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4:00 PM
heh, TIL
@LeakyNun it is. lol
huh, why did it expand that one and not my earlier CARTOUCHE link? oh well
magic ;)
If you post just the link it does it
or you can reply with the link
4:00 PM
Tip you can also use wiki:(Your word) to post wikipedia
You had an @ on the line as well.
Oh or it's something like that
@n_palum in both cases I posted an @thing and the link and nothing else at all
9: evil magic
"wiki:Sand dollar" does it
4:01 PM
contact 9 @manshu
contact 9
12: sounds like boating activity but with salt and water (6)
contact 9
@GarethMcCaughan You can't even have the @thing. Just the link.
3: Built Ziggurats
4:01 PM
@manshu 9: it is not SPELL
contact 9
@GentlePurpleRain but when I posted the "sand dollar" link there was an @thing and it worked
@LeakyNun no
contact 3
spells can be good too.
4:01 PM
which is why I was puzzled, because I did the same thing twice with different results
contact 3
@Gareth, no, I also posted it, and mine worked. Yours did not.
@GentlePurpleRain oh I am blind
@n_palum 3: I have completely no idea, but I hope that it is not an example of SPOONERISM
I don't even know what it is.
Lol no - you'd have to know who built the ziggurats
4:03 PM
7: Bash
you're passing 3?
contact 7
contact 7 @BusinessCat
I don't even know what ziggurats are
contact 1. Just got it.
4:03 PM
(though I can think of at least 3 plausible answers to 7)
I hope the guy in 3 is not named SMITH
@LeakyNun you mean you hope he IS named Smith
@GarethMcCaughan well, whatever
@KritixiLithos What ziggurats are
A ziggurat (/ˈzɪɡəræt/ ZIG-ər-at; Akkadian ziqqurat, D-stem of zaqāru "to build on a raised area") was a massive structure built in ancient Mesopotamia and the western Iranian plateau. It had the form of a terraced step pyramid of successively receding stories or levels. Notable ziggurats include the Great Ziggurat of Ur near Nasiriyah, the Ziggurat of Aqar Quf near Baghdad, the now destroyed Etemenanki in Babylon, Chogha Zanbil in Khūzestān and Sialk. == Description == Ziggurats were built by the ancient Sumerians, Babylonians, Elamites, Akkadians, and Assyrians for local religions. Each ziggurat...
4:04 PM
@GentlePurpleRain you probably shouldn't have done that
Well don't tell them!
He didn't pass!
@n_palum oh, I thought the place was called "Ziggurats"
@GarethMcCaughan You're right. Wasn't thinking.
If my guess for 3 is correct, the capitalization is important :)
so should I give another letter?
4:05 PM
you were just that keen to show off your Wikipedia-linking skillz
3 - Sumerians
if you passed, not sure if you did or not
He still never officially passed
Y'all ruined a good clue ;_;
4:06 PM
doesn't matter now, the salt has been spilt
@LeakyNun It's up to you, if you feel you should give a letter.
I'll pass 7.
we need a moderator to control this situation.
It was Sumerians?
4:06 PM
@manshu :P
7: shell
I think 7 is probably SHELL though I can think of at least two pretty plausible other answers
GPR is a mod...
bother, should have waited until KL had guessed and then said one of my others :-)
@n_palum i know
4:07 PM
7 is SHELL
@BusinessCat It was in fact
letter please!
Leaky Nun defending: S I
1's dead
so is 12
2 died; it was "somebody"
4:07 PM
9 dead. Any contact?
1 was Scent
4 was SOUR
12 was saline
10. Me!
9 was SORCERY I assume
4:07 PM
@GarethMcCaughan right
@Sid 10: no, it is not SID
@Sid waste of stars, sorry
I starred it; no waste.
Haha I thought n_palum was a Warcraft fan and 3 was SUMMONED...
1: Google's lair
4:08 PM
Ermm no
9: without any partner
@GentlePurpleRain do you as mod have infinitely many stars, then? I am jealous
I have no idea where Google is.
