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7:00 AM
...and then, according to this Post-Fall Life Event table, I fall in love.
You find your one true love. You don’t feel like your full self when you are away from them. Gain the Intense Relationship trait (p. 90).
What kind of trashy romance novel does this guy LIVE in?
This is basically a transhuman romance novel- yes
"Oh, I'm an independently wealthy anarchist stripper scientist who has fallen in love with one of my clients!"
...your private hab in orbit is for that kind of privacy, eh.
Okay, let's throw some drama into this. Gatecrashing Event, go!
7:02 AM
You serve on 1d10 missions and pick up some new skills. Replace a 1 PP Focus, Faction, or Customization package you acquired in Step 10 with the Explorer package at 1 PP (p. 32).
That is not exciting.
Roll again?
You go on 1d10 gatecrashing missions, with no major consequences. You do see some cool things, though. Gain +1 Moxie.
7:03 AM
You step through a gate and arrive somewhere other than you expected. Your jaunt is adventurous, but you make it back safe. Gain +10 Profession: Gatecrashing skill.
He has a tragic past which makes him brood sometimes.
Adventurous, huh.
7:04 AM
You receive some focused training in gate operations. Gain the Programming (Gate Interface) specialization (p. 142, Gatecrashing).
Goodness gracious.
@BESW Apply that to the firewall event
7:05 AM
@Magician Someone you are close to is a Firewall proxy; they brought you in to help them out. Gain +1 Moxie.
Your true love?
The love interest?
Obviously my lover is a super-spy.
you might not want everyone to be the same person though
I mean why wouldn't they be?
7:06 AM
So we start with trashy romance novel. There is a kinky asteroid. Then, suddenly, superspy.
> Hi, I'm an independently wealthy anarchist scientist with a kinky sex satellite orbiting Venus. I killed my entire family with a customs error when I was 16, and sometimes I brood about that. Recently I gave up escorting when I fell in love with one of my clients, who turns out to be a super-spy and now she wants me to help her secret organisation fight space zombies!
Not going to lie, I'd probably give that story a chance.
I probably still make model spaceships, too.
Your other great love.
7:10 AM
Also I somehow think that my scientific research is into re-purposing sex toy materials for space-flight applications.
One last story event? Or is the character complete as is?
You participate as a test subject in a research project. You suffer no ill effects … that you can tell.
7:12 AM
@BESW "How did you figure out that this stuff was aerodynamic?" "Oh... funny story, that..."
Okay, afk for a while.
Not gonna try to top that.
Hmm, maybe I'll give this a shot. I'm actually not distracted or falling asleep for once.
I'm here to advise you on the setting if needed.
Cool! I start on page 55, right?
7:23 AM
Native tongue...
Youth path...
7:26 AM
Wholesome youth, earthborn.
I might try after you
Troubled. Hmm.
7:27 AM
don't want to clog with rolls though
@trogdor Yeah, would be hard to keep track of concurrent generation.
@Magician my exact thought
I can definitely wait
7:28 AM
@Pixie I'm a bit lost. What's this?
Ah, I think I know. The next path is just something to remember for now. It's the likely continuation of your life, but there'll be rolls still.
Ohh, I see.
Yeah I just got confused. xD
So you get the Fall Evacuee: Underclass package from page 17, at 3pp. Except it's before the fall, so these are just the skills you get.
Let's see, are there tables for the things it says to choose?
7:34 AM
Pages 42-43
My interest is exoplanets. Since I'm earthborn and my childhood has not been good, they probably have a certain appeal.
roll 2d10
Oops. xD
Too used to IRC.
7:38 AM
Criminal networking, huh. My family probably does what it has to do to survive.
Profession is medical care. An interest likely developed from the need to take care of oneself and one's own in such rough circumstances, and I'm a flat (that's just a human body, right?).
How is medical care in this setting?
Is it easy or difficult to obtain?
Rolling background event...
7:46 AM
It varies greatly.
> You enjoy urban exploration and getting into off-limits areas. Gain +10 to either Climbing or Infiltration skill.
...climbing the ruins?
I'm going to do Infiltration there.
Yes, definitely. And anywhere else she can get into. I'm getting an escapist vibe. She dreams of being able to get as far away as she can.
7:48 AM
She'll be in her 30s at the beginning of play.
... 6 days d100 but I think it's actually a d10. xD
I'll just take the 8.
Which means I'll be switching gears...
She became a criminal herself. Not surprising. She had other plans originally, but in the end, it was all she knew.
7:55 AM
... an assassin. Wow.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
Knowing how to heal also means knowing how to hurt.
And childhood spent sneaking around a war torn city doesn't hurt either.
Yesss. She has knowledge of the body, she knows how to get into places she's not supposed to be, and she has the connections she needs.
8:01 AM
@BESW WHAT? When did that get determined!?
Ok, pre-fall event!
@doppelgreener That was his Fall event, "You make a bad call that gets people killed. Now you question your gut feelings. Lose –5 INT."
> You exhibit a serious lack of willpower in coping with your adult life. Gain the Addiction (Major) trait (p. 148, EP)
oh dear
8:03 AM
Heh. I was thinking she might have some issues with her less than realized dreams. Perfect.
That's in another book, it looks like?
Hopefully the Fall breaks her out of her path which is all but set so far.
