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12:17 AM
@BESW Was that a response to me or just a joke you came across on the internet?
12:28 AM
It's just a thing he is sharing from his feeds
He picks stuff out just to share in chat sometimes
@trogdor Ah, thank you. That's not a thing I do, so not familiar with the flow.
No problem
12 hours later…
12:22 PM
@KorvinStarmast International Cat Day is a real thing today apparently. Lying Cat is a big sphinx-like cat from a species that knows when people are lying (because magic) and they say so.
A whole lot of people have fallen in love with Lying Cat because it's a little bit meme-worthy (see especially that second image, the confused "lying?" one) but especially because this sequence which stole some peoples' hearts:
Context: the girl in the yellow dress here was a child trafficking victim in the comic who wound up in something like a bordello. Lying Cat's owner rescued her, and she's been travelling with a few people including her rescuer and Lying Cat for a few months at this point. She's still dealing with the emotional trauma from that experience.
1:05 PM
Oh, I didn't say -- Lying Cat is from a comic book series called Saga that's taken off as fairly popular among young adults.
@doppelgreener Ah. I wonder if any made the (heavy handed) pun on where the girl was being kept/enslaved as a cat house ... OK, context of lying cat better understood. (Not a fan of cats, but some of the internet cat memes are funny ... universally so).
@KorvinStarmast No cats were at the bordello. Lying Cat's owner is a bounty hunter. He went there for business, trashed the place (or some of it, I don't recall the details), and left with the kid.
So that pun wouldn't really work.
The comic deals with some super real and heavy themes, so I don't find people making light of it and the stuff that happens in it much, except for the things that are already funny. Like, the bordello place she's at is messed up and presented off the bat in ways that are deliberately unnerving; there's not much room left to really make fun of it.
@doppelgreener OK, not knowing the story, maybe I should take a peak over a coffee this weekend. (It's how I got hooked on Erfworld for a morning ...)
@KorvinStarmast It's pretty great, so I'd recommend it. :) Brace for NSFW stuff though. The comic follows a couple who are parents on either side of an intergalactic war and their child -- and the first scene of the comic is the scene of the child's birth.
From what I recall the writer+artist pair deliberately included some things that would squick out Hollywood producers so they wouldn't try to mess with the comic or turn it into a movie.
NSFW stuff no bother me, but yeah, better at home in a morning so I can read a bunch of it in a row. Binge read, as it were.
1:17 PM
Cool. :D
Is that lady, in the lower right frame of BESW's linked ICD collage, a tiefling, or is that two shocks of white hair?
(Or Tiefling Equivalent)(Horned)
@KorvinStarmast She's from a moon called Wreath and the people there have goat horns.
One of the protagonists, Marko, who's on the first cover (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Saga_characters#/media/…) is also from Wreath.
His wife (also on the cover) is from Landfall, the planet that Wreath orbits. Landfall and Wreath are the two civilisations at war.
1 hour later…
2:38 PM
Peeve of the day week: graphic artists who don't know math, but who should. Dear graphic artists for news programs: the set of locations 6000km (measured along the surface) from Pyongyang does form a circle. But when you plot it on a Mercator projection, it looks nothing like the circle you're thinking of. Conversely, when you just drop a nice-looking circle onto a Mercator map, you do grave injustice to truth.
Does it at least look pretty?
@nitsua60 I wouldn't be surprised if they did know that and their higher-ups told them to change it regardless.
@nitsua60 You need to know what a map is first. I think most people don't think about it at all.
@nitsua60 I come here to escape reality...please do not drag it in :)
You tell me.
Compare with what I whipped up in MATLAB in fifteen minutes:
2:42 PM
@NautArch Good call. Moving it to NAB. Once I can figure out how to do that =D
@nitsua60 you forgot the bit at the bottom
@nitsua60 Heh. I'll probably join in there. While I avoid it, I can't stop. I CAN'T STOP. <chews nails crazily>
13 messages moved from RPG General Chat
@eimyr Which bit?
Actual distance between North Korea and a point on the west coast of the USA: 8547.3278 km.
Actual distance between North Korea and a point on the north coast of Australia: 5819.0109 km.
According to that map: the second distance is much greater.
2:45 PM
@Adam That's an interesting--and scary!--thought.
@nitsua60 I'd say more common than not. Pretty Pictures trump facts.