Contact 1
contact 1
4:08 PM
contact 9 @manshu
@Gareth Okay. :(
contact 1 @G_as_in_Gnome
@G_as_in_Gnome 1: it is not SILICON VALLEY
4: Walk indirectly
correct :P
4:08 PM
contact 4 @GentlePurpleRain
@manshu 9: i am probably SINGLE
@GarethMcCaughan I do. Control your jealousy. :)
6: Follows you without asking
@LeakyNun yes i am
1: Chinese trade route
4:09 PM
@n_palum 6: it is not STALK
contact 1 @G_as_in_Gnome
Well that doesn't fit now does it
@G_as_in_Gnome you do realize that I'm a Chinese.
contact 6
contact 1
4:09 PM
@G_as_in_Gnome 1: it is not the SILK ROAD
correct :P
2. Pepper
contact 2
contact 2?
9: fever
4:10 PM
contact 9
7: Heretic
contact 9
contact 9
@manshu 9: i am not SICK
1: Take stock of
4:10 PM
@LeakyNun sick it is
I edited my clue to make it more accurate
contact 6 @n_palum
12: honorific title
contact 7
3: Crab-walk
4:11 PM
9: outline
44: Star Wars
contact 12
(he's BACK...)
Contact 12
contact 3 @Rubio
4:11 PM
contact 4
@manshu 9: it is not SILOUETTE
@LeakyNun it is
(you're missing an H)
contact 9 3
where is the H?
4:11 PM
after the L
I see
yup yup yup
contact 3
@KritixiLithos 4: it is not SIDIOUS (I thought names are not allowed)
@Rubio 3: SIDEWAYS it is not
4:12 PM
For the defender, attackers pronouns are fair game
3: it's not sideways
@LeakyNun it's not
incidentally, we have two 4s
12: it is not SIR or SIRE
4:13 PM
People gotta pay attention
thanks mod
and now we have three 4s
9: drown
@manshu 9: it is not SINK
4:13 PM
it is
5: Native Americans
20. Some guy who screams on a mic is called this
@Sid 20: it is not SINGER
can someone unstar 6?
so what's contacted? my 2 is, n_palum's 6 is, GPR's 4 is, I think KL's 44 is, Rubio's 3 is
4:14 PM
oh, was 6 solved?
444: < foolish
6 was not guessed
contact 5
Hold the phone there
for 6 I saw LN's guess and "that doesn't work, does it?"
4:14 PM
@GarethMcCaughan oh, sorry
11: Sorority
Right. It was not stalk
contact 11
we have a lot of clues, and a lot of contacts, and maybe it's time to hold off on new clues for a bit
Contact 11 and go grab my clue pleaseee
4:15 PM
until LN can solve some or give up on one
or of course both
I literally just opened my computer
4:15 PM
I think 20 is solved
Read first then.
Welcome back, and sorry for screaming
contact 11 @BusinessCat, anyway
Someone wanna find my 6 or should I repost it
4:16 PM
and contact 5 @n_palum
I already starred it
@n_palum your 6 is right there in the starboard, at least in my browser
Oh I don't see it, guess it's pushed
i have contacts on 5 7 11
I have contact on 44, and 11
4:17 PM
444: it is not SILLLY
contact 44 @KritixiLithos though I'm not at all sure I've got it
is there anything NOT currently contacted?
Have contacts on 3 and 44
No, there is not.
4:17 PM
doubtful contact 44
(everything is contacted)
well, there might be, among the clues we can't see because they've dropped off the bottom of the star board :-)
my starboard is very small because I'm in a lot of other rooms
well I'm sorry for my incompetency then
You can see them if you click "show all 11" at the top of the starboard.
4:18 PM
pass 44.
@LN nothing to apologize for -- defending is tough
44 is SITH
I have never noticed that, ever.
44: SITH
4:18 PM
44: si-fi?
and you've got a lot of attackers
thanks gareth :)
@n_palum yes
Leaky Nun defending: S I M
Mine both bust
4:19 PM
7 dead (SINNER), 11 dead (SISTERHOOD)
5: We live in a ____ (according to some scientists)
4 is dead. was SIDLE
13: Alike
3 dies - was also SIDLE
9: unreal artistic world
4:19 PM
contact 13
i had a feeling :)
contact 5
contact 13
6 was also SILHOUETTE (Mansh doubled up on me) and 5 was SIOUX
2 is dead. It was SICHUAN and I posted it right after LN said "you do realise I'm Chinese, don't you" in response to SILK ROAD :-). Of course LN might prefer to spell that SZECHUAN or something.
