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7:23 PM
A: Conditionally deleting rows in a worksheet

Mat's MugYou have fallen prey to a common temptation: writing a script. The problem with a script, is that it feels clunky and wrong, a bit like macro-recorder code does. What is this code achieving? Public Sub DeleteRandom() Is it deleting random rows? Naming is hard. But it's worth it. Take the time...

I've tried to follow this, it looks wonderful but I'm having a hard time getting it to run. You are correct in your assessment, I've moved past recording coding to writing script but obviously have a long ways to go to writing the way you do. There were tons of wonderful things you added here and I'll be referring myself to it frequently until I understand it all. In the mean time could you be so kind as to put an example of all that you suggested that could be copied and pasted to run? When I attempted to do that based on your comment I got "Compile error: Invalid inside procedure"
Ah, the Type must be defined in the module's declarations section, above everything else, near where you would have Option Explicit ;-)
This is how I have it starting 'Private Function IsNonEssentialRow(ByVal sheet As Worksheet, ByVal rowIndex As Long) As Boolean End Function Public Sub DeleteNonEssentialRows() Dim sheet As Worksheet Set sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("My New Worksheet") it errors on Public Sub row'
I've edited my answer to give a better idea, hope it helps
Sorry now it is saying, Complie Error: Sub or Function not defined. I found this link but I'm not sure what is wrong with it. It's spelled right. Is it because the Function "IsNonEssentialRow" is private?
7:23 PM
The Private modifier makes the function only visible to code within the same module. If you implemented it in a separate module it needs to be Public.
This still has the same error
show me your code
I've tried declaring the type and functions as public
Option Explicit
Public Type TRowItem
    AmountPaid As String
    CompoundCode As String
    ClaimType As String
    ClaimStatus As String
    CategoryCode As String
    PreAuth As String
    GroupId As String
End Type

Public Sub DeleteNonEssentialRows()


    Dim r As Long
    For r = Sheet2.UsedRange.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
        If IsNonEssentialRow(Sheet2, r) Then
        End If

    ToggleWaitMode False

End Sub

Public Function IsNonEssentialRow(ByVal sheet As Worksheet, ByVal rowIndex As Long) As Boolean
you have ToggleWaitMode and StringMatchesAny anywhere?
um I don't know to be honest
I have my original code in a different module
7:27 PM
that's fine
if I declare all those as private would that fix it?
doesn't matter if it's calling functions that don't exist.
you need to have StringMatchesAny somewhere, and implement your ToggleWaitMode helper procedure
if VBA can't find them, the code won't compile
oh I see in the Function it's there twice
well 3 times
Public Sub ToggleWaitMode(Optional ByVal wait As Boolean = True)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = Not wait
    Application.Calculation = IIf(wait, xlCalculationManual, xlCalculationAutomatic)
End Sub
^^ could look like this
wait isn't a valid value
7:31 PM
and I gave you StringMatchesAny in my answer
sorry, forgot the Optional keyword
sure it's valid :)
Public Sub ToggleWaitMode(ByVal wait As Boolean = True) is red
^oh I see
sorry, context-switching from C# :)
in VBA Rubberducking, yesterday, by Mat's Mug
            // arrange
            var code = @"
Public Sub DoSomething()
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To 9
^^ and I wondered why I had a parser error lol
I think it's still hanging up on the StringMatchesAny part
well did you define the function anywhere?
I'm not sure of the syntaxes for defining fuctions
no I didn't
7:36 PM
Public Function StringMatchesAny(ByVal source As String, ParamArray values()) As Boolean

    Dim find As String, i As Integer, found As Boolean

    For i = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
        find = CStr(values(i))
        found = (source = find)
        If found Then Exit For

