Conversation started Apr 2, 2018 at 2:50.
Apr 2, 2018 02:50
Oh god I'm crying from the lolfigsl: Mix all ingredients except cheese and process 1 hour.
> 2 cups of chicken stock or mayonnaise
I'm going to fall out of my chair.
@nitsua60 I also take small issue with naming the recipe "small" sandwich
@trogdor I couldn't read through the tears when I got to the end of all those ingredients and hit "serves 4."
4 very desperate people who dearly wish to poison themselves apparently
Though it's not like you have to wait for the laughs: "1/2 cup shortening" is a bold start to a sandwich recipe.
add green meat
Ok boss, will do
Apr 2, 2018 02:59
Lake Choice? what does that even mean
You want that with extra hospital?
@DavidCoffron it means,.... Feed this to a lake,....
I like that you need "1/2 cup along with... 1/4 teaspoon vegetable oil."
Maybe at Least the fish will eat it
That's much nicer than specifying the 24-1/4 teaspoons that are apparently needed.
Wine, mashed
This is too much X)
Apr 2, 2018 03:04
I'm off--be sure to let me know how it tastes. "They should seal."
Conversation ended Apr 2, 2018 at 3:04.