@Pixie Yeah, most of the game mechanics bits are in the core book. Doesn't really matter.
I'm curious as to what it would be. :P Oh well, I'll note it down and worry about it later.
Fall event time!
@Pixie she has literally a thousand plushies (she keeps a tally)
@doppelgreener No one goes to her house anymore. Their eyes follow you.
> Your ego survives the Fall but is locked in simulspace for years before you are resleeved. Roll randomly on the Choosing a Morph table (p. 44) and
gain +20 Interfacing skill.
8:07 AM
@Pixie She got someone to program them to do that. She was pretty excited about it.
@Magician Let's see... I'm gonna start on the Morph Type table here, yes?
Aye. Lets find out what new shiny body you got.
Talk of starting a new life.
She's an uplift biomorph.
8:09 AM
An octomorph. Neeeeat.
lucky you
Octomorph assassins are amazing
I am such a big fan of this character now
Going to take a lot of getting used to, granted.
8:10 AM
this is pretty awesome so far
So she's a fancy octopus. Let's see what she's going to do now.
Defined by your actions.
8:15 AM
@Pixie "You get the job done", no? Even more pp in Focus.
She's staying on the path and branching out into piracy too.
So she gets another interest...
8:18 AM
(Location) Places of Interest
(table on the previous page for locations)
The Outer Fringe. Brief description?
Of the Solar system. One sec.
Rimward, page 136, if you feel like reading in detail.
8:23 AM
"I was going to be a doctor, once. Now I'm spiraling down the path of no return, killing for money and stealing what I can't earn and oh yeah I'm a ****ing octopus." "... all I asked was how are you." "Wonderful. THANKS."
> Welcome to the deep black. If you’ve come to the fringe looking for friends, turn back now. This is the darkest, coldest, loneliest part of the system.
Most of the natives guard their secrets closely and don’t take well to visitors. Agents are advised to keep their curiosity in check and mind their manners. Out here, a corpse in the recycler doesn’t raise too many questions.
Next to privacy, the major industries of the fringe are research and prospecting. Most of the fringe is too inaccessible for commercial exploitation. Life is more a matter of survival than profit, so the hypercorps ke
Heh. Exactly the kind of place she would go.
Mixing it up.
8:27 AM
... military. xD
I'll note there was also an Art skill in the Pirate package. Just in case you want to roll that, too.
OH I misread the table in 9.
Mixed up my faction and focus pps.
Should be 5 focus, 1 faction, I think.
3 focus, 1 faction.
Wait... [facepalms] You're right.
I may be tireder than I thought! But I am seeing this through. :v
Almost there!
8:32 AM
Her art is simulspace design.
She's been stuck in simulspace for years, makes perfect sense.
Probably bored out of her mind, except that's all she was.
Interesting, how she got an octomorph. Those are expensive. And you don't make much money in simulspace. Did she steal it somehow, or got it as part of recruitment?
8:34 AM
But somehow, in the midst of all her assassination and piracy, she's gotten into the military. Hmm.
Well, lets find out what military faction that is.
She's an inside contact.
8:36 AM
I think you actually reroll if you had this before
Did you have this exact package?
"Military" simply means this faction is militant. It could be a part of a standing army (though those are somewhat rare nowadays), but it doesn't have to be.
Oh, I think I accidentally skipped over that package. Let me see what I should have added.
Ah, I think it was a grouping before, like miliatry
And you got Assassin out of it as the actual package
Yes, that's what it was.
So yeah, criminal works here.
Lemme count up...
1 PP in faction, 5 PP in focus, 3 PP in childhood... I think that's all I have, unless I missed something.
Also 1 PP from adult pre-fell path, bringing you to 10.
Ahh, right. So I am where I should be.
8:41 AM
So. Grows up in a war-torn country, dreams of escaping it, escaping it all, gets sucked into the criminal underworld that runs it. After the Fall gets a second chance at life, or so it seems. Gets stuck in simulspace for years until she makes a shady deal. Now she's a cool space pirate assassin octomorph. But she still hasn't escaped her life.
Maybe random events will shake her up.
I don't think she really sees a way out anymore, and she's glad just to have a body again, even if she complains about it.
> You fall for the smooth lies of a convincing member of another faction.
You realize your error only after the damage is done. Lose 10 rep from the
rep network appropriate to your faction.
Even criminals don't trust her.
Maybe part of her wanted to believe there was a way out, so much that it clouded her judgment.
8:45 AM
Sure sounds that way.
Firewall event time.
Oh, wait, I have a choice here.
You don't have to join Firewall
But it's an extra roll :)
Let's just see what would happen.
...well that's cool
Er. That's not Firewall table.
8:48 AM
> You were a member/supporter of one of the groups that evolved into Firewall from before the Fall. Gain +10 i-rep.
Would this include criminals like the sort she would have been involved with pre-Fall?
I think this can be read as someone you knew from your "human" criminal days ends up in Firewall, and you stumble upon them.
Makes sense!
So, a third chance at a new life.
Can she trust them, though, after the first two worked out the way they did?
"Oh. Great. An unexpected opportunity. That went so well for me the first several times."
no trust for anything
8:52 AM
Last roll, story event!
I will roll every roll I can possibly roll.
> You enter into a convenience-based contract-defined romantic relationship.
Heh. No trust for anything is right.
Cool but depressing character.

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