    StringMatchesAny = found

End Function
I just tested it, seems to work.
^oh yeah each language does it's own thing, it's weird how close so many are though, SQL isn't too terribly hard to read once one has learned vba
do you know about Rubberduck?
ok now it is getting hung up on
result = result Or item.AmountPaid <= 0
type mismatch
the type of AmountPaid is.. oh, a string.
no I don't know about Rubberduck, I just barely joined this one
your original had something different but it wasn't an option
*something else
7:40 PM
try result = result Or CCur(item.AmountPaid) <= 0
"CCur" converts a string to a currency value
you want to be comparing numbers vs. numbers
if the string value contains an illegal / non-numeric value, conversion might fail though
it failed, on the orignal data it is just a general number
basically you need to validate your inputs, especially if it's a user typing it in :)
it's a conversion from a huuuge parser. would it be better if it was currency?
depends. if the value is "xyxyyagfuwdho" it doesn't matter what the type is
try Val(item.AmountPaid) <= 0 then.
Rubberduck is my side project, you may have seen this ad in the side bar:
ok i had to do that for a couple other things
result = result Or Val(item.AmountPaid) <= 0
result = result Or item.CompoundCode = vbNullString
result = result Or Val(item.CompoundCode) >= 2 'todo: define magic number 2
result = result Or item.ClaimType <> "P"
result = result Or StringMatchesAny(item.ClaimStatus, "CAC", "OVR", "PWE")
result = result Or StringMatchesAny(item.CategoryCode, "D", "I", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S")
result = result Or Val(item.PreAuth) <> 0
result = result Or Not StringMatchesAny(item.GroupId, "DS", "GM", "HP", "LP")
but the end result is now that other sheet is blank
7:46 PM
lol, it deleted everything?
what you can do, is extract the logic that creates the item, and make the function take that TItem value as a parameter instead - then make the function public, and write unit tests for it to validate the logic
well, with Rubberduck I mean
otherwise the only way to test VBA code is to run it :)
I would use that for other things but I work in the medical field, so I can't really share any of the data I'm running
huh? it's not about sharing anything...
I'm not following..
lol, the project is open-source. it's an add-in for the VBA Editor.
requires admin privs to install though
but then with it you can write unit tests.. hold on...
    Public Sub ZeroAmountPaid_ReturnsTrue()

        Dim item As TItem
        item.AmoundPaid = 0
        item.CompoundCode = "1"
        item.ClaimType = "P"
        item.ClaimStatus = "BLA"
        item.CategoryCode = "Z"
        item.PreAuth = 0
        item.GroupId = "ZZ"

        Dim result As Boolean
        result = IsNonEssentialRow(item)

        Assert.IsTrue result
    End Sub
^^ something like this
you can make a test module that validates every possible execution path for the IsNonEssentialRow function, and Rubberduck evaluates the Assert.IsTrue call and reports your test results in a test explorer window
then when you make a change to the logic, you have a "safety net" that tells you when you broke something
the key is to decouple the logic from the spreadsheet-handling code
that makes sense
8:00 PM
I have 742 tests right now in Rubberduck itself... and it's not nearly enough :)
Dim result As Boolean
result = IsNonEssentialRow(item)
it says type mismatch there
yeah, your function wants a Worksheet and a Long parameter
why would that code you post delete everything?
I don't know, maybe I messed up some of the conditions
anyway you'll want to extract another function, something like this:
Private Function GetRowItem(ByVal sheet As Worksheet, ByVal rowIndex As Long) As TItem
    Dim item As TRowItem
    item.AmountPaid = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "C").Value
    item.CompoundCode = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "AE").Value
    item.ClaimType = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "L").Value
    item.ClaimStatus = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "J").Value
    item.CategoryCode = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "S").Value
    item.PreAuth = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "N").Value
    item.GroupId = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "AD").Value
    GetRowItem = item
not sure if that's legal... at that point I'd make TItem an actual class/object
but with that part extracted out of IsNonEssentialRow, now all IsNonEssentialRow needs is that TItem value
hi @Insane!
so IsNonEssentialRow can then look like this:
Public Function IsNonEssentialRow(ByVal item As TItem) As Boolean
and now it's fully decoupled from worksheets, and you can supply it any random made-up value and see what it returns and whether the output is as expected
Option Explicit
Private Type TRowItem
    AmountPaid As String
    CompoundCode As String
    ClaimType As String
    ClaimStatus As String
    CategoryCode As String
    PreAuth As String
    GroupId As String
End Type

