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9:43 AM
Morning all
@JosephWright hello
@JosephWright Morning.
@DavidCarlisle Will sort the .ini stuff today
@JosephWright that's my plan for cfgs as well:-)
@JosephWright Top of the morning, sir!
9:49 AM
@JosephWright Morning.
What's the name you guys use for the document presented before the thesis itself?
@PauloCereda Huh?
@PauloCereda what Joseph said
@PauloCereda In other news, my employer is considering using US-style titles for lecturing posts :-(
@JosephWright In Brazil, we need to present the thesis theme proposal thingy to a committee in order to advance in research. Is there something similar?
@JosephWright Oh no!
@DavidCarlisle <3
9:54 AM
@JosephWright you all get to be professor and they don't have to pay you, sounds like a good plan to me
@PauloCereda We have something like that after 9 months: a transfer report (from some not-a-PhD to a PhD registration)
@DavidCarlisle It's fraud
@PauloCereda "phd proposal" perhaps, but in my case it consisted of having a cup of tea with one of my lecturers who said do you want to stay on for a phd, and i said yes, i might be interested, and that was it as far as I remember.
@DavidCarlisle Ah the English way.
@David, @Joseph: when I visit you, will you gentlemen take me to drink tea? :)
@DavidCarlisle We've just moved to something similar to my own PhD: you start of registered for a 1 year qualification and have to do a report within the first year to show progress and transfer to a PhD registration
@PauloCereda Of course
@PauloCereda "take to drink tea" implies going out to the cotswolds to find a "tea room" where you can have tea and cream cake at great expense surrounded by other non-english people. "having a cup of tea" implies throwing a teabag and some boiling water into a mug.
9:59 AM
@DavidCarlisle Fine, let us go to a pub. :)
@PauloCereda actually I probably prefer the tea room, i don't drink that much beer;-)
@DavidCarlisle More than me, though
@DavidCarlisle Neither do I. :)
I can tolerate the taste of alcohol because of social need.
@JosephWright yes although statistically half a dozen pints a year doesn't really register:-)
@DavidCarlisle Letting $B$ be the intake of beer in pints, we find $B = 0(6)$.
10:04 AM
@PauloCereda Your best friend is already way ahead of you.... :P
@BMWurm ooh
Off to the bank with UK-TUG membership cheques ...
@JosephWright An invitation for robbers
@egreg That's why I take them to the bank rather than posting them to our Treasurer: in the past he's had stuff taken out of the post
10:42 AM
> ps. Lucky you that we don't use dutch or german in the interface ... much longer words then. You'd be better off with french.
^^ Gotta love Hans' humour. :)
@egreg An Engish robber: Dear sir, I bid you hello! I am so sorry to bother you, but I am afraid we are now in a bit of trouble, aren't we? Could you be so kind in passing the quantity of monetary entities to me? I am not keen on using such unorthodox means of acquiring your possessions. Oh thank you, sir! Tata!
Man, I wanna be English. <3
10:56 AM
@PauloCereda Very polite robber!
@egreg :)
@PauloCereda Dame i schei o te copo would be the somewhat ruder way of doing it here. ;-)
@Johannes_B I think, that this question is pretty clear (compared to the usual quality of questions on TeXwelt). You are right, though, that it is lacking a MWE.
@JosephWright: this robber sounds like Blackadder's brother in the first series. :)
@egreg Ouch. :) In Brazil, you'd be dead. :(
@PauloCereda Translation: Give me the money or I'll kill you
10:59 AM
@HenriMenke I don't really know what she wants.
@egreg In Brazil, they don't give you an option. It's not \or, it's \and. :(
@Johannes_B She wants alphabetic to be sorted like authoryear.
@Johannes_B I know the problem with the question!
@Johannes_B: the question is written in German, it's sehr komplicated. :)
@HenriMenke Isn't that the standard?
Yearling badge!
11:08 AM
@Johannes_B No exactly. Standard is anyt.
@HenriMenke Oh, ok.
@HenriMenke I suspected she wanted it that way, but it doesn't make much sense, imho.
@HenriMenke I either don't have enough reputation to delete answers, or i cannot find the button. I added the content of the answers to the question.
11:37 AM
@Johannes_B Either I don't have enough rep. as well, or you just cannot delete answers.
@HenriMenke It should be possible, since people not familiar with the format tend to answer comments as answers, just like here.
@Johannes_B But there is a workaround. Convert the answer to a comment and delete the comment.
