Conversation started Jan 1, 2014 at 22:18.
Jan 1, 2014 22:18
I would love to see a party where all but one are pretty ordinary guys with the right priorities, except for the one dude who is absolutely insane, but he's their best friend and he's saved their lives a lot, so when he bangs on their doors demanding they help him rob tombs, they go.
heh, story of my life (except for him asking me to rob tombs of course)
"Yes, he's mad as a bouncy castle of hatters, but when my mother in law turned out to be an actual slavering hellbeast, he was there for me. What's a little graverobbing after that?"
...that weird moment where you realize you'd like to describe a situation you've gotten into while RPing and why you can't get out of it without ruining your character but it's too embarassing to just tell to strangers what's actually happening.
@BESW I felt the opposite of that sometimes
everyone in my party but me has been that guy
@BESW Run this game now.
Jan 1, 2014 22:29
I suppose if the thing that defines the game is characters who get really wrapped up in their personal drama and the main attribute of good play is revealing that personal drama through character-POV prose, then it makes sense to create very "self-centered" characters.
then again, one or two of my lizardfolk characters was prolly that guy too
@AlexP what do you mean with drama, exactly?
Death's never been cheap in campaigns I run, partially because my players learned very quickly that most of my bad guys are very interested in having a spare corpse on hand. They've run from fights where someone died only to find a wight with the fallen dude's memories and class levels coming after them
So dying is a fairly big deal and the scramble to grab the body and get the hell out of there is very tense.
@Zachiel Your archnemesis showing up to taunt you at a tavern. ;)
@AlexP well, that didn't exactly happen because the player wanted it. There's basically... are you familiar with Planescape factions?
Jan 1, 2014 22:35
Yes, very much so.
@Lord_Gareth In my games, when this happenss it's usually "Oh, so I need to change character? But I liked how this one came out. Well, ok". They're not involved in the in-character story, they're more tied to discovering what comes next in the adventure I guess
@Zachiel Sounds like you need to start slapping people and never stop.
Though I may be biased by the bit where I hate my players
@AlexP So we have a Harmonium trying not to take the evil drow to their rehab camps (OOC). He just shows up and orders her to do things that are useful to the good/lawful guys. And he's stronger than she is, so she doesn't really have a say.
[BANGBANGBANG] "Gerry, get up!"
"Karl, it's 2am. What now?"
"The fairy prince needs us to defeat a goat!"
"...a goat? Sounds like you can handle that yourself."
"But Get, it's a--" [loud whisper] "*spider* goat!"
[sigh] "Okay, Karl, but only if Richard agrees too. And can it wait 'til morning?"
And then it's a Tauric Creature
Because all of Karl's crap being level-appropriate only makes it so much worse.
"Guys, has anyone else noticed that every time Karl has us go kill something it's gotten more and more terrifying?" "Y'know, Gerry, I have." "That kinda worries me." "Frankly I'm starting to wonder why we even have a civilization left, Gerry."
Jan 1, 2014 22:47
@Lord_Gareth I feel you.
@Zachiel My players inspire learn the harmful applications of sympathetic magic.
Jan 1, 2014 22:58
I'm imagining that the world seems totally normal and mundane, and only Karl can show you the magical and insanely dangerous hidden things, which anyone else would assume are simply the product of an overactive imagination.
It's possible that Karl's the only magical thing in the world, and his talent is making his imaginary stories come true.
But, ah. Don't tell him that.
Conversation ended Jan 1, 2014 at 22:59.