NK to Darwin: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/distanceresult.html?p1=205&p2=72 -- Distance is 5724 kilometers or 3557 miles or 3091 nautical miles
NK to Seattle: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/distanceresult.html?p1=205&p2=234 -- Distance is 8288 kilometers or 5150 miles or 4475 nautical miles
@doppelgreener Right--that's what my map confirms. 6000km grabs Indonesia and the north coast of Australia and Alaska, but doesn't come anywhere close to California and Mexico, for instance.
(Darwin is a city on the northern central edge of Australia.)
@nitsua60 Yeah
Our Guamanian friends came across a different issue yesterday: in response to reports North Korea might attack Guam, Fox produced a report that it might affect "3,000 Americans" and some other major news outlets estimated a few tens of thousands. Guam is an American territory -- everyone in Guam is American -- and its population is well over a hundred thousand.
This has made a lot of people in Guam very annoyed.
@doppelgreener Yeah, but the people they're annoyed at don't even admit their existence, so... [cries softly into his morning tea]
2:51 PM
@nitsua60 The one that goes over the the north pole to the other side.
@nitsua60 Well...... certain storms on Twitter are occurring at those involved in producing those stats, I am told, so they might have a hard time continuing to not admit their existence.
@eimyr It's a missile, not Pac-Man!
@nitsua60 Are you saying it's incapable of flight across the pole?
@eimyr Also, let's include the sun over the edge, and conclude North Korea can hit the sun because it's inside the circle.
@nitsua60 North America looks very different on your map than on theirs.
2:53 PM
@eimyr [okay, I'll 'fess up: I'm confused at this point whether we're joking or not.]
@nitsua60 I'm not! The function you used omits the fact that NK is closer to the north pole than 6000km, which allows it to threaten the wildlife on the part of the Arctic that appears above Canada on your map.
my main news site for politics covered Guam's dissatisfaction.
@eimyr although if they aim thataway, it could anger Russia. Which is unlikely an option for NK.
@nwp Yeah, they've got some strange not-quite-Mercater projection they're using. It's like the opposite of a Robinson projection, best I can tell. In any case, it appears to be a projection that would make lines-of-const-distance-from-Pyongyang look even less circular to the eye, not more.
@NautArch Mine did too! (my primary news source may be SE chat)
@nwp haha. That's a much less stress inducing source.
2:58 PM
@doppelgreener North Korea can't hit the sun out of respect - it would be an insult to the Great and Honorable Leader to threaten any violence against him.
@eimyr So it doesn't ignore it, but it clearly doesn't display it correctly. You can see that the 6000km "circle" hits the top, so it understands that it should "wrap over" the north pole. But my "circle" plot has a "twist" in it because of that, and I didn't take the extra time to sort that out. (It's the wedges you see impinging around the Arctic Circle.)
@doppelgreener FWIW, doppel, back in college my friends from Guam preferred to be called "Guamanian" rather than Guamese, but perhaps that usage has changed, or is different in Aus.
(BTW everyone, the circles plotted are 1000, 2000, 4000, and 6000 km)
@KorvinStarmast I've been hearing "Guamaian" from talking heads in the last day or two.
If Mr Kim wants to bomb Guam ... that rhymes ... we are so far out of the RPG.SE remit that I'll just roll a saving throw versus politics.
3:00 PM
probably works.
@nist, no N? Gua Mayan, in pronounciation?
Oh dear, may not have saved. drat!
Alright--speaking of work, I'm back to it. Thanks for letting me vent, all!
3:01 PM
@KorvinStarmast Right. Three syllables.
@KorvinStarmast results
I wondered about what stuff looks like on a grid. Like if you take the rules that 1 field costs 1 movement and diagonals also cost 1 movement. If you draw a circle (all the fields you can reach from a certain point) you get a square. Now, what if you were to draw a square in that world? What happens if you tilt the square into a diamond shape?
@eimyr (btw it was when you said "the bit at the bottom" that I got confused. I thought you were joking about a missile that passes the North Pole getting to wrap, Pac-Man-style, down to the South Pole.)
@KorvinStarmast Thanks!
That's appreciated.
3:05 PM
@nitsua60 I didn't quite express it clearly myself, I can see how that could be a possible interpretation.
@NautArch Hmm, an interesting point, but in the year 2525, if man is still alive, they'll look back at all of this and either laugh, or flap their flippers together because we'll have returned to the sea and are mating with whales ... or something like that.
@KorvinStarmast We have some active site members living there, so I am a bit concerned for their safety.
@doppelgreener Nitsua's later point indicates to me that usage has changed again, and that he's seeing a different adjective in use. Guamaian. (Isn't BESW on guam?)
@KorvinStarmast He is, along with trogdor.