@HenriMenke Yes, that would be possible
@Johannes_B I think, I got it right now in my updated answer. She wants to have bibstyle=authoryear but with the labels of bibstyle=alphabetic. Hence, you just copy the definition of \defbibenvironment{bibliography}{…} from alphabetic.bbx to the document and you are done.
@Johannes_B Do you know if OP is notified when the answer is updated? I don't know, since I rarely ask questions.
@HenriMenke No, idea. But i guess she will check. She already crossposted on LC.
@HenriMenke Good idea, upvoted.
11:44 AM
@Johannes_B “Why are these stupid colored squares taking so long to answer? Maybe they will answer faster if I scatter my super vague question over all Q&A sites available.”
@Johannes_B Cheers!
@HenriMenke LC is a forum ;-) Just like goLaTeX.
@Johannes_B True, but I guess you get the point.
@HenriMenke I am currently waiting for the question appearing here, on gL and mrunix :-) and maybe the latex-thread on matheplanet and the latex-thread on chemieonline (or whatever it is called).
@Johannes_B Oh, another answer by OP.
@Johannes_B When does @StefanKottwitz finally disable the automatic link detection for everything that includes a .? texwelt.de/wissen/fragen/15126/wie-kann-ich-dateien-umkodieren/…
@Johannes_B Maybe you could crosspost my answer to latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=27069
11:59 AM
@HenriMenke Dunno. Can you ad an advice to make a backup of the files (good idea in general, but especially when recoding stuff).
@HenriMenke Will do. I wonder if the answer will ever be accepted :-)
@Johannes_B You can of course do iconv … file.txt > file.txt, but this will break the file, so you will necessarily have a backup file.
@Johannes_B Everybody having ever worked with pipes in the shell should know that.
@HenriMenke People do all kind of strange stuff.
@Johannes_B Actually, I won't add this advice. People sometimes have to learn the hard way, that it is not a good idea to copy-pasta code from the interwebz w/o knowing what it does.
@HenriMenke Allright.
@Johannes_B I had a look at your profile. You should start accepting answers.
12:11 PM
@HenriMenke Need to have a closer look. Quite a few where posted with multiple equal answers in mind. Big-list questions.
12:23 PM
@HenriMenke From 30 percent to 67 percent. I shamelessly accepted all of my own answers to my own questions.
@Johannes_B Out of three answers, I only got one tick )-;
@HenriMenke What do you mean?
Only texwelt.de/wissen/fragen/16096/… has been accepted
@HenriMenke Posted within the last few hours, i think you simply have to wait.
12:40 PM
@HenriMenke @Johannes_B Thanks for cross-posting the answer! It's always good to cite the solution, in addition to the link (that's why TeX.SE even requires it and discards link-only answers). Often also I add a cited solution later when I saw just a cross-post info link
@HenriMenke Ah, this dot link thingy, ok.
@StefanKottwitz How to use biber, hwo to compile in terminal etc all have different valent answers and i cannot accept one. Are community questions counted with respect to the acceptance rate below the gravatar?
@Johannes_B They count, though I think it's indicating if a user lacks accepting completely or not, 60% or 90% don't matter much in difference, both show that the user takes care
@Johannes_B Idea: a community wiki summary answer which gives an evaluated overview of answers with links and can be accepted.
Kind of a table of contents for the lot of stuff to follow.
@StefanKottwitz Right now, the question links to the answers.
@Johannes_B I see! But that can be moved to this ToC-answer if desired. When accepted, it would be right below, so roughly the same
1:09 PM
There's been a huge discussion in Brazil regarding the publishing of Mein Kampf.
A lot of stories in the news.
@StefanKottwitz Open up a meta qustion?
@PauloCereda one my friend had this book on a shelf next to a Bible. We made fun of him that the two books are going to strike down each other.
@yo' I heard the edition will feature extensive comments on each line of the text.
@PauloCereda that's more dangerous than publishing the book as is...
@yo' To be honest, I really don't know what to think... :(
1:17 PM
@PauloCereda I think that the book has a historical and politological value and should not be "forbidden". We have got the freedom of speech and we should preserve it. It should not be illegal to publish such a book.
@JosephWright is this expected? Seems like a bug to me:

\cs_new:Npn \foo {foo}
\char_set_active_eq:NN ' \foo


\show' % the character '

$'$ % $foo$

@clemens I confirm that this is a bug. Compare for instance:
This produces
> '=macro:
@DavidCarlisle -- thanks for the kind thoughts. the grocery shelves are bare of bread and milk. it's supposed to start here around noon, but (unless something changes drastically) no more than 6 inches or so is expected. the worst part is that, as soon as a single snowflake appears, almost everyone here forgets that they know how to drive.