Private Type TItem
    AmountPaid As String
    CompoundCode As String
    ClaimType As String
    ClaimStatus As String
    CategoryCode As String
    PreAuth As String
    GroupId As String
End Type

Public Sub DeleteNonEssentialRows()


    Dim r As Long
    For r = Sheet2.UsedRange.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
^That's what I have in the Module
It is catching on result = IsNonEssentialRow(item)
specifically the item part
8:10 PM
of course
your signature says "IsNonEssentialRow(ByVal sheet As Worksheet, ByVal rowIndex As Long)"
it wants a worksheet and a long
and you're giving it a TItem
if I were the VBA compiler I'd be kicking and screaming too!
I don't follow?
but hey, nevermind the ZeroAmountPaid_ReturnsTrue() test method, the compiler doesn't know of any Assert object if you're not running Rubberduck
@MadChadders the logic has two parts: the first part uses sheet and rowIndex to collect information from the worksheet and populate the fields of a TItem value
the second part evaluates that TItem value
what I'm saying is, if you want to be able to test it, you needd to factor out the part that's coupling it with the worksheet, by extracting another function:
8 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
Private Function GetRowItem(ByVal sheet As Worksheet, ByVal rowIndex As Long) As TItem
    Dim item As TRowItem
    item.AmountPaid = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "C").Value
    item.CompoundCode = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "AE").Value
    item.ClaimType = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "L").Value
    item.ClaimStatus = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "J").Value
    item.CategoryCode = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "S").Value
    item.PreAuth = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "N").Value
    item.GroupId = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, "AD").Value
    GetRowItem = item
and then you can change the signature of IsNonEssentialRow to take a TItem value instead of a sheet and a rowIndex
leaves you with a function responsible for collecting the row values, and another responsible for evaluating these values
separation of concerns is a good thing
so instead of calling IsNonEssentialRow(sheet, r) you do IsNonEssentialRow(GetRowItem(sheet, r))
There is way too much data to care to evaluate all that I want left over. I just want the non essential rows deleted whatever the fastest way to do that
it would take forever to try and figure out all the items that could be in the rows I want to stay
that was why I had looped originally
8:16 PM
it's not about the data, it's about the correctness of the conditional logic
the test methods should be in a separate module, and there should be as many tests as you have specs. in other words, if you specifications say "delete any row where 'amount paid' is zero" then you have a test method for that; specs say "delete any row where claim type is not P" then you have a test method for that, etc.
ok I think I understand, so you're saying isolate each one, until I figure out which one is ending up deleting everything?
if everything gets deleted, certainly at least one of the tests will fail
I can just put the ' in front of parts of the code and do the same thing
lol, sorry I'm bombarding you with what's probably quite foreign concepts here... object-oriented programming, test-driven development, ...
yeah little bit, I'm a script writer
8:23 PM
hi mat, just lurkin
sure. and then 6 months down the line you need to change that logic (because specs change all the time right?) and you dive back into that code and you're 100% certain you didn't break anything with that little modification? if you have 20 green tests, you are.
I'm aware of some of those but I certainly don't understand them
well usually I'm the end user so some of the things are unnecessary but I understand the logic of why declaring everything is the better way to do it
I usually create scripts piece by piece until it is perfect
I was once in your shoes :)
yeah I want to be better, I really am trying to follow things but I know i have a crazy ton to learn still
well, you've found the best site for this! ask @Kaz :)
8:26 PM
^for this the specs shouldn't change but I trust you know more than me
I've read a lot of things that recommend the same things you are doing
in The 2nd Monitor, 3 hours ago, by Kaz
@CaptainObvious To think, not that long ago, I was writing code worse than that.
stick around and keep posting your working code on CR, you'll learn a ton! :)
probably the better way would be just copy over what I actually need from another sheet?
What I have been doing before this code, is copy everything, then remove all the items I don't need
Ideally you wouldn't be coding any logic directly against worksheets - worksheet interactions are THE slowest thing VBA does
lucky you @MadChadders taking advice from the king of VBA reviews ;)
I wish the top guns over from Stack Overflow would venture onto this side of Stack Exchange to steal my throne :)
2 hours later…
10:14 PM
I'll try to figure out which item is accidentally deleting out all the rows, and let you know

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