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12:49 AM
Version 0.06 which enables alignment of labels on each side left, right or center.
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@Alenanno New version above. If you know how I can make it work if just font=\Huge, do let me know!
1:13 AM
As in setting font properties for labels?
@cfr forgot to ping
1:52 AM
@Alenanno I added a key just font which, by default, is \normalfont\normalsize. I saved this to a macro \justtrees@justifier@font and then I used it in getting the width of labels' contents: TeX={\settowidth\justtrees@tempa{\justtrees@justifier@font ##1}},. However, the resulting width appears not to be sensitive to a different font size. If I set just font=\Huge, it is a mess. I know that the correct definition for \justtrees@justifier@font is available when this code is executed...
because a \show returns \Huge. But it doesn't seem to affect the width of the labels. And I'm not sure why. The widths of the labels are adjusted fine for the default i.e. normal size font. But not if the font size is changed. And that is bugging me.
I suspect, though I'm not sure, that the new version of forest may make this a bit easier as it has things called registers, but I'm not certain and since that update is going to break my code generally, it isn't much comfort.

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