@HenriMenke \char_set_active_eq:NN provides a definition for the active char but doesn't make it active. But it seems it makes it mathactive which is at least very unexpected…
@DavidCarlisle -- but in england there's a fine alternative -- cider! (from someone who doesn't like most beer, except for weiss bier.)
1:30 PM
@clemens This is actually expected, because ' is math active.
@barbarabeeton have you ever tasted ruby, if you like ciders? (Or French cidres, which are more similar to sparkling wine)
@clemens plain.tex defines
{\catcode`\'=\active \gdef'{^\bgroup\prim@s}}
\def\pr@m@s{\ifx'\next\let\nxt\pr@@@s \else\ifx^\next\let\nxt\pr@@@t
  \else\let\nxt\egroup\fi\fi \nxt}
\def\pr@@@s#1{\prim@s} \def\pr@@@t#1#2{#2\egroup}
This is to have f''' expanding to f^{\prime\prime\prime}
Of course, there is also \mathcode\'="8000 % ^\prime` somewhere in plain.tex.
@clemens That said, try your example with, e.g. ? instead of '.
@yo' -- no, never tasted ruby; will have to look for it. as for french cidres, yes! our favorite french restaurant has one brunch a year, on an early sunday in january. this year, cidre was on offer as well as "morning cocktails" and wine. yum! on an entirely different topic, we are planning to celebrate next new year's in prague; i will be asking for recommendations about interesting places to get something to eat, and just to visit.
@HenriMenke oh, yes of course! Thanks for the reminder! @JosephWright my question is solved thanks to Henry
@barbarabeeton oh, nice! Yes, I can give you recommendations I think :-)
1:42 PM
@clemens @JosephWright Still, I find it a bit confusing, that \char_set_active_eq:NN doesn't make the character active. Something like \char_set_ifactive_eq:NN might be better.
@HenriMenke it is documented, though: “Sets the behaviour of the <char> in situations where it is active (category code 13) to be equivalent to that of the <function>. The category code of the <char> is unchanged by this process.”
@clemens documented != intuitive
@HenriMenke :) I know
@clemens Or as Lua would say: documented ~= intuitive (What the …???)
1:56 PM
@SeanAllred Sure, why not. I sent James a mail yesterday asking if he can get somebody in who did the job better than the former guy :-)
@Johannes_B vvv
@HenriMenke not really possible to usefully make it active at that point
@clemens As you saw it is expected. At least, I knew what was to be expected. ;-)
@SeanAllred :-)
@Johannes_B What's your email? (you can also mail me at tex at sean allred and then a dot com)
1:59 PM
@SeanAllred You brought up the same points i did. Well, i asked a few more questions, but didn't get an answer so far. For example, we know that packages change, and so does the documentation. How does sharelatex provide the doc for the package version available by the online compiler.
@egreg :) I should have remembered it, too…
@SeanAllred Mail sent. Gotta get some groceries now.
@clemens @HenriMenke \char_set_active_eq:NN is unlikely to be used at the top level but inside a macro definition and there even if it made the character active you can't do ....\char_set_active_eq:NN ' \foo ... something using ' ... as ' needs to be active before the definition not when \char_set_active_eq:NN is executed when the command being defined is used.
@HenriMenke No, the behaviour is deliberate
@HenriMenke Semantics are 'set up a definition _for contexts where this char is active'. Our older apporach also made things active but that's actually must less useful.
2:23 PM
@DavidCarlisle @JosephWright I'm not trying to argue to change the behaviour. The behaviour is perfectly fine and I certainly see why this is useful. Only the name suggests something else.
2:34 PM
@SeanAllred How can i upvote your post? the one i just replied to with fully agreed.
@Johannes_B There are little upvote/downvote buttons to the left of the comment
@SeanAllred So the up-arrow is upvote, the minus is downvote?
@Johannes_B The minus is 'collapse this comment and its children' – there should be a downvote below the upvote
@SeanAllred I don't see this :-D
@Johannes_B XD What do you see? Some subreddits hide the downvote button via CSS stylesheets, but it's always 'there' – and visible if you use the default stylesheet (e.g. on the frontpage).
