Conversation started Sep 27, 2012 at 18:58.
Sep 27, 2012 18:58
Welcome to Project Update Thursday
I'll check back in a bit with my own updates, but I'll give you a topic to discuss: faq changes, good, bad, indifferent.
@Tester101 and I had a good discussion on scope earlier today (scroll up). Essentially, I think we should be much more lenient about DIY-but-not-home-improvement questions (eg, building or repairing stuff not attached to your house). Tester101 thinks those questions are okay but only because "When, where, and how to use tools is almost always on-topic."
Do you have an example of a question deemed out of scope that you think shouldn't have been?
We both agreed that questions like "How do I build something to do x?" are bad questions -- but not because they're off-topic, but because they're either essentially asking "Design this for me" and/or they show no research has been done.
@TheEvilGreebo no though I think to finalize any discussion I'm going to have to go find some. I have definitely seen some before, it's hard to find closed/deleted questions though.
@gregmac agreed
I'd suggest we keep the scope limited to home improvement, but if someone asks about something for a hobby project that has a more general application to home improvement, then it can be considered on topic. It would be best if we edit those questions to remove the hobby aspect.
Sep 27, 2012 19:06
@BMitch Why? We're only getting something like 2-8 questions a day
Yeah I mean "how do i rebuild my carburetor?" arguably involves tool usage but is a mechanics question
If it's plumbing, electrical, framing / finish carpentry and not specifically in the house I'm inclined to say, "Fine"
@gregmac because quality > quantity
I mean it's tough to draw the line.. To me asking something like "I'm trying to build a go-kart, but the axle which I've attached with #8 1.5" screws keeps falling off when I go over bumps. How can I make the connection more secure?" is okay
right now, I'm pretty sure if that question got asked it would be closed as off-topic
ok, fair enough
but again tough to discuss concretely without concrete examples
Sep 27, 2012 19:10
yes, absolutely.
@TheEvilGreebo Just because a process uses tools, does not make it a tool question. This was the question that started the discussion.
I guess seeing the beer keg question get answered was surprising to me, so I'll keep an eye out now for that type of question, and if I'm feeling very adventurous I'll go looking for old deleted/closed questions..
He's asking about cutting a keg, but is asking "What tool can I use to cut thin metal?"
@Tester101 Right
What do we care? He may be using the kegs to mix grout in for his bathroom tiling project.
Sep 27, 2012 19:13
Although... It could be closed as duplicate, maybe.
Q: What's the easiest way for me to cut thin metal?

KirkWill someone at Home Depot or Lowe's be able to cut this for me? If not, what tool should I buy and use? Edit Thanks for all the help! I ended up buying a Dremel. I went through 6 cut-off wheels in order to finish all my cuts. I was customizing an IKEA drawer to fit under my smaller IKEA tabl...

great googa mooga:
A: Doors are sticky and noisy when opened?

cheryllmine was doing the same thing.. i heard that by putting a little vaseline on the door stops it.. so i tried it and guess what no sticking sound. it does tend to wear off in time, but i just reapply it and no noise...

Which reminds me of the question: "How do you use Vaseline during sex?" - "Put it on the doorknob to keep the kids from opening the door."
@ChrisCudmore You're doing it wrong.
How? I have kids don't I? Sounds like Mission Accomplished to me.
Now I can spend that time improving the house.
@ChrisCudmore As a single man, I'd say that kids are not necessarily the objective
Sep 27, 2012 19:18
@BMitch As a DINK, I say they're way more fun to make than keep.
But now I've always got someone who will Lego with me.
Hello @Pschultz
@ChrisCudmore I was an only child. I have sharing issues. Better for me not to have kids.
@BMitch Is this bringing us back on to the DIY topic?
Hello @Chris
Sep 27, 2012 19:21
@ChrisCudmore We got side tracked by someone discussing Vaseline usage during sex.
Off Topic: I have two sql servers on different boxes - 2 inches from each other, that have to go through web services and odbc to talk to each other.
I can't wait until this migration is over.
@ChrisCudmore That's awesome.
Servers should never talk directly
Scariest DIY project ever... Busting out tap holes in a new (expensive) sink.
Q: Can I drill a hole for a faucet in a porcelain sink?