4:20 PM
@KritixiLithos 5: it is not SIMULATION
@manshu 9: ^
@Phoenix 13: it is not SIMILAR
4: Word like like
incidentally @BusinessCat "sinner" and "heretic" are extremely different in meaning; one is about action, one about belief.
@GarethMcCaughan what was 2?
4:20 PM
11 dies right as SIGMA?
@LeakyNun it is, and VSauce talks a bit about simulated universes in one of his videos
contact 4
i thought 11 was sisterhood
I realize 4 isn't exactly accurate now
10 mins ago, by Gareth McCaughan
2. Pepper
4:20 PM
Oh maybe it was
@LeakyNun Yes
How am I supposed to relate SICHUAN with Pepper?
9: it's easy
there is a thing that (at least in English) is called Sichuan pepper
contact 9
4:21 PM
4: it is not SIMILAR
@LeakyNun If nobody else does, no big deal :)
contact 9
which is used in Sichuan/Szechuan cuisine
@manshu 9: it is not SIMPLE
4: no
4:21 PM
13: Every Indian heroine's name ever
contact 13?
@LeakyNun it IS very simple. :p
@G_as_in_Gnome contact
(and someone did contact that clue, but of course I don't know whether they got it right)
4:22 PM
5: Simple citizens in Simpsons
I contacted, was gonna guess sichuan :P
contact 4
@G_as_in_Gnome too bad you never got to, it would have been funny
1: Nala's best friend
contact 1
4:22 PM
contact 4 @BusinessCat
i hate being out of stars.
@Rubio console yourself with the thought that being in a star would be worse
86: The ______ (Game)
The 9 on the starboard, it's solved?
though not for very long
4:23 PM
contact 86
@Phoenix 86: SIMPSONS is mentioned right above you
@GarethMcCaughan Tell that to a hydrogen atom
and no, it is not SIMPSONS
@LeakyNun It's not that
@Rubio I wouldn't tell that to a hydrogen atom. But I am reasonably confident you are not a hydrogen atom
4:24 PM
contact 86
Oh my goodness @GarethMcCaughan that was just so well timed
86 contact
On the Internet, nobody can tell you're a ... um, ... hydrogen atom.
@n_palum what was so well timed?
4:24 PM
ah I gtg
@G_as_in_Gnome bye!
byeeee @G_as_in_Gnome
looks like nobody contacted 5
Telling him to console himself with the thought of being in a star is worse
can you pass/guess on 13 real quickly :P
4:25 PM
pass 13
tab-malfunction ;)
13: simran?
yeah :P
it was Simran :)
alright take care guys and girls. It was fun :D
but it is only in one movie.
Leaky Nun defending: S I M P
4:25 PM
@n_palum what did that have to do with timing? (never mind, not important)
1 dies, was SIMBA
86 is kill, was SIMS
20. Mathematical evaluations done to reduce complexity
4 dead, was SIMILE (and I know it wasn't technically accurate)
4:26 PM
contact 20 @Sid
@Sid 20: it is not SIMPLIFICATION
9: simple life
Contact 20
contact 20
still nobody contacts 5.
4:26 PM
Yes Sir!
unstar 13 pls
@BusinessCat is 4 dead?
1: Smile goofily
5 stands
4:27 PM
contact 9?
People really don't like 5.
contact 5 @n_palum though I hope my guess is wrong
Pass 5.
contact 5 (guess)
contact 1 @Rubio
4:27 PM
hang on
my ridiculous guess for 5 is that it is the SIMPSONS themselves
@GarethMcCaughan It was like you didn't even think twice and was like ya know, burning in a star is a worse fate
don't add clues while a pass/contact are pending please
guessing 5: simpsonians?
4:28 PM
I thought it was simpletons
SIMPLETONS would be it
@n_palum that's right. I'm quick :-)
Does @KritixiLithos have a chance?
KL contacted after I passed.
star 9 pls
If you'll give it to them - they're only one
4:28 PM
6 - you're spelling it wrong anyway, I think?
Oh I am lol
12: Smile
Should I give a new letter?