2:42 PM
@SeanAllred I don't see the down-arrow. Nevermind, i don't downvote :-)
@Johannes_B :) @PauloCereda would be proud
@SeanAllred I downvoted by accident and noticed it days later when there was a little red -1 in the rep thingy. I can't retract my downvote till the answer gets edited. :-/
@Johannes_B Is there anything you can improve in the post?
You might be able to trick the system that way. I've never tried it, though.
@SeanAllred By the way, what exactly do you want to cover in your mail?
@JosephWright pushed some cc0 wording to graphics-cfg readme
2:48 PM
@Johannes_B I'm nearly done writing the 'first draft' before I proofread/edit. Here are some highlights: We've talked about the template problem with you guys before; this is a very similar problem. Luckily though, the two are perceived differently by the average user. Documentation is seen as authoritative – 'this is how you use LaTeX'. That's a tremendous responsibility, so docs must be clear, concise, and correct. That's a huge job for a student, so it would be better to share the load.
@SeanAllred I mentioned templates yesterday :-) But i argued, that i don't think it is a good idea that the same information is distributed and every project has its own introductory section.
I explicitely mentioned the wikibook.
@Johannes_B Are you saying that every template they distribute (or perhaps it's not limited to one distributor) is giving a crash-course in LaTeX as a comment header!?
@SeanAllred Thankfully, that is not the case for every template. But yes.
@Johannes_B :| … :'(
awesome-cv is hosted and dev'ed on github, also on l-templates, sharelatex, overleaf and probably others. With fixes coming from PRs, partly from Vel, everything later pushed downstream. I have to say, this is the first template that seems work as in ... people are communicating stuff.
@SeanAllred What worries me more, if i were one of them: A user asks for help, a supporter says Oh my, that is a bad template. ... What does the OP think about the service providing the template?
2:56 PM
@Johannes_B I would think most users have come to understand the idea of 'crowd-sourced resources', so it's not difficult to sluff it off and say 'yeah, that's just a bad one'. As a user, I'd then wonder why the templates don't have crowd-sourced scores/ratings at that point.
@Johannes_B What have you done… now I'm going to spend the next twelve hours re-implementing in expl3/xparse :)
@Johannes_B I've seen the repo, but it looks like you've added quite a bit. Is this just a collection of letters/etc.?
@SeanAllred I think the templates are rated and chosen based on the look, not the implementation or user experience. How should a person in need of a template judge the implementation.
@Johannes_B I think judging the UX is sufficient to judge the implementation.
After all, the implementation should be designed for the user.
@SeanAllred Just my ramblings about templates in general, one thesis template and one cv template which are explored a little bit.
@SeanAllred What do you mean?
3:00 PM
@Johannes_B The resume/cv document type is one I've had particular interest in for years – I've made several documents for friends and family just exploring the different ways to present the data and noting what kind of data is common and what kind of presentation is truly desired.
@SeanAllred Use biblatex.
@Johannes_B One of my projects has been xcv – an xtemplate-powered resume/cv document class that will be applicable to literally any type of resume/cv via a well-defined extension mechanism.
@Johannes_B Ah, but that's just it! That's what makes it so interesting! Resumes rarely have any sort of bibliography
But sometimes they have a portfolio of other work that's not an appropriate 'citation' in that sense
That's just one example of course. There are many variations on many ideas.
@SeanAllred Pet project and proof of concept: github.com/johannesbottcher/bausteineBewerbung/blob/…
@SeanAllred That is the problem, many variations.
@Johannes_B Interesting – I was looking into parsing YAML for similar effect.
@SeanAllred biblatex provides an interface to change the date format, dan do testing if a field is empty or not and hence leave out punctuation. The style is done by styles the input is fixed (field types), but the order is completely uninteresting.
Currently, almost every cv template provides a macro cventry (or similar) that often works the same (user interface) and often does the same under the hood (tabular), but changing between templates is hard (input needs to be reorder), where in fact, the input should stay exactly the same.
3:10 PM
@Johannes_B It's similar with YAML. The underlying document model is unordered. For now I've been getting the basic functionality with a key-value interface in pure TeX (in the sense of 'no other tools'). I may switch to LuaTeX when the time comes to support other input models.
@Johannes_B And be careful – not all such documents are based on tabular in that way :) Mine, for instance: seanallred.com/assets/cv.pdf
@SeanAllred I have seen the tabbing environment. :-)
@Johannes_B \> and all?
@SeanAllred Sí :-)
@Johannes_B You might want to sit down before you eventually open that email
@SeanAllred I am sitting.