I know enough about TBMD to know that you can set up an Aegis class ship or two and, given Guam's size, have a pretty good defensive footprint. I hope the 7th fleet commander has been ordered to do something along those lines.
3:08 PM
@KorvinStarmast that happened once, I tell ya once!sheesh. Never living that down...
@eimyr I also enjoy toroidal geometry far too much for my own good, as this conversation exemplifies =)
@nitsua60 I also think there should be a more convenient way of travelling between poles.
@eimyr through the...Center of the Earth!
@doppelgreener (Sorry, TBMD = Theater Ballistic Missile Defense) which is a sub set of BMD (ballistic missile defense) which is where the Aegis ship thing comes in.
@NautArch From where I live, I kept getting told that digging straight through the earth would bet me into China. That isn't so. It would be somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere.
@KorvinStarmast I think the GD/Draper facilities in my area handle some of the Aegis development for shipboard systems.
3:19 PM
@NautArch It's as close to magic as I've ever gotten, serving on an Aegis Cruiser 20+ years ago.
@KorvinStarmast Neither would happen, you'd melt in a subterranean magma ocean of regret and bad decisions.
@NautArch Weesa give yousa... Una-bongo!
@doppelgreener But I was hoping that my cube of force would protect me as the umber hulks tunnel through the earth for me at 20' per six seconds. :)
@KorvinStarmast oh. well. yes, probably then. xD
@eimyr ohgodmakeitstop
3:22 PM
Maybe I get the favorable ruling, maybe I don't, but when the Umber Hulks need to rest we sleep in Leomund's Tiny Hut
@KorvinStarmast Apparently basically anywhere in the USA has the Indian Ocean as its antipode, unless you're living on the central northern Montana border in which case you're vaguely within swimming distance of a remote island.
(there's a bunch of antipode maps on google!)
3:45 PM
@doppelgreener Yeah: knowing my luck, if I dug through the earth I'd end up right under the wreck of MH-370. (That 777 that disappeared ....)
@KorvinStarmast i'm not sure if that'd be bad or good luck! (that sounds like a good thing?)
If you just dig down you'll probably end up in the Underdark.
you'd be under the ocean any which way, but you'd make a discovery people have wanted for ages. :)
@nwp always be careful digging straight down!
@doppelgreener call your gas company first! Dig safe!
@NautArch look out for the lava layer and dark caves!
3:52 PM
@NautArch Oh, no, I forgot to have them mark my lawn first. Arrggghh, here comes a fine from the city. rends garment
4:05 PM
Hmmm, Google search techniques I am trying to nail down a weapon I remember from a Space RPG (Not Traveler) from the mid to late 1970's. In an old search system we used capitalized AND as part of the syntax, but that does not seem to work at Google.
Google just keeps firing useful employees.
They are not alone in that pastime ...
For that matter, I am trying to recall the game. I guess I'll ask a question.
maybe you want the advanced search
4:20 PM
I tried that, no joy
4:46 PM
as things progress, I do hope that Guam and our known friends there (@BESW and @trogdor) stay safe.
@nwp I wonder if I am going about this incorrectly. Maybe I need to do a search at DriveThrough RPG or RPG.net, or something, with "sci-fi" or "science Fiction" as the search term. Hmmm.
5:05 PM
Aha, here's what I didn't try, a google tag/category ... Science fiction role-playing games... Google has a tag/category for that.
2 hours later…
7:13 PM
@godskook I think you might have cracked it with that link to the traveler computers article that mentioned ion chatters.
@KorvinStarmast I do what I can.
8:13 PM
9:02 PM
@NautArch Thank you to everyone for the well-wishes. North Korea's been threatening Guam for as long as I can remember, and so (in common with most of the world) foreign military action is just another thing on the list of Reasons To Live Well Because Worrying Isn't Going To Help.
The most upset I've seen any of my local friends about this most recent iteration is the thing Greener mentioned earlier: a news graphic that seems to be claiming only the active military personnel on one of our two US bases count as Americans.
Even setting aside the fact that people born on Guam are US citizens just like most US soil, that graphic isn't counting all the military stationed here--or their families.
(And yes, it's "Guamanian." Though that word was originally created to replace the indigenous peoples' term for themselves, it's coming to mean "lives on Guam" without implying the person's background. Kind of generational now.)
9:23 PM
BRITAIN in SUMMER. https://t.co/0ev2gxYqpd
For @trogdor:
Godzilla by Stephen Bissette @SRBissette https://t.co/Ez7PjgqfNH
@BESW that used to be a head banger

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