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9:32 AM
It's right in the answer you deleted, I'm just here defending it.
so despite have everyone else wrong, you're still content having a bad question that make blatantly fallacious statements?
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1 message moved from The Heap™ – Consultancy ©®
9:51 AM
I'm testing out the example in the question itself, Aaron is 100% right that it fails in other languages. Which is screwy. He concludes though that it's not an ISO 8601 date and the other things don't support it: that's simply demonstrably the wrong conclusion.
Why it fails in French and Deutch is a really good question.
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@EvanCarroll please create your own room to discuss that question if you want to — The Heap isn't the right place to argue about it.
10 hours later…
8:11 PM
@McNets I don't really care to be honest. Though I do hate Gentoo. All the Windows guys think I'm so opinionated. All the Linux guys think I'm chill AF. =) It's a cultural difference.
Things I don't concern myself with: tabs-vs-spaces, vim-vs-emacs, chrome-vs-whatever. debian-vs-ubuntu-vs-fedora, etc.
Most things are not objectively inferior.
@EvanCarroll It's not that you're opinionated, it's that you get in people's faces in socially inappropriate ways about it.
nahh. They pretend like their little echo chamber is the world. And, they're quite explicit about it. In fact, they're downright hostile to anyone pointing out an alternative anywhere, ever.
@EvanCarroll Oh, I get that you frame it in a way that makes it socially appropriate in your own mind. You know, fundamental attribution error. But it's not.
@EvanCarroll Specifically, you make them internally hostile instead of realizing that they have little choice about which systems they use since their employer has system X and it's a waste of time and energy (and an annoyance) to always be hearing about how PG is better and can do it this other way and so on blah blah
8:27 PM
I think the presumption of lock-in is part of the problem. That's also really bizarre to me.
@EvanCarroll And I have to respond to "echo chamber". Why is that even coming up in your mind? That is a term about the marketplace of ideas--a philosophical, political, and religious sphere where sticking to a particular set of ideas without considering others is a failure.
@EvanCarroll However, most of these people are trying to get work done. Work needed by their employers, within a particular brand of RDBMS. There is no marketplace of ideas. There is the marketplace of their employer asking them to do work, within that system. They ARE locked in. They're not decision makers trying to change the world or pick the best RDBMS out there, nor are they soliciting your opinions on it. They're trying to get work done.
@EvanCarroll Your swooping in and treating this supposed "lock-in" as an opening sally in an ideological debate is the exact problem I'm complaining about. These people have no choice. They work with a system. They don't get to change that system, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. So get out of their faces about it already! They're not trying to proselytize the world just because they're asking a question about SQL Server and trying to understand it better.
In the past decade I've used PHP/Perl/Ruby/Python/Node.js. Built projects with Catalyst/Django/Laravel/Mason/CGI::App/Mojo/Express/Koa. Ontop of MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. I don't assume that *lock in* anywhere. Now, I'm learning Angular because I was exposed to it and think it has something to offer.

You defend stagnation and obsolesce behind "lock-in" and "trying to get things done." Perhaps I fall victim to "fundamental attribution error" in identifying *that* as a problem. But, I'm ok with that.
@EvanCarroll See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You frame what I'm saying as "defending stagnation and obsolescence". I'm not doing that at all. I'm happy to see the faults of SQL Server when it matters. If I start my own company I might double down on MySQL or PostGre simply because they're cheaper.
So then let me put it to you, when does it matter?
Only when you ask for it?
@EvanCarroll But I wasn't making any argument defending SQL Server or claiming it's the cat's meow or anything like that. I'm defending people trying to do their jobs.
@EvanCarroll It's a social skill. It's the ability to know when listening or answering the asked question is more important than injecting your own burning needs into their reality.
@EvanCarroll It's like the guy who likes Power Rangers so much that he can't help himself from making every single conversation, ever, about Power Rangers, especially if the topic is another TV show or superheroes or whatever. And Power Rangers might even be objectively better. But that's not the topic. And I promise you that not learning this social skill is going to hurt you in your life.
@EvanCarroll I'll tell you one thing, it doesn't matter when I have a full time job working with SQL Server and right now what I have to do is produce code and functionality that meets my employer's objectives and satisfies my boss, so I can get a good performance rating and get the raise I need.
@EvanCarroll Do you have a job?
8:34 PM
Everywhere else, I get paid to do what I do. I do it here because I'm passionate about doing what I do. There is a difference. This is a service I enjoy.
oh gawd. And, on that note.. Done =)
@EvanCarroll Ah, you don't have a job. That explains a lot.
@EvanCarroll Well, your behavior about PG here makes "this service" less enjoyable for others.
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1 hour later…
10:01 PM
Who here hates pineapple on their pizza, and who isn't a decent human being?
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