3:18 PM
@Johannes_B You might be there for a while :) It reminds me of some of the conversations I had with @JosephWright about git – I remember doing a word-count on one of those messages and it was around 10k…
@SeanAllred Oh, wow.
@SeanAllred I clicked the link to your CV. My suggestions: Convert the headings to all lowercase and apply letterspacing.
@HenriMenke I've considered that since I drafted this layout – I like the effect it has on other documents I've seen since that time :) I've used lowercasing for documents I've written for others (some like it, some don't), but thankfully I haven't needed to revamp my resume for many years :)
(I'm always looking for suggestions though, so thanks!)
3:38 PM
@SeanAllred Writing stuff, term RPG just used.
@Johannes_B #gloriousvictory
@SeanAllred :-)
3:49 PM
@Johannes_B I was thinking of posting an answer to that triangular protractor question. What do you think?
@Alenanno Not seen it.
Q: Is there a triangular protractor shape built-in to TikZ?

ArneI know you can draw a protractor with TikZ. The problem is that my students use the triangular shaped one like this. So in order to make it a little bit more familiar to them, I am wondering if there is also a predefined one like this one?

@Johannes_B Any thoughts?
@Alenanno if you have answer, why not. The question isn't even phrased as one of those irritating "draw it for me" questions it simply asks if there is a predefined shape but if the anser is no, but here's one, that seems good to me.
@DavidCarlisle Interesting perspective. Thanks David! :D
@DavidCarlisle @Alenanno Agreed. I am not a tikz user, so i can't help anyway :-)
3:57 PM
@Johannes_B you could start from here ^^
@DavidCarlisle Or i could follow the dinner invitation from my friends and go now :-)
Nice evening everybody
@SeanAllred Mail.
@Johannes_B Just finished reading :)
@DavidCarlisle :D ahahah
@DavidCarlisle This should go up there along with the airplane
@SeanAllred First thoughts?
@Johannes_B First thoughts are you might've made time to proofread :) About to send my response
4:09 PM
Off now, sorry :-)
@Johannes_B I understand :) I tease, I tease
5:08 PM
@DavidCarlisle Hope I tagged the right commit: github.com/latex3/luatex-def/releases
1 hour later…
6:09 PM
@JosephWright ah i noticed a tag before, you just do git tag whatever ?
@DavidCarlisle git tag -a v0.01b -m ""
@DavidCarlisle 'Full' tags have to have a message, but I just use an empty one (I think the idea is for bigger projects there can be sign-off/release notes in the tag data)
@JosephWright it's so much easier in cvs :-)
@JosephWright ooh see meta discussion on referring people to a manual:-)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I'd seen that
6:13 PM
@JosephWright :-) anyway tagging the public releases seems like a good idea
@DavidCarlisle Yes: I'd do it for the expl3 releases too but as we are mirroring from SVN and as we only describe them based on the SVN checkin number it's a bit tricky
@JosephWright if the color/graphics.cfg look OK I was thinking maybe I'd make a pdftex-def repo to match luatex-def and then mail Heiko and see if he'd object to us pushing that to ctan in place of the current pdfex.def
@DavidCarlisle Sounds like a plan to me
I don't have enough information to ask a question but has anybody had problems with tcolorboxes disappearing? The box works fine in a minimal example, even when I use TikZ externalisation and mirror the nesting of \inputs in my real document and wrap it in a figure environment. In my real document, however, I get just the figure caption. If I use a simple efbox wrapping a parbox instead, it works fine.
7:00 PM
@cfr Well... do you have a MWE? :D Or better yet: does this happen in a short document or only on your main one?
7:24 PM
@Alenanno No. That's the problem. My MWE is getting bigger and bigger, but still works fine. Only in my real document (which is certainly not short), the thing simply disappears without trace. I assumed it was due to externalisation, but I can't reproduce in my MWE even with externalisation enabled.
@cfr This is what I'd do then: Copy the document, like the file. Then in your new copy, start cutting pieces of code until you find what is likely the problem, and then test that.
@Alenanno The problem could easily be in a custom class or package. That's why I thought I'd ask if anybody had any known issues like this because then I could test those things first. But, of course, if nobody does, I'll either give up on fancier boxes or do as you say.
@DavidCarlisle @JosephWright Is it bad to use \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand? The xparse docs seem so hostile to the idea that I'm worried about using it even though it works and even though the only alternative I can think of is to use \xdef or something. (I need the stuff to be fully expanded for cross-referencing to work.) It's for a token list which is defined in terms of an integer and it only works expanded.
