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7:02 PM
:) happy "public beta" everyone
7:15 PM
I fully expect hundreds of random people will swoop in and upvote my answers for no apparent reason. That's how it works right?
1 hour later…
8:25 PM
@mootinator One can hope. And the same for me! Mwahaha! :-P
I wonder how many people failed to get the Beta badge. :-P
42/177 got the badge
So it would be the rest :-P
I failed to get Beta badge for Super User and Cooking.SE, out of all the sites that I did private beta for.
(Mind you, the only other sites I did private beta for were Stack Overflow and Server Fault.)
The Server Fault private beta opened during my sleep. So my userid was 722. I was Very Miffed. :-P
8:56 PM
Oh yay, it counted my participation as 'active'
I spent more time deciding I suck at codegolf than participating in the site =)
Hehehehehe. :-)
2 hours later…
10:51 PM
Ok, I give in, this weekend I'm learning golf script
It's driving me nuts seeing all those answers that best mine and not knowing how any of them work
@Juan I read a basic description the other day. It didn't look hard.
@dmckee Maybe. To untrained eyes it just looks like random strings of characters, that just happen to be code by chance :P
APL is even more fun that way. The conventional representation of the characters are all goofy mathematical symbols.
11:06 PM
Ok, just skimed over the wiki article. Seems incredibly bizarre
17 strokes to find all primes smaller than a given number. It's got golf written all over it
Conways's game of life in like 4 characters of APL
That is simply amazing
11:30 PM
@Juan The thing with GolfScript is that because there's a shortage of available symbols in ASCII, most of the symbols are heavily overloaded.
Therefore, the argument types you pass to each operator will determine which overload is used.
I spent some time writing a Java-based GolfScript interpreter (still unfinished). It uses the Visitor Pattern to simulate double-dispatch.
Yeah, from what I've just read, simple operators like + can do quite a lot of stuff
@dmckee The most memorable operator in APL, at least in the Scheme world, is iota. In fact, the SRFI 1 library in Scheme has an iota function named after the APL operator.
@Juan Wait till you get to *, /, and %. Those are the gnarliest.
Oh look, it's a @gnibbler!
@gnibbler: I missed seeing you in the channel. :-P
I think a couple of people in the channel were asking about you recently. :-P
heya :)
busy working an stuff :/
@gnibbler Awwww....

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