Conversation started Oct 4, 2011 at 14:47.
Oct 4, 2011 14:47
Correct me if I understand it wrong, but a common christian position that it is perfectly fine for god to torment someone for eternity in hell for any infraction, no matter how small (all sins are equal). All civilized courts punish according to the severity of the crime.
@Fabian i see. What if everyone was guilty of murder?
@Fabian I would say that's most likely the fault of inadequate definitions of sin. The popular ones don't do the idea justice.
@waxeagle But most people never murder anyone
@Fabian sure, but what if everyone was guilty of murder?
@Fabian You can't take "all sins are equal" to mean "all sins are small". The problem with sin is it is infraction and a state of rebellion against an infinite God. That means all sins are infinitely big.
Oct 4, 2011 14:50
@waxeagle Still, eternal punishment would likely be seen as "cruel and unusual"
@Fabian sure, but can you conceive of something worse than murder?
can you conceive of a crime that is deserving of eternal punishment?
@waxeagle Nothing that would justify eternal punishment
@waxeagle making someone burn in hell for eternity?
@CiscoIPPhone lol.
my point being. if you can conceive of the worst crime you can commit. magnify this by a power of infinity and that to God is what everyone is guilty of, from the moment they are conceived.
this is what total depravity means
@waxeagle That is pretty arbitrary, and probably the source of the disagreement
Oct 4, 2011 14:55
@Fabian not arbitrary, its the imputation of Adam's guilt onto humanity
@waxeagle I see no justification for punishing someone for something he has not done
@Fabian lol do you have to pay taxes when your representative votes to raise them?
@waxeagle Taxes are not punishment, I don't think this analogy works
todays kids don't get sentenced to death if their father is, do you think it would be justified otherwise?
Do you think killing the family of a convicted criminal as punishment would be fair?
Oct 4, 2011 14:57
@Fabian hmmm lets try another one. ooh here is a good one. if your country decides to go to war, who makes that call?
that is a equally bad one
@BeatMe ? do you know where I'm going?
@waxeagle The elected representatives in parliament, but war is also not really about ethics
@Fabian your country is then nuked by the opposition, you are then paying for the poor decisions of your leaders are you not?
how is that fair?
it's not
and it is not justified
Oct 4, 2011 14:59
@waxeagle It is not fair, it happens, but you wouldn't make nuking whole countries the base of a system of morality
@Fabian right but my point, and this is the larger point here, you are responsible in the end for what your representatives have done are you not?
How about this one @waxeagle and @Fabian. The issue is representation. Let's say you were born the citizen of one country. Your country has established borders with neighboring countries. One of those neighboring countries has specific laws about imigration and you have to get a specific visa to go there. The law about that was made by politics you had no control over and the border was set before your birth.
Yet you are still subject to it because it was made by people who went before you and who represented all future citizens of those countries.
so i am responsible for the death of jews in my country because my ancestors were the nazis?
your're kidding right?
@waxeagle That analogy doesn't work as I vote in elections, I didn't vote for Adam
@Fabian how do you know?
Oct 4, 2011 15:01
Adam was YOUR representative. You inherit his nature and citizenship.
So, you think punishing people for crimes of their ancestors would be fair?
@Fabian not by human standards, no
oh that again
god did it, then it surely is ok
I'll have to go for now, bye
@BeatMe not my point. Also an ancestor is not necessarily a representative.
Oct 4, 2011 15:07
so adam did not necessarily represent us?
In this case Adam was a representative, my dad's grandfather was not my representative in any tangible way
@BeatMe no he definitely was.
i don't think he represented me, but apparently I can't choose?
@BeatMe do you think you can do better?
do what better?
not pushing eternal sin to my kids/representatives
@BeatMe do you think that you could have lived in the garden of eden and not eaten the fruit of the knowledge of good an evil?
Oct 4, 2011 15:09
yeah, i think i can handle that
no, not that
i think i would be more like satan
because i actually think he's the better guy
but i know you disagree with me, so just forget it ;)
Oct 4, 2011 15:23
btw I don't get it why god would place a forbidden fruit anywhere, place humans in there who of couse could get decieved by satan/the snake and eat the fruit (how horrible), while knowing this would happen and then not only punish adam, but also everyone else
at least we got free will not to believe in him, thanks
Conversation ended Oct 4, 2011 at 15:24.