@cfr You can certainly use it
@cfr The reason for the warnings is that the 2e experience suggests that most 'commands' should not be expandable, although we likely do need 'variables' which are
1 hour later…
8:44 PM
@JosephWright Thanks ;).
@SeanAllred Are Sharelatex and overleaf members of TUG? They should be, to support the project they use.
@JosephWright I see only one name. I bet Overleaf will be happy to get a member.
@Johannes_B You can certainly ask
@JosephWright I will, but not today. Had dinner with friends, and a little talk afterwards with nice cold beer. :-)
9:19 PM
@JosephWright speaking of this: any news on the SE TUG membership?
@yo' Not just yet: I was busy yesterday so didn't get a chance to check
@JosephWright ok, well, just to know whether I should renew my membership from 2 years ago, or wait on how many people apply for the SE membership
@yo' I'll check on Monday
@JosephWright ok. I won't do anything with it until Feb 5 anyway I think
@cfr yes as Joseph said, another way to think of it is if the underlying command is not expandable and you declare the top level interface to be expandable then you have re-created the classic "fragile command in moving argument" problem but if you know the underlying command are safe in an expansion context then it's perfectly OK.
9:28 PM
@cfr Typical case: \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\fpeval}{m}{\fp_eval:n{#1}}, which builds a user's version of a fully expandable internal.
@egreg because doing \let\fpeval\fp_eval:n is naughty.
@DavidCarlisle We could wrap that up nicely in a very short package ;-)
@DavidCarlisle FMi wouldn't approve ...
@JosephWright as good a reason as any for doing it:-)
@DavidCarlisle I want to make Frank happy.
@DavidCarlisle I was thinking of suggesting what @egreg has as a one-line package (fpeval or xfp or ...), perhaps with \fpset as an addition
9:36 PM
@JosephWright oh one-line packages!
@barbarabeeton Re: Placing a full-width insert at the bottom of two columns --- What I do is that I publish the figure twice: once as {figure}[b] placed so that it goes into the left column, with \parbox{\textwidth}{...} inside to make it full width, second time again the same way, just in a \vphantom. This works well; I've done it several times on the first page (I never do it on other pages I think; it's only a last resort for me anyway).
@egreg I suspect I mainly wind him up ...
@JosephWright As I've already said, the following code is wrong:
\NewDocumentCommand \si { o m } {
    \IfNoValueTF {#1}
      { \__siunitx_unit_output:nn {#2} { } }
        \keys_set:nn { siunitx } {#1}
        \__siunitx_unit_output:nn {#2} {#1}
And you know where. ;-)
@egreg The internal business? Needs me to completely rewrite for v3, and whilst I've been looking at it it's hard work
@egreg I've suggested that \leavevmode should be a feature available as part of the document command wrapper, but thus far no-one else on the team has bitten
@JosephWright Not that. The \__siunitx... without a developer's level function.
@egreg Yes, see my first reply
9:47 PM
@JosephWright There are so many cases where legacy macros have to be used. Probably \leavevmode is so important that it deserves its expl3 name.
@egreg That's not quite what I meant (though we have discussed where it belongs). My feeling is that things like 'needs to not be in vmode', 'math mode only', Etc. are something that xparse should handle as a setting
@JosephWright \NewDocumentCommand[hmode]{\foo}{m}{...}?
@egreg Something of that type, yes
@egreg I've failed to sell it so far
@JosephWright I'm not sure it belongs to xparse.
@yo' there's a package around for allowing [b] with 2-col floats isn't there?
10:20 PM
@DavidCarlisle Take it you got a 'yes'
@JosephWright no, decided to get it there then mail (just writing, 2 minutes)
10:35 PM
@JosephWright you've got mail...
10:49 PM
@DavidCarlisle I have `\tl_set:Nn \l_name_tl { \int_to_arabic:n \l_name_int }. And then \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand \name { \l_name_tl }. So that I can say e.g. \label{prefix:something\name} and \ref{prefix:something\name} without knowing the current value of \l_name_int. That is, I want the value of the counter written to the .aux file in \newlabel and used in \ref and not the name of the counter. I think.
@cfr \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\name}{}{\int_to_arabic:n {\l_name_int}}
What's the purpose of \l_name_tl?
11:33 PM
@cfr looks wrong (hard to say without context) \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand should just be declaring a top level document interface to some function written using expl3 code, but you seem to have it mixed in the expl3 definition? Oh perhaps not. ok you just making \name always an expandable interface to l_name_tl? or as egreg said you could skip the tl

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