4:29 PM
@LeakyNun yes
We/LN has to decide
@LeakyNun up to you. It looks to me as if KL contacted at almost exactly the same time as you passed
Leaky Nun defending: S I M P L
9 lives
4:29 PM
12 is kill
star 9 pls
what is 12?
@Rubio I assume 1 goes too
and is same as 12
namely SIMPER
heh, never heard of it
@Phoenix did you even look at the star board?
yeah 1 is dead
4:30 PM
@Rubio Small screen, 3 pinned messages
1. Tetrahedron
I can only see one star
there is one star at the moment
make that two
4: Endlessly basic town is easy (9)
you cannot pass until any contact
4:31 PM
you probably need to be able to either see more, or keep up to date on active clues better, if you're going to keep playing in a busy room. Not being a jerk, just sayin'.
Well can someone contact 1.
@KritixiLithos Right, and I can still only see 1
ok, let me do this the easy way
Contact 4?
If he passes anyway that means it's likely his word
4:31 PM
1a. The word "simplex"
ooh ooh, contact 1a
I pass 1a (is that a number?).
@Rubio your guess?
I guess it might, maybe, be simplex.
I hope I'm not wrong.
@Rubio bingo!!!!
4:32 PM
whoa. I was on the edge of my seat
@LeakyNun of course 1a is a number. It's the smallest real number strictly greater than 1.
You ain't even a math man
followed of course by 1b, 1c, and so on, exactly up to 1z.
Leaky Nun was defending: SIMPLEX (generalization of triangle, tetrahedron, to the other dimensions)
good game, thanks
4:33 PM
@GarethMcCaughan There isn't such a number though
9 dead. It was Simplicity
4 was SIMPLICITY I messed up the clue though
@GarethMcCaughan I'm expecting your defence.
@n_palum I like the CITY clue.
Unfortunately I have to go soon and therefore can't defend right now.
(I am aware that I keep doing this.)
So someone else should defend.
@Gareth I think you know but Good game is actually a term that is used for a handshake in chess games online when you can't physically do a handshake.
4:34 PM
Should have been One inside endlessly basic city...
@Sid well, it's a pretty common thing for game opponents in any online game to say to one another afterwards.
@Sid It's from a lot of things... not just online chess ;)
or indeed not online
though as you say there are often other conventional things that happen after a game when contestants are physically colocated
Who's defending then
I say it in person in sports, and online after games you often say GG for good game (Had fun, thanks for playing etc)
4:35 PM
Yep, that.
So who will defend?
I used to do those till chess.com banned me.
what why?
you got banned from a chess site?
4:36 PM
Apparently they felt I was cheating. In my defense, I wasn't.
Too good at it
I just used chess books when I was a kid and used them in online games.
Seeing as how no one else wants to...
Phoenix defending S
9: sadness
contact 9
4:37 PM
contact 9
It's not sadness right?
Ooh, sorrow
5: Email alternative
4:38 PM
1: Unkempt
contact 5
@BusinessCat Snail mail
contact 1
@Rubio scruffy
4:39 PM
3: Endorse Condemnation
9: way of living
2: talking to oneself in an act
@Rubio Shaggy?
4:40 PM
contact 2
contact 2
Contact 2
contact 2
Pass 1
contact 2 -peer pressure
4:40 PM
Maybe contact 9.
@Rubio do you actually know it?
4: Text
contact 4
A pass is pending, hold up on new clues
@Sconibulus I passed 1
4:41 PM
Wait, yeah
@BusinessCat Script
contact 6
oh, sorry
that wasn't my word, I was looking for SLOPPY
4: not SCRIPT
4:42 PM
6: immoral texting
contact 6?
contact 6 maybe
contact 6
Ok, I'm going to pass 2 and feel incredibly stupid
contact 4
4:43 PM
2: SOLILOQUY (spelled better)
2. Soliloquy
2: soliloquy
@Phoenix not a wise choice to pass a clue which 5 people contacted
new letter?
4:43 PM
Well, I can't just sit on it indefinitely
Phoenix defending S E
@Sid 9 dead.
6 stands.
4 dead, was STRING
3 dies, it was SANCTION
9: Berlin Wall
4:44 PM
Thought so.
older 9 was STYLE
oh, I was super wrong on 4
thought it was SMS
@LeakyNun Sexting?
