruda.almeida: as someone whose last pc was a dumpster rescue.. I have to ask, got any old hardware lying around? ;p
Just one note: Storing things on a fileserver is great, but if you only store it there without backups then bad things might happen
and blah, now I am tempted to plot to convert the old PIV into a fileserver ;p
@ruda I love how your priorities are centered around computers. xD While I changed my computer because I was getting "insufficient memory" errors, I'm wondering if I'll be able to afford clothes and surgery. xD
Jan 28, 2013 01:22
@JourneymanGeek I did, but it was SO old it was uncompatible with anything, such as 6-8 years mobos, and quite old stuff, I just threw most of it on the garbage =/
@ruda.almeida: nuuu
6-8 years is still new enough to temporarily use ;p
@JourneymanGeek I think I still have 2 still-in-the-box DDRII RAM modules, 2gb each
@JourneymanGeek Maybe it was more than 8 years. There was even a slot-type pentium II mobo
slot type pentium is a lot older than 8 years
@Journey Yeah... I've got my wisdom teeth that HURT, and another non-covered surgery that I really need but isn't covered (and I don't really want to talk about it to everyone).
Jan 28, 2013 01:24
ahh, k
Hmm, I have thrown those away (Asus P2B-Dual board with a pair of celeron 366s in a slot and the same with a pair of celeron-466's)
If its a core 2 or newer, then its reasonably compatible with newer stuff
we had a pIV 1.6 in storage
damned thing mysteriously stopped booting tho
The excuses I had for keeping reeeealy old and uncompatible stuff around was "hey, I occasinally freelance as tech support, so let's keep it for testing". But I recently said f#@$ tech support, so why to keep trash around?
@ruda.almeida: my parents have a love/hate relationship with my love of tech
I kept old stuff around cause I couldn't buy new stuff for a while ;p
@ruda.almeida: update that to newer stuff - there's ivy ridges as cheap as 42 dollars US and that's what I'd do
I'd consider cheaping out on the ram tho
16gb is a LOT, even for a gaming rig
Conversation ended Jan 28, 2013 at 1:29.