winerd Looking at this bathroom sink from below a round area is visible in the middle where the material is thinner. Is there a safe way to drill a middle hole there (to install the faucet recommended at

@Tester101 i know
I'm not touching that one.
Sep 27, 2012 19:24
You always want to reach for the drill first.
But I should be able to update OLD.tablename from NEW.sometable.UpdateTrigger
I tried giving a light tap to a tight fitting bolt in a toilet tank. Fortunately the HI store is a short drive and new toilets aren't too expensive.
The first time I did it, I was holding the punch on the mark, sweating, and breathing deep. My friend snatched the hammer, and said what are you waiting for. WHACK!
I snapped a toilet tank once because I didn't tighten the two bolts evenly.
Porcelain is so fragile. I set the side of a toilet down on the lip of a tub too hard once. Crack.
Sep 27, 2012 19:26
He had never done it before either, and didn't realize how much I had paid for the sink.
Fortunately, it worked out.
Can you really knock out a hole like that?
Nice safety glasses.
@ChrisCudmore he's got his face right up in it too
You see, safety is important.
Sep 27, 2012 19:38
@ChrisCudmore as are neon plastic seat belts
16 mins ago, by Chris Cudmore
But I should be able to update OLD.tablename from NEW.sometable.UpdateTrigger
I don't know what the context of that is in this chat, but it makes me laugh
It was talking about my SQL servers that have to go through a webservice to talk to each other.
So if you don't have a lot of space above a door to get a RO sander in to take some of the top off of it, what do you do?
@Aaron Pull the hinge pins out, and do it outside.
So my own project update this week: attempted replacement of exhaust fan switch with a timer, sadly the attempt failed and will have to be retried in a week.
It seems that the timers stocked by HD only support incandescent lights, not fans
Sep 27, 2012 19:43
Wait... A project update during PUT!
So off to Amazon I had to go
@BMitch I say it all the time "Make sure the timer is rated for motor loads". Don't you ever listen!?
My PUT - Somehow my 31 1/4" stair tread cut became a 30 1/4" cut by the time I got to the saw. Back to Lowes for another tread.
@ChrisCudmore :(
@Tester101 I didn't actually install it, stopped when I got to the instructions, which required opening the box.
I only picked up that one because they didn't have a single other option in the store
Sep 27, 2012 19:45
@ChrisCudmore do it outside anyway - dirty otherwise
A tool designed specifically to open packaging.
It's blister packed though, so you end up in an infinite recursion.
@ChrisCudmore I was wearing gloves, so I just ripped the thing to shreds. I'm sure the guy at the return desk had seen worse
@Tester101 I've got to pick one of those up for my bathroom exhaust.
Sep 27, 2012 19:49
@Tester101 They didn't carry that one at my store. I think they had some things I could mail order.
@BMitch At my local store, the timers are not near the other switches. They have one or two near the switches, but those are light loads only. The good ones are hidden on the end of an aisle.
It should say on the box "Works with incandescent lights" or something like that, if it's only for lights.
Hmm, maybe they hid them. This is the one they had with the switches:…
@ChrisCudmore That has happened to me more than once. Bummer.
Fortunately I'm not as bad as another person at Habitat that cut the end off of his tape measure because he left it on his board when cutting it with a miter saw. And he did that 3 different times.
Hopefully it wasn't one of those snazzy LCD tapes from yesterday.
Q: How can I join vinyl decking to metal door frame?

CurtisShoddy workmanship by a lousy contractor has left me with a vinyl deck that allows water to leak into the garage below. I identified the location of the leak - where the vinyl meets the metal frame of the sliding door. He had put some caulking over the joint (not visible in photo, removed by me...