@Phoenix right
There needs to be like a few seconds before people immediately chuck new clues out so we can clear boards, clarify what clues stand or not after new letters are given.
4:44 PM
they're cleaned up now, it's cool
5: Watchman
4: Brownish, especially in photography
contact 5
contact 5
contact 4
4:45 PM
@Sconibulus Sepia
Was just throwing it out there as a reminder alls well
4: yep
1: narcissism in a photo
2: What Smell the Glove was
contact 1
contact 1
4:46 PM
contact 1
9: 60 degrees
Pass 5
Sentry ✔
4:46 PM
Contact 9.
Phoenix defending S E G
9 dead
it was sextant
5: Speaking of...
2 desd, was SEXIST
contact 5
oops, sorry
4:47 PM
@Sconibulus Segway
10: part
contact 10
10. ** Separate**
I think 1 died
4:47 PM
@Sid Segregate
9 died, it was separation
2: the policy of separating black people from white people in america
contact 2
contact 2
4:48 PM
5: No?
contact 10 (part)
4. Old System
@Phoenix it was SEGRAGATION but I'll count
1: partition
4:48 PM
contact 1
Please indicate what you're answering, as some of these clues are similar
contact 1
@LeakyNun Segment
4:50 PM
@Phoenix eh, close but not really
contact 4
2. Ginger
[note: will be AFK for a while quite soon]
In that case pass 1
11: Dean Kamen's It
Oh that was my guess for 1, guess I'm uncontacting
4:51 PM
my guess for 1 was also segment
so uncontact
alright, it was SEGMENTATION, but whatever
I just had the thought that I might have picked something too technical again
It's not a proper noun this time tho
that's the same root I think
12: C error when mixing pointers and variables (or something like that, I don't really know C)
contact 12 @KritixiLithos
4:52 PM
contact 12
@KritixiLithos Segmentation Violation
Or SegFault
The latter one is the correct answer
Please star if you can, 11 and 2 need 'em
btw I'm out of stars so just as well I'm going soon
2 is starred
1: ___ UI (Font)
4:53 PM
16. Spanish stanza of 7 lines
I believe a seg fault is when the program tries to access memory it's not allowed to
contact 1 @n_palum
Which often happens in C
Also known as a Page Fault
Pass 1
@BusinessCat Yup. When it tries to use a memory segment not in its assigned address space. Hence the segmentation violation.
4:54 PM
I got a lot of segfaults while mixing up pointers, variables and references (when trying to understand them)
page fault is not the same as segfault
And a page fault is different
Is it?
9: game company
4:55 PM
What's a page fault then
contact 9
@GarethMcCaughan Pass 1
Again manshu is stealing my words ;_;
Just like Rubio
@manshu Sega
I think 1 is SEGOE
4:55 PM
1 is right
@Phoenix right, lol
Phoenix defending S E G R
@n_palum unintended.
4 was the same as 9
4:55 PM
so now I reveal that 2 and 11 are both SEGWAY
16 dies.
posted shortly after @Phoenix guessed SEGWAY for something else
Why was 2 segway
5 dies, it was Segue
10 dead. SEGMENT
4:56 PM
A page fault is when you try to access a page of memory not currently mapped into physical memory, either because it never has been, or (e.g.) because it is swapped out
@Rubio Is 11 alive?
I forgot about Ginger, lol
"It" and "Ginger" were both pre-release names used in the deliberately enigmatic marketing campaign
11 is dead
Didn't mean to steal your word there
that's OK, I got there first :-)
4:56 PM
We keep getting these simple clues to double up on the same word sighs
In fairness, there's not much space left in SEG*
and even less under SEGR*
1. Physicist
Am I allowed to look it up on Wolfram Alpha, since I'm the defender?
4:57 PM
contact 1
Pass 1
Contact 1.
go @manshu
Carl Segran, obviously ;)
thanks for that, @Rubio
4:58 PM
he has billions and billions of fans
@manshu yup, SEGRE
Phoenix defending S E G R O
(there's actually more than one physicist in that family. I think there's an algebraic geometer of the same surname too, though I'm not sure whether he's related)
4:58 PM
Was gunna say, thought it was SAGAN
welp. i'm out, I literally know nothing at all that starts SEGRO.
I can kind of think of 1...
Not sure if it counts

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