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@Legato - describe your home network. You have cable or ADSL?
Think it's Cable.
Let me describe what I think you have at your house.....
cursory look through this before answering yes.
but, first up, on your windows machine, go to the command prompt (cmd.exe) and type ipconfig
What is your computer's IP address?
If it is something like 192.168...... or 10.* then answer me, otherwise, don't.
Or, alternatively are you connected via wi-fi?
I'm on wifi.
OK, so you'll have a 192.168.0.* address probably.
Also, the problem is not with your computer, but with your NAT server
(although your computer may also have problems).
In essence, your cable comes in to your house, there's a modem that turns it in to a network. That modem is also probably a wi-fi router, but you may have a separate one too... depends.
That wi-fi router on one side has the public IP address for your "house".
on the other side (the devices connected wirelessly) they are all private addresses.
I set up a static IPv4 on the server computer it's, It also has a consistent IPv6, but I only used these two values when setting up the port forward on my router.
Modem is also a Wi-Fi router. is private, and non routable.
18 messages moved from The 2nd Monitor
How'd you manage this auto-move anyway?
Room owner privilege
I really thought there would have been a general networking help room, but after not finding one I thought this would do ^^"
Didn't know you were the room owner, haha.
One of many :)
8 hours later…
donald trump, jesus, i listened to one of his rallies the other day and if he had a white pointy hat on I would have been convinced we were in 1950 america
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Oh snap, I should throw a smiley in my Tinder profile. Twice the matches!
@EBrown I have an emoticon and a pun on my profile and ~180 matches after two years. I'm pretty sure most of them are more robot than I am.
Tinder is a pretty fun game but it seems rough to try and actually use.
@EBrown Good philosophy for tinder/swordfighting.
@SuperBiasedMan I take Tinder about as seriously as I take the Db language.
@SuperBiasedMan as a LARPer, I can confirm for the swordfighting part
Also, I think tinder and such is way off topic.
I've got a picture with me holding 4 puppies as my tinder pic
30 matches the first day after that
Puppies are key
@rolfl I agree. To the Nth
12 messages moved from The 2nd Monitor
@JeroenVannevel Indeed. Puppies are basically the only way to guarantee all the matches.
I noticed I got considerably more female attention when I had my old husky puppy
I don't even know what you all are talking about
@Malachi monkey business
@Malachi The thing that is Tinder.
I don't even know what Tinder is.....
@Malachi It's a horrible way to meet new people.
The embodiment of loneliness if you are not above-average attractiveness and male.
I go outside to meet people. less traveling involved that way. Gas is Expensive!
I am married
On the other hand its a great place to get compliments if you are female..
I just use it to mess with women's minds.
I made a fake female profile on there once just for funsies using a friends pciture (with her consent). She's maybe a 5-6. She got 1000 matches within about 2 weeks.
I, on the other hand, have had 15 matches in the past 3 months... lol
@DanPantry I really haven't any cares on it. If I really want to meet new people, I just go to the bar.
@EBrown The smell of alcohol makes me sick, as well as my (very debilitating) anxiety around people in, well, person
so bars are a no-go
@DanPantry See I'm not a people-person either, but what I do, is go to a bar that's fairly far from home (~30+ minutes), and just start talking to randoms.
Or, if you really don't want to start conversation, just accidentally bump into someone lightly and apologize.
Works every time.
@Ebrown refer to "The smell of alcohol makes me sick"
@DanPantry Well, if that's the case then I guess you're out. So, go somewhere else instead. Hit up a club or something.
Most intoxicants are good at overcoming that
doesn't have to be alcohol
> Hit up a club
> anxiety around people in
"if you don't want to be around alcohol, go to a place where people drink alcohol and stand in very close proximity to each other"
@DanPantry I have the same problem, and like I said, once you get into the club, just start saying stuff to rando's.
He's referring to the alcohol thing
talking to people doesn't fix that
Meh. I am not a fan of alcohol either, I just suffer through that bit for a little while.
Go to the mall. You can meet people there.
You're all heathens. I would feel like a fake Belgian if I didn't like beer
Mall? Only Americans give that as an option
@EBrown no, i mean, i find crowds fucking terrifying
holy shit, every SINGLE MESSAGE I post times out
Who wants to meet people while you're shopping for new underwear
@DanPantry Just get on a real dating website, then.
@EBrown I am. I am on 3, and I have been for 2 years
@JeroenVannevel Me. Because if they can't deal with the type of underwear I buy, then they aren't the type for me. ;)
I see. One of those tiger G-strings kind of people huh?
I feel ya
I think I was just a ltitle bit sick in my mouth.. @JeroenVannevel lol
@JeroenVannevel Nah, I use boxer-briefs. ;)
Great, you got me googling men's underwear
there's an awefully lot of see-through ones on the first result page
But okay, I wear those too
@JeroenVannevel I can't...no...I just...started crying from laughter at work.
2 hours later…
@DanPantry Well just got one match today, even.
i got one.aaaaaaaaand its a bot
@DanPantry Lol

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