wood frame patio doors!
If you haven't cut your tape measure with a miter saw, you're paying too much attention around dangerous tools.
Sep 27, 2012 20:05
Habitat is like persuading cats with chainsaws to behave better. The first thing we learn is where the first aid kit is. And the second thing they do is pray to God. I'm not a religious person, but that second part still seems like a good idea.
@TheEvilGreebo For a community that seems to love caulk, how has nobody answered that question? CAULK.
@Tester101 because it's vinyl, it'll move, and the caulk won't hold
there needs to be an overlap from under the door to over the vinyl - flashing of sorts - then caulk
if thats impossible then caulk will have to do but it'll have to be the right kind
that may be what I end up suggesting...
Sep 27, 2012 20:12
Hi @TheEvilGreebo
Big black caulk, then?
Though Flexible Sealer looks cool.
are you Curtis ?
Nothing fills a gap like black caulk.
Sep 27, 2012 20:13
thanks for popping in
i was wondering, what was under the vinyl?
I wasn't even aware that chat existed as a feature.
well welcome to the party
I think it's 3/8s or 1/2 inch plywood
But the plywood doesn't go up to the door frame, argh.
replacement deck or something?
Yes the previous one was a leaky disaster.
I suppose the contractor should have run the vinyl under the door frame.
Sep 27, 2012 20:15
I don't like how high the vinyl comes up on the door frame base like that
seems like he didn't think his full measurements through
No kidding, it's stupid. Rain water pools in the door frame slider area.
on the metal or outside it?
@agentnega You want metal flashing under the door frame, which it sounds like you had.
On the metal
Ah, he didn't install new flashing, I suspect.
@bmitch it sounds to me like the flashing was sitting on TOP of the door frame
you said he had metal sitting on it?
i can see the screw holes
well at least he thought about water... just not well
Sep 27, 2012 20:17
A thin strip of metal yeah
thats called flashing
problem is the flashing should have gone UNDER the metal door frame and OVER the vinyl
not over both
No it wasn't the super-thin tin, it's a long piece about the size of a ruler, but not flat either - it created a gap underneath itself.
@TheEvilGreebo That wouldn't work because of the height difference.
that way water from the door frame runs onto the vinyl
oh crap
Sounds like he used a transition strip.
Sep 27, 2012 20:19
he used an interior transition piece
Yeah I think it held water underneath it.
You also want a decent slope on the deck so water runs away from the door, and it doesn't look like you have much clearance between the door and vinyl
@Tester101 yeah thats the problem i'm seeing
The overall slope is good, he did double the slope compared to code.
did it look like that?
Sep 27, 2012 20:20
Something like that, but not as wide and no grooves on it.
He just wanted to hide the caulk I guess.
transition strip
Certainly the deck shouldn't have ended up as high as the frame.
Lipstick on a pig
meant for interior use between things like carpet and tile
@Tester101 ayup
My fault, noob, didn't check references, etc.
Sep 27, 2012 20:21
so you have two options - one expensive, one cheap and kinda temporary
The balcony door could stand being replaced anyway, so I might go for expensive...
i'm typing,i'm typing
If the water is pooling on the door frame, it's almost good that it's dripping through the crack.
Rather than getting into the house or into the subfloor.
When you replace the door, they'd put in a new threshold. Put some proper flashing under that and over the vinyl.
caulk everything
And continue the flashing along the side of the house if there's a path to the garage below. Water can run a long distance.
Sep 27, 2012 20:24
@BMitch You have to raise the bottom of the door up a bit while you're at it.
ok posted
@Tester101 That might create a trip hazard, but that clearance is awfully tight.
patio doors are generally "step over" doors
a raise of 1/2" - 1" should do it
Fortunately the vinyl does go up the walls of the house under the siding, so at least that's OK.
oh good he did that right at least
I'd recommend vinyl flashing instead of metal in this case to avoid the flashing cutting the vinyl
Sep 27, 2012 20:27
Caulk is needed for all these joints, and it's something that requires periodic maintenance. It won't last forever, especially if the structure is moving.
Wow, thanks everybody, I appreciate the help!
Ha @TheEvilGreebo! I edited you again!
damnit. the regex worked perfectly in my test
Have you tried just reading through it line by line and throwing everything out until you find the text you need?
Regex looks cool, but I can never get it to work properly.
@ChrisCudmore i'm not exactly endowed with a choice on that front
Sep 27, 2012 20:44
What's your input? A string or a file?
You think you can use regex to solve a problem. Now you have 2 problems
Woah, deja vu. The matrix is acting up a lot lately. :)
So, you have to make this work, and all you can change is the BodyRegex value?
Why can't you change code?
2 hours ago, by Chris Cudmore
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I'll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.
Sep 27, 2012 20:59
Why not just use : String[] temp = body.Split({"is provided below:", StringSplitOptions.None);
And then return temp[temp.Length -1];?
Thanks for joining us for this week's PUT
Conversation ended Sep 27, 2012 at 21:01.